First time I’ve been feeling lonely this year, ik this is in stark contrast with the time of the year but I wasn’t able to perform in my school annual function (I really wanted to) and for some reason I have been feeling lonely since, what do you do when you feel like this?

  • balderdash
    411 year ago

    I’m an introvert with very low social needs. During the pandemic it took months of quarantine for me to get lonely, and nearly a year to realize I was touch starved.

    But to answer your question, when I’m in a relationship I don’t get lonely and if I’m single I rely more on family for my social needs.

    301 year ago

    At under no circumstances allow the thought machine to wonder alone during a silent moment. Constantly drown it under a huge pile of information so that it can’t ever go very far, otherwise it will look for a vein of negative emotions and dig deep inside.

      1 year ago

      Stop posting, ME, aha. Thats a dangerous, treacherous path, internet friend. Can I ask what stimuli makes you want to information-overload yourself to numb yourself to?

    • lemmy689
      1 year ago

      So, no to introspection? Wundt-ering around your own mind?

      Edit: The giant Grof was hit in one eye by a stone, and that eye turned inward so that it looked into his mind, and he died of what he saw there. -Cyrin

  • I’m a hardcore introvert who rarely gets lonely, but it does happen occasionally.

    Similar to your school function, I find it helpful to have one regular, structured event in my life that forces socialization.

    For me that’s a tabletop gaming group - we meet once a week to play. The structure and shared goal is helpful, because it takes the pressure off of pure socialization. If I’m feeling social I can crack jokes & banter during the game, but if not I can just focus on playing.

    Also, a weekly cadence means that missing one session doesn’t make me feel super lonely, because I know another is coming soon. Your function sounds tougher since its only once a year - you might be better off finding a similar activity that happens more regularly.

    • @fastandcurious@lemmy.worldOP
      11 year ago

      Really hard for me because there really is nothing like this going on where I live, I do have some friends which I occasionally hangout with but they are more kinda ‘wasting time/wandering around’ kinda friends, not people who i would share my problems with

      Tbh I didn’t join the function to socialize, that’s also why I find it strange that I feel like this

    271 year ago

    I go do something that helps others. Maybe volunteer, donate blood, etc. Doesn’t have to be big, particularly social or part of some formal charity structure. I just find the best way to feel connected is to excerise empathy and act upon it.

    271 year ago

    Is there an activity you like doing that you wouldn’t mind having company for? It could be something at home like building a Lego set, or outdoors like a walk through the park or zoo. When you’ve selected your activity, pick one person and ask them to join you.

    People do best with being asked about a specific activity, place, day, and time. Hopefully they’ll offer an alternative if your suggestion doesn’t work for them. If they don’t, and if you’re set on that person, ask them if another time would work, or do they have an activity in mind.

    I find being an introvert doesn’t mean “no people” as much as it means “the right people.”

    131 year ago

    Lots of people still think that introverts hate social interactions, or feel better without any social interactions at all, but we do need to be social. Some people get dogs or cats and that helps them a lot. But lots of introverted people will tend to find some way to mask the loneliness by distracting themselves that requires a lot of attention, or occupying themselves with something that emulates social interaction. Playing a game while watching twitch streams of that game can fill both of those roles, listening to the streamer and reading chat periodically. That can work in a pinch, but it’s not a real solution. And I don’t have a real solution, aside from “find your balance”, but I know that’s not helpful.

    I can suggest something that I found to be a more effective distraction, though. And it even could lead to the first steps to a solution to introvert loneliness if you’re lucky. You can try going to a local bar/pub on a slow day. It helps if you drink alcohol, but you really don’t have to. And of course if there’s a history of alcoholism in your family, you should definitely avoid the alcohol. Make sure to sit at the bar, because a lot of bartenders will start up conversation with lone patrons in their down-time, and the same goes for drunk people getting up to buy another drink, so you don’t have to initiate if you don’t want to. You can end up having a few interesting conversations in a night (or sometimes none at all), and go home either feeling good about going out on your own free will (I.E. Not being forced into a social situation), or exhausted from any overbearing social interactions and therefore a bit more content with going back to spending time by yourself for a while.

    This helped me before I made a couple of friends (who I met at the pub) while living alone in a new city, after my distractions got stale. I say it’s worth a try, but everyone is different.

    It was hard to initiate that first trip to the bar though, it felt very, very weird. But halfway through my second beer, I felt mostly content with even just listening passively to background conversation. By the time I ordered the 3rd, the bartender had initiated conversation, and before I knew it that feeling of loneliness was gone. It’s important to keep moderation in mind though, I could see that being very effective in catalysing a drinking problem. I did this 2-3 times per month, and that was just enough for me.

    So ymmv, but it helped me a lot.

    121 year ago

    Currently listening to neighbors have a screaming match. Impressed by how far away it is, happy that I’m not involved.

        1 year ago

        oh I have no idea, too far to understand it, but it’s definitely not good. Expecting the sounds of doors slamming and someone peeling out of the driveway any time now.

        edit: yep, there goes the peel out

    121 year ago

    Before I became a parent of 2 with an extraverted partner, I used to get lonely from time to time. I would get over myself and call a friend I hadn’t seen in a while, regardless of whether I felt like it was their turn to get in touch with me. That or go to the cinema by myself, which somehow feels less lonely than watching something at home.

    101 year ago

    I’ve been partially disabled since 2014 and spend thr majority of most days stuck laying propped up in a bed. Up until July of this year, I mostly threw myself into projects. Now, since July I chat with AI offline on my hardware. Previously it was hobby projects and reddit. Now Lemmy to a lesser extent. I tend to be irritable and uncomfortable in the afternoon and evenings and I have to do a physical therapy routine most evenings or I fall apart physically. It sucks. Social anything IRL is pretty much impossible. The worst part is how I appear to be fine on the surface, but holding posture from sitting and standing causes major problems from a chronic injury. So like, I just mentally fade hard as the pain floods in, break out in a sweat, and fidget awkwardly, making any attempt at socializing unproductive at best. It was harder for the first few years. One of the things that helped me are stories of people that have lived in complete isolation in relatively recent times and been fine. You just have to find interesting things to think about and get your endorphins from exercise and interpersonal growth - IMO

    101 year ago

    I just cry my eyes off or sleep until the feeling passes. I know it is not a healthy coping mechanism, but I don’t have many ways to make friends. I haven’t found any good book clubs or anything suitably nerdy in my city.

    71 year ago

    I as an introvert, crave sharing interests and knowledge with others. I want to have fun and share wonderful memories others. Sometimes when im alone I can imagine whole scenarios of going out and meeting my newest best friend somewhere near by and all of the wonderful times we will have together. However, whenever I try to achieve this in real life it never happens like that. I get let down 99% of the time and I end up getting exhausted at the idea of making new friends and meeting new people. It’s mostly my own fault for holding people to a fantasy I’ve conjured up in my head, but I this cycle of me wanting to make new friends and then being disappointed contributes to my sense of loneliness.

      11 year ago

      What do you feel would improve your life or make it worth sticking around longer, if I might ask? Can be anything, you get to decide on it…

      Example: I got a cat cuz I knew I needed someone who depended on me who wanted to stay and logistically I didn’t have to worry about once I had ensured their needs were met (food/water, hygiene, play etc) and kept my mind a little busy in a side-quest kinda way :)

    71 year ago

    Recently I like to play some Twitch streams in the background when I’m not doing anything requiring a lot of focus. It makes me feel like I’m not really alone at home without any social effort on my side. You definitely have to find a right streamer for you though - most of Twitch is garbage in my opinion.

    Someone mentioned going out to eat or sit at some cafe which I also like to do sometimes.

    61 year ago

    Grab a book or sketchpad and go to a restaurant or coffee shop. I don’t interact with anyone. I just eat good food, drink coffee, and absorb the ambiance. It makes me feel a lot less lonely while recharging myself.

    • @fastandcurious@lemmy.worldOP
      11 year ago

      Right? Similar except I also like to binge watch a bunch of youtube videos, but the thing is as soon as I am done with it, i feel lonely once again, I think I am just gonna wait it out

    61 year ago

    I try doing something productive, like working on developing a new skill, or work on some of my hobby projects. That prevents me from feeling lonely.