Fellow bookworms, I am glad to announce that I am at the last book of Cosmere (Yumi and the Nightmare Painter). And then, I will have finished it all. So this is where I need your help. Recommend me some awesome Sci-fi and Fantasy books that you believe will blow away my mind, like the impact needs to be huge, cannot believe this happened type of stuff. Preferred genre are Sci-fi and Fantasy, but if you know some awesome book from other genre, don’t hold back, all suggestions are welcome.

Thank you in advance.

UPDATE: Piranesi is currently on lead and I am almost finished with Yumi, so that is the next on my list. But don’t let that stop the recommendations coming. Eventually all of us are going to run out of recommendations ;)

  • @papertowels@mander.xyz
    28 days ago

    It sounds like you’re looking for a mind blowing sander-lanche.

    I’d highly recommend going through Ted Chiang’s book “exhalation”. A more popular example of his work is the movie “arrival”, which was based on one of Ted Chiang’s short stories.

    It’s a collection of short stories, but don’t be misled - these stories have stuck with me for years, and as someone who has also read all of the cosmere, it is these short stories that have the biggest twists, and also the largest impact. A few of my favorites are below:

    I’ve always wondered to myself, "how many of my youngest memories are my own, and how many are in reality, stories told around photos that I’ve seen? The story “The truth of fact, the truth of feeling” makes you think about the role of technology in our memories through one example in the past, and one proposed in our future.

    What’s expected of us”, free on Nature, is a haunting story going over the role of free will that can be read during a bathroom break.

    Finally, “anxiety is the dizziness of freedom” had one of the biggest gut punches I’ve ever read. One best gone in blind, I think.