What is the cigarette emoji supposed to mean? Am I just too stupid to understand what PragerU’s response is supposed to signify?
They need a cigarette after busting a massive testicle rupturing nut.
Is it supposed to be “fag”?
Oh, maybe? Does PragerU think its audience is British or something?
Does PragerU think
I forgot Americans don’t call them fags.
American here, I honestly thought that fag was a synonym for asshole or jerk until I was like twenty. It’s hard to say how many of my peers also didn’t realize it was a slur. Obviously I don’t use the word anymore.
Honestly I only found out it was a slur 3 days ago and I still don’t know what it’s targeted towards
Gay rights are human rights.
Cute femboys who are reading this should absolutely NOT dm me pictures of how pretty they look today. I swear, I will get SO angry, and not even reply with a “thanks, btw you look super cute”.
Yes, I would also be absolutely infuriated by receiving a plethora of cute and adorable femboy pics.
Why, I can barely contain my rage at the very idea of it.
Sounds like somone needs to make a femboy instance :3
No not femboys. No one wants to see hot femboys. In fact, if anyone knows where someone may accidentally stumble upon hot sexy femboys please let me know so I can avoid it at all costs.
Lmao is that fucking shoeonhead? Didn’t they get banned a million times?
I am grateful that I don’t know what Shoe did to get banned, but I am also curious
IIRC? The most toxic stalinist behavior you could imagine. Also some serious genocide denial, being an extreme anti-feminist, being actively against BLM, harassing people on both social media and in videos…
The list goes on far too long and Shoe has been banned many times for hateful views and for harassing folks.
As an aside, can any organisation just start calling themselves a university with zero accreditation or independent checks? Is that word not regulated?
It’s not. Irritatingly, saying that you are accredited when you are not is the check facepalm
One time I put on my wife’s leggings when I got cold. Now I have 3 pairs of women’s leggings. I dare some fuck to say anything other than “cool leggings, bro”
Gotta love that they are at 746 hearts and this shoe guy is at 4k
They are on Twitter a right-wing platform, and they still hardly have any engagement.
Shoe isn’t a guy.
Guy is pretty much universally used as a genderless pronoun, equivalent to person. That is unless you’re saying they’re a bot or something…
“I’m a guy” is gendered, but “hey guys”, for example, is not almost always.
I know it’s unlikely that I’d find someone who shares this opinion here, but I’m really curious as to why. I don’t mean the underlying psychological or sociological reasons - it’s almost always going to boil down to misogyny. I mean their internal justification for it.
I mean, if it is advocating conformity to social norms, then what do they think k you should do when norms change? The founders of the US wore wigs, lace, stockings, and heels. European fashion was even more elaborate. The Puritans, of course, were the ones violating the norms with their deliberately conservative dress. So do they favor rebellion against the status quo because the fashions once considered masculine are now considered feminine?
As much as I disagree with them, I just don’t understand the thought process. I don’t want to dismiss it as a lack of thought (although that’s probably what we’re seeing here).
That said, I do recognize that the reason they tweet hot takes is so they’ll get shared and hopefully pull in traffic. What I’m asking is for someone who actually believes this to talk me through their reasoning.
The founders of the US wore wigs, lace, stockings, and heels.
Makeup too. And whenever I bring this up to some “men should dress like men and women should dress like women because that’s the way things are supposed to be” asshole, they don’t have a good response. Unsurprisingly.
What exactly stands for women’s clothing?
Because last time I checked, every clothing is women’s clothing; guys just happen to borrow a few items. And more often than not, with less style.
Is this the so called freedom I hear so much about?
as a straight guy, femboys are hot as fuck.
This guy is as straight as the lines on my maths test
I’m straight and I can acknowledge a guy is hot even thought I don’t want to fuck him.