I came across the japanese Kingdom movies and love all 4. I then tried to watch some American stuff like the nick cage movie about himself and operation fortune and some others and the sheer rudeness withwhich people interact with each other compared to Kingdom which I had just watched was too jarring and couldnt finish them. Anyway, I like: Raya and the Last Dragon, Mad Max Fury Road, My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, Speedracer Movie, Dora and the Lost City of Gold, Uncharted, RRR. I like epic movies like RRR, but I can’t stand olden times sex stereotype movies where all important characters are men. Unable to stand tintin for this reason. Oh and Dredd is a nice movie too. I love love love Dora’s personality in Dora and the Lost City of Gold. Anyway, so what should I watch? I want no awkward scenes and characters to look up to; not down on while facepalming at their inappropriate behavior.

  • originalucifer
    39 days ago

    one of my favorite movies is creator (1985)

    a few big names, great actors. peter otoole, mariel hemingway… david ogden stiers. anyway its about an old tenured college professor (and his new assistant) secretly attempting to clone his dead wife. its sounds like scifi, but its not. its about lost love and acceptance. quite a few hilarious bits

    my fav quote from the movie;

    “one of these days, boris, we are going to look into our microscopes and find ourselves staring into gods eyes and the first one who blinks is going to lose their testicles”