Too many users abused unlimited Dropbox plans, so they’re getting limits::Some people have taken “as much space as you need” too literally.

    142 years ago

    No, if it was unlimited, I should be able to pipe /dev/urandom to it for fun if that’s what I choose to do. What’s this about “gluttony”? They sold the service as that.

      -172 years ago

      You can do it doesn’t mean you should which is my point. I can leave trash in a theater because they offer a service where workers clean it up. Doesn’t mean I should even though it’d advertised as part of the theater experience.

      I’d go so far to say that we’re dealing with a culture of people who are in capable of self regulating and that is why so many things are worse for people today. Just because its offered as a service shouldn’t mean I push its limits regardless of the gimmick used to advertise it.

          -122 years ago

          I’m not. Do you have access to this service anymore?

          No one does because of a handful of abusive people who took it too far. This isnt the only case of this either. I’m arguing because I’ve lost many good services because of people that cant self regulate themselves

            82 years ago

            Why would you need to regulate the usage of an unlimited service? Aren’t you paying for the luxury of not having to regulate yourself to a fixed limit?

              -82 years ago

              Why would you need to regulate anything. Why can’t I leave my shopping cart where ever I like. Why shouldn’t I leave all the trash in my seat. Why shouldn’t I throw cigarette butts out my window. There’s lots of advertised services that are limitless that doesn’t make it right to abuse it

                -12 years ago

                None of the things you mentioned were a service you paid for, that’s called a false equivalency.

                I would say go ahead if you were paying for a shopping cart collector, personal trash collector, and a cigarette butt collector. Why would you hire them if you did not intend to use their services?

                The business made a deal, people took them up on their offer. It was a voluntary action on each side. If there was no intention or ability follow through on what they were offering, they should not have done so in the first place. Just make the cap 30tb or whatever. This eliminates the potential for abuse and does not trick consumers into thinking they will receive the service they paid for.

                You’ve clearly got no critical thinking skills. Don’t be upset that people expect to be able to use a service they pay for, from a company that chose to offer that service.

                  2 years ago

                  You’ve clearly got no critical thinking skills

                  This isn’t reddit. It would be better to keep that smarmy stuff there. But that’s my opinion

                  They are services as the condiments cost the business and require employee’s to keep these items stocked. Other services include city workers having to pick trash up and clean sweep streets. Carts don’t just put themselves away either. It requires employees to clean up after people who didn’t put their cart away.

                  All services that when abused will cost every other user more to use those services which is why most inherently self regulated their impact on those services.

                  The storage was unlimited. You could store what you’d like. But the 1% of users took advantage and cost the rest to lose that service >

                    12 years ago

                    I think the fact that every comment of yours has multiple down votes speaks for itself. Ya lost this one buddy. Pack it in.

          -102 years ago

          Because we all know its a business and that unspoken thing is the same everywhere, you have access to a service just don’t be a dick about it.

        52 years ago

        If the theater specifically advertised itself as a place where you could leave as much trash as you wanted, then yes, that would make it reasonable to do.