Lol nothing says we are afraid of the working class like banning subreddits on suppressed news they don’t want us to see. I came here bc I got a warning on my account for liking a comment that said “Luigi”. My alt account got banned for sharing the DOGE email list that is public info. Fuck Reddit. I’m done.
/r/conservative and /r/conspiracy are still open… What a fucking shit-ass website. I don’t get why they don’t just
# rm -rf
the whole fucking thing already.Clearly they’re pissed that people are still using the site. They’ve made efforts to stop it by making shit redesigns, releasing a shitty app, user profiles, shutting off the API and trying to force people to use their shit app.
They must be seething that people are still using it and they’ve found a new way to try to get people to stop. Of course, they could shut the site down, but these are execs we’re talking about - their forté is ignoring every elephant in the room and then creating “solutions” that completely miss the problem.
They’re in the business of selling “organic” content to AI companies, but those AI companies don’t want advertiser-unfriendly language in their datasets.
Advertisors are dumb as fuck. Like, clearly if their datasets contain language that is not “advertisor friendly” then who the fuck are they trying to advertise to?
“Wow, all of society is doing this stuff. But this isn’t very friendly. The people doing that stuff certainly wouldn’t like if we advertised the stuff they’re doing!”
I honestly think it’s some weird plot to take humanity back to a puritanical society.
Think about it.
All major websites are censoring language and content that could even remotely be construed as adult-friendly or “harmful”; the fact so many US states are outright banning porn sites (I know it’s like a hydra, but the point still stands); the entire world is sliding right back into fascism; I even feel like Hollywood is stepping away from things like violence and vulgarity.
It’s all a fucking sham and I fucking hate it. Let us swear; let us jack off to the weird shit we want to jack off too; just let people be people.
Why does there have to be a small but extremely powerful subset of people who can run the entire world and dictate what the rest of us can and can’t do?
When would that have been? Humanity never was puritan and it never will be. The UK were and some hicks in their former colonies think they still are but humanity or civilisation are not limited to the area between Texas and Alaska. Actually It has barely arrived there.
They have some warped idea of what the past was like and want to drag us back to a time that never was. A time when you couldn’t even show married couples in the same bed on TV.
We have to be the counterculture to overtake and replace the rotten mainstream. No compromise
The thing about the puritans were that they had harsh rules that existed to try to keep their flock from sinning. They failed as such things always fail.
A good example of a common practice from the time was that part of the pay of a young man working on another mans farm was the bed of their eldest daughter at night. It made identifying the father of the child easier.
This one practice alone made the puritans a lot more rational than this current cancer on society.
That’s been grounds for defederating some Lemmy instances in the past.
And it’s not just the conservatives. The self-identified progressive places do it too.
“And so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” - Wayne Gretzky.
I think maybe the problem is that places like Reddit were essentially a “third place.” It just happens to be a virtual one. You can’t monetize a place, unless you also provide a good or a service. a restaurant at least provides food and drinks. bowling alleys provide games and food and drink. What does reddit provide aside from the place? Other than annoyances such as Ads, 1984 level moderation, etc.
Well, they used to provide a convenient way to find information on niche shit.
But they’ve done all they can to make sure that all they are now is just some place.
They didn’t do shit. Our words, and google did that. lol Edit: sorry, I didn’t mean that to sound as harsh as it might.
Attention Extraction modeling. Thats how social media platforms monetize. I started working what the same kind of technologies but it was to predict how clients should customize their products to tailor behavior input. These corpations trade in behavior modifaction and RTD auction with political clients. A good example when it goes wrong is the Myanmar /Facebook masssacre.
Yes, that provides some value. But, not to the people that use it. That actually provides extreme evidence on why not to use it.
Agree. You wont find any one working in the tech industry that allows their family or friends use social media platforms. You will find that almost every day to day apps, (linkedin, whatsapp, instagram, Facebook, snapchat, reddit, pinterest, etcetera), contributes to the polarization that we see more and more of today. Some of these work together but often it is a big competition of who can get your attention.And their are addictive. Alternatives would have to be completly opposite and decentralized…unfortunely we will be stuck with these for a real long time.
lol…yup. we also highly discourage it in cybersecurity.
By polarization you mean Nazi propaganda shoved down our throats on purpose by the Nazi CEOs. The polarization only ever seems to go one way…
Manufacturing consent but on steroids. Since everyone turns to social media to form their opinion on all Matters
Basically every region of the world you will find division among the populations due to different perceptions of reality. For instance, when you search for the same keywords as me, we will get different either suggestions in the auto complete or different search results, even though we both could be in the same city. You can see this patterns where ever they are allowed, (China for instance banned many of them because of this), its called microtargeting.
sad how conspiracy sub got co-opted by russian trolls and right wingers, i was there before trump took office the 1st time, and it was a completely different sub.
Same man, I miss the old “sane” conspiracy sub. Seriously, the shit on there now makes the old sub look sane.
I mean none of those other policies affected me. When APIs were removed there was much more bot spam but I muted thousands of subreddits and it was acceptable.
Now they’re banning me for criticizing the moderation policy? Do they think they’re the Thai king? I’m just using alternatives now.
Probably because they both have mods. Almost every banned subreddit gets the ban because it’s unmoderated.
But they’re promoting a ton of the actual shit that the site admins are crying about.
Hypocrisy is a tool of the GQP