Another week, another recommendations thread.

Let everyone know below a game (6+ months old), that you have played recently, are currently playing or intend to play soon.

  • Jim
    92 years ago

    I have been in a FTL kick lately. I’ve gotten all the achievements but I want at least 4 wins per ship. Slug B kicking my ass.

      • Jim
        52 years ago

        Yes I have and I also love it, though not as much as FTL. However, it’s another excellent game.

    72 years ago

    Elden Ring. I had never played a FromSoft game before so I really had no idea what I was getting into. I played through it seven times with my main character, got the platinum trophy, and then spun up a new character on my sons playstation account to platinum it for him as well.

    Definitely got value for my money on that purchase.

    • BriongloidOPM
      32 years ago

      Elden Ring really is a nice evolution of the Fromsoft style, I’ve been playing their games since Demon’s Souls launch day on the PS3 and have 100hrs in Elden Ring.

      I have no idea how far I got before other games pulled my attention, but I’ve also never finished a Fromsoft game, maybe Elden Ring will be the first one eventually.

      • Maple
        32 years ago

        For me it was Dark Souls 3 for a long time, it felt like the most easily accessible around the time of it’s release. And then Elden Ring hit, and just blew that and all the other Souls games that FromSoft have made out of the water. Talk about outdoing yourself lol.

        • BriongloidOPM
          22 years ago

          I’d say that DS1 stayed my favourite thru til Elden Ring launched, but it was a linear progression in playability.

  • I just started playing Divinity Original Sin 2. It’s been a lot of fun so far and I’m enjoying it. I’m considering adding Baldurs Gate 3 to my wishlist since they seem similar even though that is based on D&D.

    • BriongloidOPM
      42 years ago

      To me it feels like BG3 will be like DOS2 but better with full CGI cut scenes etc

    52 years ago

    Venetica: old eurojank action RPG. It shows its age and the jank is real. But underneath all that is a fresh theme, cool atmosphere and interesting story. Also, it’s 1€ during the Steam sale.

    52 years ago

    Currently on a factory game kick, so I’m playing Factorio and planning to get Dyson Space Program afterward. There was also a REALLY good abstract factory game I used to play on the Ubuntu software market but I can’t remember what it’s called.

    52 years ago

    I did a lil haul on Steam summer sale - Horizon Zero Dawn, Assassin’s Creed Unity, The Surge 2, The Division and Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines

    I can recommend both The Surge games if you enjoy soulslikes, they’re nice sci-fi variations on Dark Souls gameplay, though definitely easier than fromsoft games

    I’ll probably play Unity first unless my missus decides to co-op The Division with me

    • BriongloidOPM
      22 years ago

      AC Unity may have been unbelievably buggy, but the city had a phenomenal feeling to it.

  • Lobster2142
    42 years ago

    This one kind of surprised me, but I have been hooked on Fight Night Champion. I noticed it on game pass and remembered having a good time with the older games in the series so I gave it a shot. The legacy mode in this game is surprisingly in depth and offers a lot of different ways to improve your skills and upgrade your boxer. The AI beat my ass pretty regularly until I started messing with different styles and techniques. At the end of the day it’s still just two dudes beating each other with their fists, but it’s a blast.

  • RxBrad
    42 years ago

    I’m on a Yakuza kick. Finished Yakuza 0 recently, and now I’m digging into Yakuza Kiwami.

    Briefly got sidetracked by Diablo 2 Resurrected (but then died in a place where I don’t think I can recover my loot, so I’ll probably just set that down and restart when I’m done with Yakuza).

    • BriongloidOPM
      12 years ago

      I’m sure I’ll checkout what Diablo 2 was like eventually.

      • RxBrad
        22 years ago

        I just snagged 2 & 3 with all the expansions yesterday for 20 bucks. Seemed like a decent deal, and I still hadn’t played either yet.

        Plenty to tide me over until Diablo 4 doesn’t cost my left nut and $70.

        • BriongloidOPM
          12 years ago

          I’ve played Diablo 3 with Reaper of Souls since launch, never got the final expansion due to lack of sales.

    42 years ago

    I just picked up x4: foundation in the steam sale and am really liking it! Ive never really gotten into a space sim before but im really enjoying having other pilots and ships doing my bidding 😊

  • I’ve been playing Subnautica: Subzero for a bit.
    But my game crashed yesterday and it doesn’t really save unless you save manually, which I forget to do size I can just put the Steam Deck in sleep and resume so I lost a few days progress.

    I guess I’ll play something else while I get over it.
    Still not sure what to pick up next.

      • The part that’s annoying is I don’t quite remember which things I did when relative to that crash.
        So like I’m gonna think there’s a base somewhere there isn’t (yet).
        There’s things I think I’ve done but won’t have.
        So, I’d need to re-explore things that I know already, so would likely not go to.
        Like I know this corridor is a dead-end, so I won’t go there anymore, but there was this scannable thing which I don’t really remember.


        I figure I forget a bit more I’ll be OK to start these bits over.

    2 years ago

    Cyberpunk 2077. 2 years after its disastrous release, it’s a really good game. As someone who has played a lot of RPG games, I think this is probably one of the best (if not the best) RPG I’ve ever played.

    I’m on a pretty good PC (with an RTX 3060 + 32GB ram), so my graphics are pretty good. This game has beautiful graphics, emotionally touching storyline (the only game where I started tearing up during the ending) and really fun gameplay (with tons of different playing styles).

    Is it worth $60? Not sure about that, but it’s definitely worth $30 (sometimes there is 50% off during sales, for example during the summer sale on Steam that’s currently active).

    If you’re on PS4 or an older Xbox, then I don’t know whether you’ll get the same magical experience as I have, because I read some bad reviews about the performance on older consoles. But moderate PCs and PS5 should be able to run the game nicely and allow you to be completely immersed into the world of Cyberpunk 2077.

  • apigban
    2 years ago

    I’m playing Lego Jurassic World with my 4year old daughter.

    We finished Jurassic Park after 1 year (she was 3 years old that time so patience was really tested, specially on parts that needs both of us to be coordinated).

    Its hard to find time for us to play together, and she has been very patient with me because I travel 240kms dialy for work.

      42 years ago

      Hey just letting you know that I used to be in a similar situation (215km daily; 3 hrs of commuting), and I feel your pain.

      I did it for several years and the dangerous part is just getting used to many hours of your day evaporating into thin air. Ages 1-7 are critically formative years for a child, and you should be around as much as possible. Every time I think about the days where I left the house before my kids woke up, and came home after they were in bed, kills me.

      Please try your best to find a job with a shorter commute. The time you don’t spend with your family gets lost forever. I’m rooting for you!

      • apigban
        52 years ago

        You got me :D

        My wife suspects that I’m using mydaughter as an excuse to play the games/movies I missed when I was growing up.

        We still have about 90 percent to finish in lego jurassic world.

    32 years ago

    I just started Prey. I really liked Dishonored 1 and 2 and I love sci-fi, so I’m looking forward to it.

    • BriongloidOPM
      2 years ago

      I really like Prey and feel that it was underrated because of the IP name they used.

      Prey (2017) $7.49 at -75%

      22 years ago

      I didn’t really get into Prey as well as the Dishonored series. They went for a Bioshock kinda thing where you start off weak as fuck and, I guess, become more and more of a badass, but I’ve been quite a few hours into it and now I got myself into a conundrum I see now way out of, and I have not once felt like a badass so far.

      The game really is aptly named, so no hate on Arkane on that one. You are supposed to be a prey, not the ultimate predator of the Dishonored series.

      Maybe I’ll get back to it because otherwise it’s great and they did an awesome job on all the environments, monsters, in-game UI, varied approaches etc.

      12 years ago

      I just finished Prey and now I’m on Alien: Isolation! I kinda preferred Prey but that’s probably because it wasn’t so stingy with the saving mechanism.