I’ve been exploring the fediverse and subbing and posting all over the damn place. Realizing lemmy can federate with kbin blew my mind. Not to mention the possibility of turning my old laptop into a personal server to host my own instance. Is this what it felt like to discover how the internet worked in the 90s?
Whever anyone asks what the internet used to be like I send them to a little old site called www.homestarrunner.com It’s still up after all these years. Truly beautiful.
The simple pleasures of Trogdor the Burninator
It’s parked page for me.
The link looks right but has one too many r’s in the URL. Try www.homestarrunner.com
Oddly enough even with the proper URL I’m getting a server not found error
Maybe we gave the site the very first Fediverse hug of death
Yeah, I think that’s what happened. We did it Fediverse! :D
try https://homestarrunner.com/
I send them to http://pixyland.org/
I think that sums it up nicely.
Its so weird visiting such an old looking site and getting the GDPR Cookie notification!
Yeah, I think he still maintains the site pretty well. Not bad for a website that was invented decades ago to find himself a girlfriend!
There’s also https://geocities.restorativland.org/
Behold, guestbooks and webrings!
Oh, wow.
I’ve been checking out neocities.org, a lot of fun retro stuff there.
I don’t understand that site, can you explain?
To try and give context, Homestar Runner was made in Adobe Flash and in its time rectangles were notoriously uncool in web design. Flash sites weren’t limited to the rigid structure of a typical webpage, so you would often be mousing over and finding objects to interact with in whatever whimsical shape the designer wanted. Homestar makes lots of use of hovering the mouse, so if you’re on mobile you might be missing half of the experience.
On this loading page, the small blue flag is the important part, which takes you to the main page that people remember
“it’s dot com”
Burninating the peasants!