This post is definitely not late at all. And you don’t want to sell me any deathsticks

  • Erian
    42 years ago

    I don’t mean this in a negative way at all, but I wonder if the people that dislike that have watched Clone Wars/Rebels. Because I loved that season 3 included more Mandalorians and their history, I think it was hinted since the beginning with the Children of the Watch and the Way of the Mandalore that were never introduced before, that we would have got some more insight of what happened to the other Mandalorians post Rebels. I can understand in a way why it can be disliked, if you have never watched the previous series and you don’t care at all about all of that, but I personally really like it.

      32 years ago

      I love how when SW fans start conversations we both have to agree we’re not out for blood lol

      I did watch Rebels and I did like the third season just for a different reason. It seems like every new character has to be another Skywalker, another character that changes the whole galaxy through their actions. Is it so much to ask for a cool but insignificant character in the grand scheme of things?

      • Erian
        22 years ago

        Ahahah, true, altough I added the premise because I think that without it sounded really antagonistic :P “did you even watch x??!”

        But yeah, it makes sense! I think Andor was really good in that way, and I would like more stuff like that (and way more new characters)! But I also appreciate a bit of nostalgia train, when done well :)