Android has a greatly overhauled desktop mode on the way to replace the current primitive proof of concept in developer options. 6th gen Pixels added hardware-based virtualization support and 8th gen Pixels added USB-C DisplayPort alternate mode. It will all come together soon.

Overhauled desktop mode is already partially shipped as a disabled-by-default feature. Android enables some of it for the Pixel Tablet already but not Pixel phones. We plan to enable the same feature flags for phones too. Either way, it’s an experimental developer option for now.

    212 days ago

    Having used Dex on my Samsung I’m not even going to consider going back to Pixel until they have this working well. If you have a use case for it, Dex is awesome.

    • UlrichOP
      312 days ago

      You do you. I haven’t touched a Samsung device since my S6 that was absolutely chock full of unremovable bloatware.

        012 days ago

        It’s a lot better now. I have an original Galaxy S and moving from it to a Nexus was a breath of fresh air. I was never I to the Samsung bloat.

        However, the Pixel line has been stagnating and Samsung had been working hard to add little quality of life features that honestly Android should have had a long time ago. The bloat is way less and a lot can be uninstalled. With a custom launcher on it it’s actually better than my Pixels (IMO).

        Google is just not interested in making Android more usable or real features. They want more AI and assistant nonsense. Dex is just something that Android should have had years ago, so it’s good that they’re starting but they’re way behind.

        • UlrichOP
          12 days ago

          It’s a lot better now.

          People tell me this all the time but every one I’ve ever seen is full of Samsung bloatware. Then they want to argue with me that it isn’t bloatware. Anything that isn’t essential to the core OS and can’t be removed is bloatware, in my eyes.