Apologies for the ranty nature. I read alot of books sure but my writting is trash
I started reading Sanderson with tress of the emerald sea. It was fantastic and Sandersons style was very catching to me. Recently, I made the decision to read more of his work. Sanderson suggested on his site an order and I started by his suggestion with Mistborn. Absolutely loving it still very catching but, in my opinion, it’s much weaker than tress a book he made much later. Just going into the last of the 3 in the apparent first run so I’ll be done in about 5 days. Thus, I’m looking for my next few books to read.
My major worry is that it just won’t catch with me. If I start a book that’s reasonably good but doesn’t pull me back in I find myself failing to read it or anything else for quite some time. I essentially took a 6 month reading hiatus when I read Lessons in birdwatching a good, though very flawed, book. I’d do 20-50 pages a month with that book. Before I was reading daily for a few years, and after I’ve been doing the same, but sometimes I just find a book I won’t give up and can’t find myself excited to read.
He states that his suggestion to start with mistborn comes from the fact that he finds elantris to be weaker. With this in mind I’d like to know if it’d be worth it to skip the book, read the wiki or some synopsis, and move on to his more recent work. With nearly 600 pages that book would take 3-6 days of reading depending on how well it catches.
Is this sacrilege? Is the writing a serious downgrade for somebody who liked very much liked mistborn though thought it weak at times?
The authors great though. The guys got me planning to read what I asssume is magi-punk from the cover art for mistborn 4 which is not something I’d do normally
Soooo Elantris is by far my least favorite cosmere book. To me it seems like B. Sando Sanderson is still finding his voice and style. I did every other cosmere book and came back to Elantris when I had nothing else, sometime after the release of Words of Radiance.
You don’t need to know anything from Elantis for any other book to make sense. There’s some behind the scenes stuff in Elantis that is worth knowing for future speculation about where B. Money is going with it all. But it’s also stuff that you probably won’t understand without a second reading or having read a lot of other cosmere already.
I’d say read everything else you’d like to first and circle back when you are ready. Stormlight archive is my favorite. Aramcum Unbound is also one i keep coming back to - but be very careful of spoilers with that one!
Personally I think Warbreaker is way more essential than Elantris. And I think those are Brando Sando’s weakest.
Thank you, unless someone else gives be reason not to I think I’m going to take your suggestion. Next will be warbreaker, then the way of kings.