Update was from 3 days ago, I’m really hopeful ladybird could be a future browser option to help break the stranglehold chrome has over the market, while Mozilla is struggling to find meaningful direction.
It seems like an exciting project with monthly progress updates :) they keep chipping away at compatibility.
While I do think the point about forking is true, it is worth acknowledging that the gecko engine is
a) very behind other browsers in terms of implemented functionality and standards, and
b) I’ve seen devs say on multiple occasions that because of the wide range of platforms it has officially supported over time (or other reasons), the codebase has become very hard to work with and apparently it’s really hard to add new standards to it
That second point sounds interesting, do you remember any names or other sources I could look into?
Sorry for the late reply, I wish I had more but I think the only specific time I can remember is this comment on a video discussing Firefox’s issues (its a pretty good video, even if I don’t agree with every take in it)
Edit: wasn’t sure if the link would open the comment correctly so I figured I’d take a screenshot
Its one of the top comments and its loved by the video creator so it shouldn’t be hard to find if the link doesn’t work right
No need to apologize, I’ll take a late reply over nothing any day. I’m not the fastest replier, myself. That said, I’m sorry, but isn’t that the guy that calls everyone stupid, delusional, and entitled when people (often) point out his mistakes?
I honestly appreciate the comment from a Firefox dev, believing in good faith that it’s truthful—such insights are often hidden, strewn over comments, old IRC messages, etc.—but I’m definitely wary of taking anything that creator says at face-value. Tech-influencers may have been a mistake.
…Well, I’ll give it a shot anyway, since you say there’s value in it. Thank you.
I didn’t know that context about the guy who made the video, I’ve only seen his video about zen and his video about firefox, at first I thought you meant the commenter- thank you for the additional info, I don’t exist much in dev spaces or follow what happens there and wouldn’t have know he had baggage had you not mentioned it
I think the video contains enough helpful info about the gecko engine regardless of the guys trustworthiness, but I can definitely understand not taking his word at face value
The comments provide a lot of additional info, like that he gave credit to Samsung browser for adding features before firefox when it’s chromium based, so the video isn’t without its issues, but I still gained a lot of understanding of firefox’s technical shortcomings from the specific examples provided. I was really only aware of user facing feature or ux issues
Regardless, hope you have a good one :)