Arguably the first succeeded. Stoking xenophobia, nationalism, more unilateral and authoritarian action by GWB, handing more power to the talibangelicals because Islam and Muslims bad…there were so many things put into overdrive by Bush 2 that led to today. Reagan of course really kicked it off by opening the door wider to privatization, deregulation, government bad, taxing rich people bad, cheap health care bad, mental health care facilities bad, etc. But Bush courted the extremists and gave them a seat. Now here we are.
Arguably the first succeeded. Stoking xenophobia, nationalism, more unilateral and authoritarian action by GWB, handing more power to the talibangelicals because Islam and Muslims bad…there were so many things put into overdrive by Bush 2 that led to today. Reagan of course really kicked it off by opening the door wider to privatization, deregulation, government bad, taxing rich people bad, cheap health care bad, mental health care facilities bad, etc. But Bush courted the extremists and gave them a seat. Now here we are.