i was just wondering if anyone has found a new home since RARBG’s departure…
someone pointed out this site to me, which looks interesting because you can search by imdb number: rarbg2.to
it looks different that all the fake RARBG knock-offs…
TorrentLeech has opened its doors, but the seeding requirements are brutal…
As of today the only one similar to RARBG is
After that I’d go with…
web.stremio.com (for viewing and direct downloads)
YTS.mx (.mp4 only)
Personally, I use a combination of MagnetDL.com and TorrentGalaxy.to… That gets me back to my search routine for everything I usually found on RARBG… TorrentDownload.info and Torlock.com are solid options as well…
Hopefully when all the smoke clears, RARBG will be able to start up again…
Happy Torrenting!..
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1337x is another popular, widely used public tracker. You should check the mega thread if your looking for other options.
Sorry, i forgot to mention 1337x… it’s ok, but definitely not as good as RARBG for movies…
EDIT: i was mostly wondering if anyone has heard of rarbg2.to because it looks different from the other knock-offs…
Torrent Galaxy is good enough
Tbh I see everyone bothering with private trackers and I can’t stand that this is what it has come to. Torrenting is meant to be open to everyone, and it is a 0-sum game. It is physically impossible for everyone to have above 1 ratio. Policing ratio just means your users who are not able to own a seedbox get kicked out in the name of “they’re just leeches” while your users who do enjoy 10-20 ratio for content they don’t even intend to watch.
I should specify I’m not mad cuz bad, my overall ratio stands at 2.89 (3 max per torrent). I always seed my torrents because my router is a torrent client, I’m just mad that this is what is necessary to stand a chance in private trackers, which are an abomination to begin with.
I guess this isn’t for everyone, but I find my torrents on the DHT. I have a magnetico instance running at night (because believe it or not, NAT tables don’t like you opening 2000 sessions per second to a different IP each time), and it crawls the DHT for random torrents. These are guaranteed at least 1 seeder, and since I found them on the DHT I am much more likely to find other seeders on the DHT as well.
Honestly, it’s been serving me quite well. I can’t share access publicly because take a wild guess at what you find randomly on the DHT, but if there was a realistic way of moderating out that, I would. In the meantime, I highly recommend you get a raspberry pi and install magnetico yourself.
It’s only a zero-sum game on trackers that don’t enact counterbalancing policies, which most do, so it’s braindead easy to keep a good ratio. Usually some combination of freeleech torrents and bonus points for seeding even when nobody’s downloading, which can be spent to boost your ratio. I’ve never owned a seedbox in my life, and my ratio is over 10 on most sites I’m on, even when my “real” ratio is closer to 1 or 2.
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It’s tough to replace rarbg because they posted a lot of “custom” content. They didnt source anything, but they had a lot of auto-upload bots that would rehost content gathered from private torrent trackers.
You can always use sites like torrent galaxy or other torrent aggregators like bitsearch, but without rarbg’s efforts to continually reupload the aforementioned “privileged” content, their loss is definitely big
Seeding requirements are tough and I know private is not the way for everyone.
But seeding does help the community and can be done with minimal effort if you are crafty about it and have the space with a computer you leave on 24/7, or even easier, a seedbox. Just freelech a few hundred gigabytes of the most popular stuff, let it seed for a few weeks, and when you come back, you’ll have tons of upload credit to download stuff.
Rinse and repeat each month. Unlimited free stuff glitch, lol. Except it’s not a glitch, just not too hard to do, even encouraged. After doing this a few times you will have tons of free credit with very little effort on your part.
Once you have the credit, delete the popular torrents to free up space (if you don’t want them) and grab new freeleaches for more credit.
I feel like in private trackers, you don’t seed to help the community. You FIGHT for the ability to seed, because everyone craves upload numbers but it’s a limited commodity.
When there is free leech and seeding points you don’t need to be racing. with patience you can build enough buffer to download what you want. In TL the bonus points are capped though, so with autobrr you can make some little upload buffer on every new FL torrent.
The problem is this means you have to download whatever the newest freeleech torrent is ASAP and seed it as much as you can, rather than downloading content you want right away and seeding it. If there’s 500 seeds and 1 leech, you aren’t getting much upload buffer.
I’ve never actually broken 1.0 on a torrent on TL because it’s impossible, there are too many seeds and nobody actually wants to download much of the crap lol. Freeleech is the only thing making decent ratios possible for plebs without seedboxes and automation.
It doesn’t matter if you get 1.0 ratio on FL downloads. Anything counts towards your upload buffer. By auto downloading FLs I’ve made a buffer of about 2TB since I joined on Christmas.
Yeah, but you still have to be super aggressive about it, an FL torrent over an hour old is completely useless in my experience and you shouldn’t download it unless you actually want the contents. Plus you still have to keep your FL torrents running for 10 days, but you get all the uploading done in the first few hours, so the rest of the time is a completely useless waste of disk space.
Personally I just reached >5.0, but I’ve only downloaded two torrents I actually wanted, the rest have been whatever FL bs I could get my hands on early enough to get some uploading in lol
I mean with seedboxes as low as $5 a month, seeding is abundant in my mind. It just takes a couple of clicks to set up a torrent to seed. Everyone could easily seed 2:1 if they wanted to. And then delete and free up space.
Everyone could easily seed 2:1 if they wanted to
This is literally impossible, which is the point parent poster is making. Seed:leech is always 1.0, for every uploaded chunk there must be a willing downloader on the other side.
The more seeders >1.0 a torrent has, the harder it is for other people to reach 1. Rewarding obscene ratios (as TL does with literal “achievements”) creates a toxic scenario where everyone is scrambling for a limited commodity in a zero-sum scenario.
If you want to play the “0.8 ratio required” game then a seeder should be forcefully removed from a healthy swarm once they reached some threshold around 1.2-1.5. If you want “high quality seeds” to stay connected, the “required” ratio should be dropped accordingly. But you cannot simultaneously have everyone “contribute evenly” with 0.8 and also award ratios of >5.0 etc.
Your “freeleech for weeks, get upload credit” “trick” just takes advantage of the 10-day seed time HnR timer. In short, it works because of their arbitrary silly rules, not because you’re contributing to the total health of the torrent swarms.
Private trackers have always been better than RARBG. Even something easy to get into like TorrentLeech is probably better!
This really depends… I’m on a lot of private trackers but I miss RARBG more and more. Just for their x265 (that is usually absent on private trackers) and even more their VXT-265.
It’s hard to build ratio when you’re internet’s under CGNAT and don’t have the money for a VPN/Seedbox. It will take me a long time to earn enough buffer from bonus points. On TL, you have to seed 10 days in total. I don’t even use my pc all the time. Not to mention their display of seeding time doesn’t reflect the same amount of seeding time on qbittorrent. I have to make sure to refresh the webpage to update my seeding time. Otherwise If I don’t, it won’t get updated and I just wasted my time seeding for hours only to realize it didn’t count on my stats. Ugh.
On Avistaz though, the seeding time displays the same amount as the one in the qbittorrent.
Buy a cheap seedbox from hostingby.design for $7 per month (all you need is one month). That would give you 3tb of buffer on TL in no time… You would never have to worry again.
Depends what it is you miss about RARBG… if it’s the x265 encodes, then look up Infinity on torrentgalaxy
I finally set up radarr and sonarr (and prowlarr.) Radarr’s list feature pulls in new titles to check out. With a bunch of shitty public indexers it manages to find what is being looked for without making me wade through the muck.
https://vuniper.com/ shows new blurays which is nice.
Also for new content overseerr is really helpful and integrates with radarr and sonarr.
I’ve been using
for a while, it searches several different sitesIf you don’t want your torrent leech account I’ll take it.
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I like 1337x.
But I’m mostly using TorrentLeech. I have a seedbox with 20TB of bandwidth per month so I have no problem hitting ratio. My *Arr instances use TL first and only use 1337x if it can’t find what it is looking for.
Where can I find a TorrentLeech invite? I don’t have problems with seeding requirements.
If the refugee code doesn’t work you’d have to ask a member for an invite.
They had an invite code recently. I think it was RARBGREFUGEE . Not sure if it still works.
I just tried it, it doesn’t…
It might be REFUGEERARBG. Can’t remember exactly what order they were in lol
its getting there
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TorrentLeech’s seeding requirements are certainly difficult, but they’re still easier than IPTorrents! Try to find FreeLeech stuff to help build your ratio. Ideally you obviously want to find stuff that is in high demand so that others will download from you, but even if you don’t, you’ll accrue TL points which can be spent on improving your upload ratio once you get enough of them.
Setup with sonarr and radarr. If you use prowlarr you can set it to only check free leech. Helps to boost the ratio. You just have to seed for 10 days after.
I know of these by name, but I’ve never used them. I will certainly look in to it. Thanks!
Using a seedbox, I consistently get >1.0 ratio on things like The Daily Show so I keep it added to Sonarr even if I’m not watching it. I use an IRC bot to grab the FL torrents when they go up so I can easily get several hundred GB of upload per FL torrent.
My ratio is so good I only have to seed for a few days (not 10 days like when you first start) so I can rake in ratio and then delete the torrent when it stops being profitable. It’s mostly automated now, a bot grabs the torrent and qbittorrent’s seed limits automatically delete the torrent once it gets to 5 days old. Anything added by Sonarr or Radarr is hard linked into my media directory so deleting the torrent doesn’t affect anything added with the *arrs.
It’s a good setup, ultra.cc charges something like $35/mo for 8TB storage, unlimited streaming via Jellyfin/Plex, 20TB of upload per month on a 50Gb connection. I highly recommend and there are cheaper packages if you’re not sharing with a family or only want the seedbox to grab files so you don’t need storage.
People consider IPT hard to maintain ratio? You can literally just save up bonus points and zap HnR’s… It’s also super easy to build ratio as they have a good chunk of freeleech everyday. They have one of the easiest to work with IMO.
I should clarify that my initial reply was somewhat poorly-worded probably because I was tired and shouldn’t have been posting on the internet. At the time, I thought the user was complaining about the 10-day seeding requirement and I responded with a reference to IPT because they require 14 days. I’ve found IPT very easy to maintain a good ratio, and so far, I don’t find TorrentLeech to be any harder.