Update: My wife has decided to go for the repair. I managed to find the parts for about £30, and we’re getting it done in a local place next week. Thanks for the advice :)

Hi all :)

My wife has dropped her Mi 10t Lite 5g one too many times, and now as well as a cracked screen, it won’t charge. As far as I can tell, the charging port has come loose.

I’m hoping to get an estimate of the repair price, as all the local shops are closed until next week, but I’m also hoping to find some possible replacements to give her some options.

She mainly uses it for Facebook, emails, and WhatsApp, and some of the farming games where you seem to just click crap randomly. She also connects it to her car for maps and music, and takes photos of our kid.

A micro SD slot is essential, mostly due to the amount of music and photos she stores on it.

I’m hoping to spend around £200, but that’s flexible if there’s a jump in quality or features.

Thanks in advance :)

  • poncho
    31 year ago

    Look at the Samsung “a” series of phones they should be around your price and have expandable storage AFAIK. I would go with the Samsung a54

    • TipponOP
      11 year ago

      That looks like a great phone, thanks :)

  • Atemu
    1 year ago

    I can highly recommend !fairphone@lemmy.ml if you want to avoid this situation in the future. Had she dropped a Fairphone 4 instead, this whole endeavour would have been £80, eight Phillips screws, a few clips and 10-20min of your time ;)


    They’re going to be 2-3x than what you had in mind though. Here in Germany, you can get the FP4 starting at 400-450€ and the somewhat recently released FP5 for 700€. No idea about UK.

    IMO it’s worth it though.

    • TipponOP
      11 year ago

      I’d love a fairphone, but the price is way too high for a phone. I can’t justify paying that much extra just so that it’s easier to repair.

      The really annoying part is, I can probably fix her current phone, but I won’t know until I open it.