Maybe all of those in favor of the protests kept their word and only those who are against it remain?
I don’t miss Reddit. I checked some comment sections and holy hell is it toxic compared to here. I think part of that is because of what you’ve mentioned in your comment.
I used to work for this major company, biggest in my country by far.
Whether it was going well or poorly, they tended to offer severance packages to “cut back” on their staff, to appease the grotesquely overpaid consultants that analysed their finances.
What tended to happen, was that the most qualified people, who had no issues finding another job (often better paying), took those packages (I took home a one year salary after having worked there almost three, then had two months vacation and started a better paying job), which left those who didn’t really have other options, those who did the bare minimum and had a lot of useless meetings.
I guess that’s what reddit is heading for. They are alienating those who contribute the most, the content creators, the mods and the ones who like to engage others. They will be left with their bots, lurkers, racists, reposters and porn-spammers.
Good riddance.
Completely agree. I’m kinda hoping the substance of reddit just moves to lemmy and none of us will have to deal with so many tools and trolls.
The trash will still escape Reddit. As evidenced by my being here :)
Aww, but you’re a loveable trash, just like us. 🥰
The very minor and surmountable technical barrier of joining the fediverse will do wonders to screen out users capable only of the lowest effort.
I miss my smaller and niche subs. I don’t think I’ve waded into the default subs in a very long time.
Oh well, to everything there is a season, right?
Ever tried having a discussion in any of the default subs? If your opinion differentiates from the hivemind you will be downvoted as spam, without any responses. It completely defeats the purpose of a “discussion”
I don’t see his it won’t happen here. The vote structure is very similar.
Yeah that is true, but it wasn’t as bad on reddit back in the day (as far as I remember), it seems to have happened after reddit went super-mainstream a few years ago. So I am hoping lemmy will be like that until it “potentially” becomes super popular lol
What if Lemmy becomes so successful and then it gets acquired by Reddit? Lol.
Think of the big corps like Google, Facebook, etc. buying the competitors for their products.
The federated decentralized nature of Lemmy and it being open-source means that when this happens the users laugh at whoever paid for an instance and celebrate whoever got the bag and all migrate to a new instance.
See AdBlock -> AdBlock + -> Ublock -> Unlock Origin for a story of idiot capitalists donating massive sums of money only to buy a product that is quite literally drop-in replaceable by design… and Lemmy makes this process even easier than that.
Then you can move to another instance or host your own. They can’t buy them all up.
I miss Apollo. Turns out Reddit itself was highly replaceable.
Could not agree more with you. This has been a very positive experience and has really add transitioning away from Reddit a smooth experience
I’ll be real. I miss it for very specific subs. It’s definitely more toxic but small game subs and stuff like that I miss
Poke back and encourage mod teams to move here.
That’s not a bad idea
It’s getting really bad. I’m noticing there being a lot of comments in subs where there barely were any and any mention of the blackout and what might happen after the 30th is met by tons of downvotes and removal. Tinfoil hat but it feels like there are bots making these bad faith comments.
Considering Spez once edited another user’s comments, I would not put that tinfoil hat theory past him.
holy hell is it toxic compared to here
I cannot agree more! I went to reddit (wirhour an acc) and just… wow. Did it got worse or was I always blind to how awful that place was?
I think you are seeing some withdrawal symptoms honestly. People are addicted to scrolling for their next dopamine hit. When that’s taken away they get cranky. Add the anonymous nature of being online and things get toxic real fast.
I think you are exacly right.
is the best word to describe it and your explanation as to the reasons sounds reasonable. I believe that people will also get more frustrated when they notice less quality posts and comments…
Literally. The people in favor of the protests are… Protesting! Everybody else doesn’t care.
I think this might actually be the case. Let’s see how things work out. Lemmy surprised me as a proper alternative it’s just not as content rich as reddit at the moment. Something about chickens and eggs.
Let’s just expand and improve it further than the original lemmies did. Don’t be afraid to post content, heck scrape content and make this the better option. People will follow content.
I’d like to add that there’s already been a significant increase in the amount of content and comments in just the last few days. I joined a whole 5 days ago (so many ages ago, I know) and back then it was somewhere between 1 and 2k users on this instance. It was way emptier - you could read all of the posts in most of the “big” communities in an hour or so. And the new feed was pretty stale.
Lemmy’s not the firehose of content that is Reddit yet, but it’s making real progress.
There’s something to that. Hearing stories of subreddits reopen and ask the userbase what they want to do, well, who exactly are they asking? I’m not there, and I’ve seen plenty of posts from others who are also not there. Are they taking silence as votes against? I doubt it.
I just promised that I won’t use reddit on my phone after the 30.6.2023
I think this is mostly what’s goin on. Also I’d be pretty surprised if reddit didn’t have it’s own astroturfing force that accounted for a chunk of this backlash.
This comment is incorrect as well.
The people that cared left and what’s left behind is people that wouldn’t leave anyway and the strike only bothers them.
This person is living in a bubble and can’t see further than their nose.
Absolutely agree.
I believe this was reddit’s intention at least in part. People who care were also those constantly exposing their anti-consumer practices and greedy policies. I’m inclined to believe the administration will be pretty glad, at least for a while, that those who get what’s happening are gone.
Survivorship bias!
Eh, I used Reddit daily for 14 years, and quit cold turkey. The first few days were rough, but between the feddiverse and inoreader, I’m doing fine.
Sure the communities I left behind were much larger, but honestly the responses I get here are of much higher quality.
And the communities are growing noticeably too. It’s not that rough of a move it thought it would be.
The fediverse is the way. I’m not smart enough to say if it’s the best option, but it’s a hell of a lot better than a profit driven monolith run by out of touch investors. Reddit won’t implode but it won’t be the same as it was even a week ago. This decentralized structure is what the internet wants to be.
One way I’m looking at this opportunity is like email, anyone can set up an email server thanks to how it got established. So if this pans out and eventually we get funded hosts in the vein of Gmail and Hotmail, who spend money writing fancy UIs and on marketing, we still have a fundamental base where we can shuffle away from the big players and go set up our own servers.
I do hope to see some funded options come into this space, they can control/own their interface into the data, but they can’t control/own the data.
as long as we are vigilant for the microsoft method of embrace, extend, extingush/enshittify we will be good.
How would that realistically happen on Lemmy?
Server costs, lawyers, management will add up eventually. Ads or other financial incentives will take part in this at some point. The biggest instance, which will have the most funding, could monopolize by defederating others. Though with future account portability it could be made impossible. As in if reddit was the instance, most communities and users would seamlessly move over to others. But right now the risk is real.
Beehaw just defederated and users have to either move with the bigger fediverse of or stay confined to their isolated instance.
Why did beehaw defederate?
Too few moderators, poor modding tools, no backchannel to original instance, overwhelming amount of users from big instance.
New to the fediverse, I notice I can still access my subs. Does defederating mean that users on that instance can’t see out? Or does it just delist everything, but you can access other communities if you know the address?
It’s either fediverse or nostr. But nostr is more twitter-like than reddit-like and is filled with cryptobros so no thanks no
filled with cryptobros
Ah, so it’s terrible.
Not sure why the casual sexism, women are in crypto too.
There’s also a non-zero chance this is astroturfing by Reddit itself as part of Damage Control SOP.
(For that matter, this instance would seem more along the lines of a weaponized “backdraft”, IMHO. A rather simple way to turn the subs against their mods to crank up the heat, eh?)
we have had the first wave - and its gone well. second wave is incomming on or about the 30th - probably smaller, but no less committed (long term). after that its a war of attrition.
You say smaller, but I’m thinking a lot of people will realise that their clients actually don’t work anymore on that date 😂
Yeah I think they’re underestimating how many people just won’t use the official app. The people who use Apollo, RiF, Relay, etc. are pretty attached.
I know for me reddit is just the app on my phone that I press when I’m bored now. I figured when the app doesn’t work anymore I’ll just find entertainment elsewhere, which is how I found the fediverse. Now that I’m here the whole concept of decentralized interconnected communities has totally sold me on the project.
The problem with reddit, Twitter, twitch, etc. as I see it is that they’re all just trying to profit off their users somehow. That’s not conducive to fostering healthy communities of people. I think this whole thing is the future of social networking, take the big corps out of the equation.
micro, small, large… whatever size the next wave is, lemmy has passed its first real test. I have a feeling we are going to be pretty well prepared for whatever comes next.
Then the third wave when they finally kill off
You know I see that a lot of people love old reddit. I was a fan of it 10 years ago. When it switched to the modern layout, I think I was kind indifferent at first. But trying to go back to it after all these years, it seems like a downgrade in many ways. I guess I’m not seeing what they’re seeing lol.
More than 3 comments in a chain
I think the 30th will be smaller, but the ones who do participate will be more likely to go indefinite as users who just can’t stand the official app are forced to quit.
unrelated to your comment (sorta), but I just saw your comment update in real time after you edited it. I just thought that’s a really cool feature and wanted to point it out :)
I believe this will be gone very soon though once they remove websockets
AFAIK this is true. But expect the site stability to be improved as a result.
Ok that’s pretty neat.
While it is neat I don’t see it offering a good user experience.
The reason this shouldn’t be in here, in a forum platform, is that if you go to the front page and try to read
it keeps bouncing up and down because it’s constantly updating.Ohh wow. Just logged into the desktop site. Even browsing Hot it bounces around. That’s not good. I’ve been using Jerboa app and it’s been fine.
Theres already a github issue about this. Think the lemmy devs are on top of fixing it soon.
Not going back to Reddit ever, too much bs.
I feel like a lot of people are forgetting about survivorship bias as well. If all the people who supported the blackout left Reddit, then the only people left would be the ones who aren’t in favour :)
This is a very good perspective. I haven’t been on Reddit since the blackout started. Probably would have gone back as well but the AMA comments were the final straw for me.
I checked it this morning, it just doesn’t have the same appeal anymore. Being pushed to investigate other avenues does carry the risk to make you realize there are other avenues :).
Honestly Spez’s attitude in general towards the entire community is what drove me away. I don’t really care that much about the 3rd party apps personally. I do use one occasionally, but I primarily use the website. However, I don’t think the users, mods and developers are being unreasonable here in what they’re asking for and he basically just spat in their faces, lied to and about them, and then pretended he was willing to discuss and work with them while his actions pretty clearly showed that he actually had no intention whatsoever of actually doing anything of the sort.
If you’re not willing to budge, just say that. Don’t lie to my face while very clearly doing the exact opposite of what you’re saying. If you don’t want 3rd party apps anymore, just say that instead of promising to work with developers and then basically giving them the middle finger when they try to communicate with you about it. That sort of thing shows exactly what he thinks of the community that has built his company for him and that’s the reason he can shove what’s left of reddit right up his ass as far as I’m concerned.
Humans just keep forgetting that in all areas of life. Yeah champ, this 70 year old made it from rags to riches, but there is a good chunk not making it to half of that for many reasons.
Personally I ran the Power Delete Suite ( ) and removed my account. I can’t vote anymore.
I’ve installed a Firefox Plugin that redirects reddit links to the cached version ( ) so that I won’t accidently visit
Under lots of the “we’re back, let’s talk what’s next” announcements, comments pop up that say basically - “ah well, guess that’s it, just use the app, it’s great” and they get positive rating, where a week ago they’d be downvoted to oblivion.
I guess everyone for whom this was actually important, has already found an alternative and at most is waiting for their 3rd party app to break.
As another person already stated somewhere in this thread: Many people probably don’t realise how bad getting rid of third party apps really is. Yeah it makes all the things like apollo go away, but it also removes many helpful moderation tools and bots made for fun to like the alphabetical order bot. They just can’t grasp how bad that really is
I’m doing my part. I hope others do an exodus and not a hiatus.
There’s enough content here on lemmy to scratch my itch to scroll
For sure. I’m enjoying it, but reddit’s downfall really depends on how many divest from it and can join us here. I think it’ll be fine because people are coming and there will be guides to help folks navigate, but only time will tell
there will be no “downfall” and i think that attitude will make things harder for a place like this to thrive
it needs to be kinda its own thing. we need more than one place for this type of shit. Reddit is fine honestly. they are a business (maybe a shitty one) but thats the game
it just sucks that there isint another option, so when people started jumping ship i joined em.
i just dont want one mega corp to own the data on the internet as much as i can help it (which admittedly is not much) so this seemed like a real easy way to try
I’m waiting for reddit to send me my personal data, so I can make my comments unuseable for anything, I guess they either are wise of it or there are a lot more requests than usual, but I’m done with reddit. And there is more and more big name sites i’m just… not wanting to interact with anymore.
Yeah same i just want to backup my stuff before getting rid of it all
That and I want to completely destroy my history so it hurts anyone using reddit for AI Training, just replace all my comments with markov chain nonsense
Yeah me too
I don’t understand. Maybe it’s my adhd and lack of object permanence, but I have been so unbothered by the lack of Reddit.
I bought a plant today. I’ve never bought a plant. I bought cats before buying a houseplant. I’m pretty stoked—and it’s mostly because I was scrolling through Reddit that I got up to do it.
I signed up to Lemmy like 4 months ago and dropped off due to a lack of users. I’m enjoying it a lot more now with all the reddugees around.
I like “Reddugees”. Rexit is real.
Honestly reddit quality has degraded greatly in the last few years. I blame it on commercial propaganda (half of the posts are shilling something or karma farming) and original content being punished by auto moderator.
I used Reddit because I was bored and watching tv. I barely interacted. I am interacting on Lemmy. There was a lot of angry, toxic people on Reddit. So I am glad they are staying there
You just made me realize I’ve been sitting here for two hours in a now-dark room and I haven’t turned the TV on yet. Fediverse truly is like the old reddit.
Man, this is true. So far my experience has been less stressful and more wholesome on the fediverse. It feels more like Reddit from 8 years ago than modern, angry Reddit.
Honeymoon period
and you can potentially replicate that honeymoon period on a wide variety of instances and local communities, each with their own vibe.
And here your one voice can have an impact on a mag or community. Your contributions can grow a community, and change how it feels.
On Reddit, even a small community is 10,000+ members, your voice is drowned out by thousands of others, your contribution is barely registered.
My fediverse experience got much calmer after joining an instance that blocks some problematic instances as well. I recommend to everyone.
Everyone on DIY loves my kind of basic project that I posted. It’s a pleasant feeling
This change may also be explained because many protestors are still gone. I have barely touched Reddit after the blackout, and the only time I did was to support some of these votes. But inevitably I must’ve missed some. It’s probably a bit of survivorship bias. Though it’s probably also partially that people did indeed realize that they can’t miss the thing they’re addicted to for more than 2 days.
The hardest part for me was realizing how shit Google search is without appending reddit.
It’s crazy, I never noticed before. I wanted to search something about a game yesterday and the first five hits were Reddit threads, the others were clickbait. And I didn’t even append “reddit” as a search term. It was a simple search.
There must be other terms. I don’t know them but there should be other ways of searching organic content outside of reddit.
You can append -reddit to your search and it hides all non reddit resultsy idk if that was what you meant
no, i know that, what i meant was, specifically, to search for organic content, which is the value of Reddit, that it is content made by users for users, not by SEO clickbait corporations filling the internet with mediocre content. My idea is that there should be other keywords that are not
that also provide a certain increase in quality results for your questions.Yeah I kind of overread/forgot about the word organic in your comment but i agree, thanks for clearing that up
months back, I was trying to do something on a Switch, and could not figure it out. the official Nintendo resources were useless, so of course I found a post on reddit. sure enough, a few comments down was the hyper-specific answer I was looking for.
Someone made a firefox plugin that redirects to Wayback Machine cache version of reddit:
Completely agree. We need to start building that stuff and contributing more in the fediverse so that can’t be a thing in the future
I noticed that. I made a comment saying something along the lines of me disagreeing with mods going public after only 2 days and got downvoted like crazy but not three days ago it would of been the other way. Just honestly done with that site anyway so going to download wikis from the subs that come back and be done with it.
I guess it might be because those of us who actually do support the blackout tries to keep staying away until things changes, while a lot of the people on Reddit right now have been content starved for a few days and just waited for the subs to open again (and thus does not want to see them shut down again).
Personally I quite like it here on the fediverse and am not in any way in a hurry to go back to Reddit any time soon.
The same thing happened to me. Even got called “fucking stupid.” That was my impetus for nuking my account once and for all. All that’s left on the site are the normies who don’t care about what’s going on. I miss reddit from 2010. Lemmy is like what Reddit used to be and I’m loving it. I just hope the same thing doesn’t happen here.
My favorite part of Lemmy is the decided lack of spam and bots so far.
I was one of those guys that browsed r/all on the regular. Just so, so sick of the constantly reposted content and the same same jokes on every thread.
It’s not all bad of course, and there are still great discussions. But harder and harder to find.
I’ve been on reddit almost not at all starting this week. Glad I’m scrolling less out of boredom
i mean it probs will right? human condition and all that
but if the fed shit works and the community that makes these places worth visiting can stay somewhat cohesive, we can all just move around. i think the tools for the smarts to figure all this shit out seems more conducive to community first, which i think is unique on today’s net
All of these subs should have been linking to a comparable Lemmy community instead of just saying they were protesting. The simple fact of the matter is that the lemmyverse is not mature enough of a platform to actually be a reddit replacement. It needs to get a lot of the kinks worked out and it needs a much better onboarding. Hopefully it can take these new users and steadily grow and while they grow they can fix these issues.
Yeah, but early adopters will weather the storm. Remember how shitty the Reddit servers used to be? Lemmy will continue to improve and more and more users will find a home here.