Mine is 3440x1440, same as last year.
I’m embracing Linux superiority and going for 2560x1440 at 22° of tilt this year.
Go a bit extra and join the 22.5° gang!
Yeah the 22 degree tilt was crazy… :)
I cannot live so dangerously myself but I will live vicariously through you.
2560x1440. but my brother got one of those ultrawide thingies, and the backlight is starting to die on my samsung odyssey g5 afer not even one year of use. might try to find an ASUS one worth buying, and i’m definetely going OLED this time.
this year is gonna get expensive fast.
just read what connunity this is in, god i am very oblivious sometimes.
How do you notice backlight dying? I have a curved uwhd as well
you can’t tell me that these spots are normal:
they flicker sometimes, too.
They only flicker during Christmas, it’s a feature.
1920x1080, the same since 2014
Same as last year - 1920x1080
5120x1440, it’s great!
Ayy same! Double 1440p buddies!
I’d love to get one of these in a curved display one day. My buddy has a nice 34" one and it looks fantastic!
I snagged a good deal on two of them. Totally overkill, but they are wall mounted and I don’t know if there is any going back at this point and I love it.
4k for my gaming rig
1440x whatever on an ultra wide for my home office
A really strange resolution for my laptop but 3k effectively
A trio of 1080p monitors for my in office office
So same as last year
If you put them all together and run a screensaver that goes round and round across all screens, you’ll become the world’s no. 1 hacker
Hacker Dad! (Insert 80s theme music)
2160x1440, same as last year
But it’s 32" curved rather than 27" flat, which is much better of an upgrade once you’re at 1440 imo
1.6162x10^-35m x 1.6162x10^-35m @ 10^-33 fps
Also same as last year.
Oh cool, do tell
I’m old school 1024x768 for life
Im more of a 640x480 man myself
4:3 gang represent and tune to channel 3
320p iPod nano was the shiz
I smell DOS.
pffff 1680x1050 where it’s at yo
To survive… with 1080p for another year
4K, can’t go back from that… :)
Icons are actually sharp and beautiful now.
800p or 720p depending if I use the Deck or the Switch.
It’s still 1920x1080 like it’s been for the past few years. Not really gonna change any time soon.
On my primary phone it’s sadly 2400x1080. I want a 16:9 display again, with dedicated navigational buttons, as it used to be.
Backup phone has 128x160.1920x1080 on my laptop.
Are you sure that backup phone is still compatible with any of the networks? I’m pretty sure my last phone with that kind of res didn’t even have 3g, and 3g is gone here.
Despite being released in 2018, it only supports 2G. This is not a problem in Slovakia yet. As far as I know, 3G networks will start getting shut down this year, which should be completed until the end of the year (2024). Although Slovak Telekom is already done with that, Orange will be in February, O2 starts this month, and Swan never built a 3G network to begin with.
However, there’s no exact plans for 2G yet. The expected year for shutdown of 2G is all the way in 2030. BUT, for example Slovak Telekom has stopped providing GPRS on 2G, which means no mobile data access on 2G. My carrier (Swan) still provides that though, so I can browse using frogfind.com or read news on 68k.news if desired.
1080p, usually 1920x1080. All of my major screens except my iPad are this resolution, albeit ranging from 60Hz all the way to 300Hz.