If you’re making a starter from nothing, yeah it would likely take a week or two. But it’s not difficult or very hands-on; you’re just combining water and flour for a couple minutes each day and waiting for yeast rng.
I have watched my very capable cook father fail many times in a row, with several methods, to successfully make a sourdough starter, or whatever it’s called.
My first one didn’t last, but my second try, made with regular all purpose flour from the grocery and tap water, has been going strong for over a decade now. I do ferment other stuff too. Wondering if he could seed it with starter from someone local, I’ve shared mine before and it helped people.
Do the resting parts in your oven with the oven light turned on. That should provide a good warm space without having to heat a whole room.
I find cutting the top with scissors (like in the second video) easier than using a razor
If your dough doesn’t look like it’s getting big enough, let it rest/proof for longer; you’re probably more likely to accidentally under-proof your dough than over-proof while learning
You can use any oven-safe pot + pan that fit together if you don’t have a dutch oven type of thing (check their rated temps though)
You can use a tea towel/dish towel (just something not fluffy/fuzzy) in a bowl if you don’t have bannetons
Your bread probably looks better photographed than irl (“the camera adds 10 pounds”, but to your bread)
Sourdough is super easy though! Probably barely an hour of actual hands-on time from start to finish with no-knead methods.
But doesn’t the starter take like 3 weeks?
Ask around. Many people have sourdough and love to share it!
If you’re making a starter from nothing, yeah it would likely take a week or two. But it’s not difficult or very hands-on; you’re just combining water and flour for a couple minutes each day and waiting for yeast rng.
I have watched my very capable cook father fail many times in a row, with several methods, to successfully make a sourdough starter, or whatever it’s called.
Oh, I’ve never tried making the starter from nothing; mine is from a friend. It’s probably easier just to ask around.
My first one didn’t last, but my second try, made with regular all purpose flour from the grocery and tap water, has been going strong for over a decade now. I do ferment other stuff too. Wondering if he could seed it with starter from someone local, I’ve shared mine before and it helped people.
I’m listening. Have any recipe suggestions?
I’ve had good results with https://www.joshuaweissman.com/post/sourdough-bread (definitely watch the video).
If you have a stand mixer then follow this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEAHA6OHxPs
My personal tips:
Thanks! I’ll read through this and watch the videos tonight