It’s December! Which means vacations and deadlines. Which mean unreliable schedule to post weekly threads. So, bear with me this month, I’ll try to post them on time, but if I don’t, don’t worry, we should get back to normal weekly posts from January.
And since this post is so late, going to make it a post for this week and the next. Now, games!
Playing Fortnite, my kid regularly plays it, but when I saw the Lego Fortnite trailer I got intrigued, gave it a try and loving it. Also playing Rocket Racing mode. Haven’t gotten a chance to try the third one, Festival I guess it’s called.
All other games are on pause due to lack of free time, except for Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1, the smaller size of Vita makes it much easier to lug around, so getting some hours in the game when I don’t have anything else to do.
That’s all from my end, what about all of you? What have you been playing? Or meaning to play over the holidays?
Made me look at the calendar, I thought I had been in a coma for a few days!
… It is Wednesday, right?
I’m out of town and didn’t think a lot about which game to bring, so I just started a second playthrough of Pokémon Scarlet with only flying type Pokémon. I didn’t even like the first playthrough that much, but I had wanted to do a monotype run of any game one day, and this one was right here, so here I am. It’s ok I guess.
Made me look at the calendar, I thought I had been in a coma for a few days!
… It is Wednesday, right?
Haha yeah, this is last week’s thread which got delayed, so posted it now as a combined thread for this and next week.
Good luck with monotype run. Wouldn’t that make almost impossible to beat a gym leader if he has umm… whatever is the weakness of wind.
It makes it harder but it’s still easier than I’d like hahaha
After realizing I don’t actually enjoy Starfield any longer, I started playing BG3
What didn’t you like in Starfield?
Also, how are you liking BG3?
I had some nagging feelings about Starfield from the start and I hoped they would go away. Many of the overhyped features lost their shine quite quickly.
I did give it a real chance and have about 60 hours logged. In the end what killed it for me is how small it feels. It’s just a bunch of levels connected by fast traveling, lots of locations are copy and pasted, the „capital of the universe“ has like 20 buildings and feels dead, etc
I have 300+ hours in Skyrim, and I am more likely to return to Skyrim than to Starfield.
Also, dragon shouts in space? Ridiculous.
Regarding BG3: I’m enjoying it. It’s a bit steep for someone who didn’t have much exposure to the D&D universe and D&D overall, but I already see the depth and the replay value. It’s a great game.
It’s Skyrim, but instead of overworld exploration and emergent encountersa, it’s fast travel from mission to mission. As someone who put 350 hours into Skyrim, it really hit me that half of the fun to be had in Skyrim was the overworld exploration and emergent encounters.
The universe feels very small when you complete a mission, open up your mission list, and after a brief loading screen are standing in another city on another planet with a new set of tasks.
That’s why I said in my comment below that I just want to fly my damn ship into outer space. The system would have felt so much more satisfying if you could select a mission and then that star is highlighted from your in-ship augmented display, and you press the buttons to warp there, and then you’re at the edge of that solar system and can navigate to the specific planet in real time. During that time, you might encounter pirates, or find an asteroid mining installation, or hear a distress call, or detect a fleet of ships near a moon planning an attack.
And that’s another thing: the backstory for this game is all about the Colony War, a conflict between three sides that involved mechs and xenowarfare (using alien creatures to attack settlements). That sounds amazing: why didn’t we play in that time frame? By the time we’ve joined the universe, everything’s resolved and relatively peaceful, except for random psychopaths. I guess Bethesda didn’t want to invite ethical questions about killing people who were fighting for a good cause on each side, but, like… why not?
I was super hyped for Starfield, was thinking about getting Xbox just for that, but the reviews are disappointing. I can see that there might be a game that I may “enjoy” for 40-50 hours, but it doesn’t seem to be what everyone was expecting.
Good luck with BG3!
I paid for the premium edition, and I guess I just wanted to force myself to like it because of how much I was on the hype train. I doubt I would’ve gone 60 hours deep otherwise. I was just waiting for that one thing that made it special, but it never came.
Well, hopefully by the time I get around to getting Xbox, there would be some other really good first party exclusives that I wont’ feel too bad even I end up not liking Starfield.
I feel for you though. Bethesda is one of my favourite studio and I have been looking forward to Starfield for so long. Hopefully Obsidian will do better with The Outer Worlds 2 and Avowed.
Animal Crossing New Horizons. Received this two Christmas ago and enjoy playing now and then.
But on man do I wish I had a dodo code to an island where I could get cherry and pears.
I have apples, oranges, peaches, coconuts yet can’t get the others.
Vegetables I have tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, wheat, and sugar cain.
It’s ridiculous that you can’t use miles and get to an island that has the other stuff.
If you have Discord they have a very active community, or well it used to be active, haven’t checked in a while.
If you don’t have Discord, let me know, I can return to the island and send you my code. I haven’t really played in a while, so place will be a mess, but at least I can give you the fruits.
Quick question but you have a link to the discord? Couldn’t find it in search.
That’s the discord, people are generally pretty nice and helpful, though it has been a while since release so I am not sure how many people would be active.
Thank you. Still want DM me your dodo code?
You can basically just get them from trees, right? It has been quite a while, I have forgotten how that used to work 😀
Yes three to a tree lol. I share my code if I knew it off hand.
A new code is generated each time. I have closed the gates now. Next time I open them, the code will be different.
And I meant that visitors can take them from trees, right? I know visitors can use shops and pick up stuff from ground, but didn’t know if they can get from trees too or not.
Wow thank you! I check out thier Discord but definitely will be grateful for the code.
If you still need the fruits and maybe the vegetables DM me? you can have some of mine.
Pokemon Platinum, playing around but mostly to complete what I am missing in Black 2
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The Deponia collection was a steal. Seems very Monkey Island-y. I liked the monkey island series so hopefully I’ll like this. I’ll be playing Deponia.
I tried little big factory before but I called it quits after realising it’s not for me. Also bought Move Out on sale but just seems too repetitive, maybe it’s more of a multiplayer game than single player…
I played Deponia series quite a while ago, the humour isn’t to everyone’s taste but I liked it, but it had the same issues that most adventure games have, very convoluted puzzles. So, I gave up and didn’t play them anymore.
You mean Little Big Workshop?
And yeah, games like Move Out are fun playing with others.
In my search for short but awesome games, I just started playing Inscryption! I haven’t gotten very far, but boy does it spark my curiosity, I neeeed to find out what awaits
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I’ve only gotten to the second act so far, but it’s new enough for me to still have interest! I saw on howlongtobeat that it should take around 12 hours, so I hope that me being ready for that will make me last until the end.
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Haha, when I first read your comment I thought you were referring to the first map, before you beat the Prospector, and I was confused how you spent more than 12 hours there 😆 But now I’ve actually gotten to the second act and I totally get what you mean! I don’t like the atmosphere nearly as much there, but I hope I’ll have the enthusiasm to finish the game anyway
LoL plagues me as usual.
However I’ve been playing some Rust and Project Zomboid on the side.
I am also playing Skylords (fan resurrection of EA’s Battleforge) which is an RTS but your units/civ is made up by a deck of cards you build yourself. It’s a very different take on the RTS genre and I never saw anything like it.
Edit: might go enjoy GuildWars2 winter event. They are usually super fun.
Too many games 😀
Have fun at the GW2 event!
Hahaha you’re not wrong…
Usually I play Skylords for about 30~40mins to take care of the daily. Project Zomboid late at night maybe 2hrs or so. Ruat about 1~2 after I get off work and then some league ARAM games here and there. It’s tight but I manage.
I don’t think I could fit anything else in there though hahah I’m only considering GuildWars2 event since it’s the weekend :)
I was sick over the past week and got Dave the Diver to have something not to demanding to play as I am done with Pokemon, super fun I highly recommend it.
I also got back into Animal Crossing.
Do you have cherry and peaches? 😀
Both, do you need?
No, in this same thread is also playing AC, and looking for cherry and peaches.
I will ask is they still need them
I got back into Super Mario Odyssey, after like 5 years. Just felt the desire to play it again and man, does it take me back to 2017/18. Still just as fun.
Yeah, can’t waiting for next 3D Mario. I guess it would be at least couple of years.
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It’s the weekend, my dudes.
Baten Kaitos New Game Minus progress is slow. I don’t play it very often right now but when I do, I get a lot done. Some enemies have begun to outspeed me, but I’ve only had a character die to bad defense RNG once so far.
I’ve spent most of my time with Arkham Origins lately. I’ve 100% the main game and New Game Plus (which is an odd name for hard mode), I’ve beaten the Cold Cold Heart DLC and have just begun the Challenge maps. When I started the game, I completely forgot it takes place during christmas, so it’s an accidentally fitting game.
I’m deep enough into Shantae on the Game Boy to have more of an opinion on it. The game has two faces: The dungeons, which are a joy to be in and the overworld which is an awful slog. The game has fast travel, but it takes a long time to unlock it. And the constant back and forth makes me impatient enough to just jump into a pit and be reset to the beginning of the area. I probably could have beaten the game by now if I played it more, but I’m playing too many games at once…
Speaking of too many games, I dug out my save file for Pokemon Infinite Fusion again and finally finished off most of the post game.
How is Arkham Origins’ performance on Switch?
I hope they added QoL features in Shantae when they brought it to Switch.
Origins isn’t part of the Arkham Trilogy that is on the Switch. It’s the awkward black sheep that isn’t as bad as people say, but deserves most of the criticism.
Ah, I confused it with Knight. Yeah, Origins is the one they act as it didn’t exist.
Still playing Honk Train (Honkai Star Rail) and Palia. As a bonus, the latter just came out on the Switch and has cross save. So I’m going to be setting that up in a minute.
I started Palia on handheld, and don’t know why but it felt a bit off. Will probably give it another try.
It’s definitely leggy there. I think it’s still technically in beta? It runs a lot better on PC. Big surprise, I know.
Playing pokemon non stop until I finish the DLC story and the fill the Pokédex.
Same for me. Can’t wait to go on and get some of those old starters ❤️
Same. Definitely one of the things I want to do the most
How are you liking the DLC?
I think it’s really nice so far but I am not that far into. From what I’ve seen it’s actually really. I am more excited because we will be able to get all the past starters and a lot of older legendaries
Trying to finish up Persona 4 Golden on my Switch. Playing some Risk of Rain Returns on the side
I’ll be moving on to Baldurs Gate 3 on my Xbox Series S once I’m done with P4G. Also playing Remnant 2 and Warhammer 40k Darktide Co-op with friends.
Persona 4 Golden is a great game. How far along are you?
How’s W40K Darktide?
Just finished the second to last dungeon and fusing my Personas for endgame (Yoshitsune and Trumpeter). Combat is a lot less involved than SMT V which I played before this, however the story has been more engaging so far.
Pro tip for Darktide is the first few missions can be a slog because you have no good abilities and are still trying to figure out which weapon combos work. It gets much better once you have a party going and the challenge intensifies.
I’ll see if I can get my friends to try it. Not a big multi-player fan otherwise.
Thanks for the info!
Finished Broforce!
Bought this game mainly for multiplayer, but had never finished the campaign, decided to do it in singleplayer. And I’m not sure it was a good idea - this game is very fun when you have a bunch of friends running around, blowing stuff and laughing at the chaos, but it gets very frustrating when playing solo.
You die too easily and too often, and since you always start the stage with a single life any time you don’t have an extra life available near the start you’re going to struggle. Once you have a buffer or two most stages flow well, but there were plenty of “die 10 times before making it to the extra life” moments.
There’s a lot of deaths that feels like bullshit too. I get that the random nature of the characters is part of the game and sometimes you’re going to get a shit character for the stage you’re on, but many times you just jump across a ledge and die instantly to a previously off-screen enemy, or die to stuff unexpectedly falling from above.
Finally, holy crap that final boss had a LOT of lag (at least on the Switch version). Might actually be a good thing considering how fast and chaotic this game is, but I can’t imagine how bad that would get with 4 players.
Finished A Short Hike!
What an adorable and relaxing little game. Gameplay is simple - you just explore, glide around, and chat to people while slowly going up a trail. It’s very short (took me something like 2h), but I was smiling all the way through.
Definitely going to replay this one.
Finished Torchlight 2!
Felt like playing a good Diablo-like hack-and-slash, and saw one of my favorites on sale in the eShop. Did a run with an Engineer and a Cat pet, just smashing my way through with a hammer.
Haven’t started any games after that yet, I’ve been a distracted by Magic Arena since yesterday’s update added the Khans of Tarkir set and this lets me play my favorite deck ever (Izzet Phoenix) in that client. They also added a new format (“TImeless”) that has been very interesting so far.
I have Broforce from PS+, but after reading your updates about it, I think I am just going to skip it.
How much of a replay value does “A Short Hike” has? I generally don’t care about replaying much, and with my backlog, a small game that I can finish soon is a plus.
How much of a replay value does “A Short Hike” has?
Not entirely sure, but has it with 4.5h to 100%.
I mainly want to replay it for the relaxing feel, it was such a great experience overall.