people posting here are going out of their way to post – and it feels like every thought has more weight or sanctity or meaning when it’s being posted here, at the dawn of a new era and the fall of an old.

i’m spending more time actually reading and engaging with every comment, parsing the details and thinking about it, conceptually. versus just looking at garbage all day, garbage with a little bit of fentanyl in to keep you hooked

    172 years ago

    On Reddit I was not above petty arguments and down voting. Here I feel like things are more personal and I would rather discuss than simply consider the other person to not be worth engaging with. It’s been very long since I’ve felt this way online. Hopefully lemmy does not outgrow this.

      22 years ago

      To be honest, I remember Reddit having a similar feel back in the day before it grew so massive. But this is still nice.