For the present, research indicates that the public still underestimates, to a degree hugely convenient to the richest groups, their contribution to global warming. The majority of respondents in a four-country study overestimated the carbon footprint of the poorest 50%, and underestimated those of the richest 10% and 1%. One of its authors, Dr Ramit Debnath, commented: “These countries are very different, but we found the rich are pretty similar no matter where you go, and their concerns are different to the rest of society. There’s a huge contrast between billionaires travelling by private jet while the rest of us drink with soggy paper straws: one of those activities has a big impact on an individual carbon footprint, and one doesn’t.”
A whopping 2.5% of global emissions are from air travel.
And I’m fine with it. Solidarity is necessary for a just transition.
But it won’t be a significant stop on climate change.
Getting our buildings and cars green will have a much bigger effect.
That’s honestly more then I thought and I already felt too guilty about traveling to get on and airplane.
What does the phrase getting green mean to you?
“Getting green” to me means Greenwashing, lots of talk and ignoring actual solutions.
Solving climate change means getting carbon emissions under control as soon and fast as possible.
Which means a focus on energy use by buildings and road transport, and a willingness to use all economic and technological solutions that accomplish that goal.
What is your plan for steel and concrete? Getting rid of diesel and bunker fuel in transport and mineral extraction? These would be big wins, but there are no easy fixes.