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[Screenshot of a google search result with the following text]
LimeWire ⋮LimeWire
LimeWire is your Al-powered content publishing platform. Create, publish and monetize images, videos & music with the power of Al.
Create Image with Al
LimeWire Al Studio is a free Al Image Generator that allows …
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Al Studio
LimeWire Al Studio is a free Al Art generator that turns your words …
Introducing the New LimeWire
Meet the new LimeWire: The first truly mainstream NFT platform …
Went to see if limewire was still a thing and got shot 4 times with a gun
14,029 notes
Like watching an old friend’s corpse being defiled for profit
Like watching Napster panhandling under an overpass.
Limewire and Napster peaked in high school
But at least MySpace Tom was their friend.
Oh come on. That guy would be friends with anyone! He was probably friends with like 600 Adolf Hitlers.
He was friends with Steve from high school and no one wanted to be Steve’s friend. He only posted pictures of the columbine shooters with captions like, “An hero, an marter. I will join u soon brave man.” His profile played like 10 Marilyn Manson songs at the same time. Guess who his friend was?
I see you found my Onlyfans…
‘Tis a sacred ritual among both Ferengi and MBAs!
TIL the gnutella network still exists. Brb, gonna download masterofpuppets.mp3.exe
Burn me a copy of that sick System of a Down Legend of Zelda song! Link, saddle up your horse!
Wait does this exist??
The song is here, but it’s not by SoaD. It was often mislabeled on the various filesharing networks as being theirs.
Much like virtually every parody or comedy song ever being attributed to Weird Al back then. He’s talked about it before. He especially didn’t like it when stuff that was really offensive- racist, sexist, etc. was attributed to him.
Holy shit I had this back then and totally thought it was by SOAD.
I love Judas Priest!
I remember I downloaded a jobro album and I double clicked it and it took me to a Japanese porn site
I think soulseek is the biggest one that works like this, but it’s entirely dedicated to music.
Yep soulseek is awesome, I’m sharing about 500gb of stuff there. There’s more then just music there too, you can find movies and TV shows there that aren’t on public trackers. Also… fonts
Maybe in the future I really will get season 2 of Firefly from LimeWire
Huh the first episode starts zoomed I’m on a cup.
Well, at least you didn’t download a virus.
More buzzwords than an Indeed job description.
Hold the line.
I loved downloading a song from Limewire and the band was labeled completely wrong. Then 10 years later I get made fun of for saying X band made Y song because I legit thought they made it because of Limewire.
I love listening to Twisted Sister’s Come on Feel The Noise or Bob Marley’s Don’t Worry Be Happy.
When I listen to Friends will be Friends from Queen, in the back of my mind I’m still certain that’s from Good Charlotte.
oh, oh no.
what’s line wire supposed to be?
it’s the way we used to get our music for free back then
Torrenting software. And a darn good one too
P2P, not torrent. Torrent is P2P but not all P2P is torrenting.
It was simply peer to peer file sharing rather than torrenting. Torrenting allows you to collect different parts of the file from different people. Lime Wire just depending on a stable connection between you and the host machine.
It was also full of fake shit and viruses. I remember spending hours getting rid of “Gator” a couple of times as a stupid college student.
I swear I remember limewire having the equivalent of seeds and files being downloaded from multiple places at the same time.
Mandela effect?
Yeah I’m with you, hell I even remember being on WinMX before that and even that having multiple seeds?
Limewire was around before Brahm Cohen created Bit Torrent.
Yeah it was so good that every download was a gamble if you were getting the song you wanted or uncensored war footage and cp is there to save you
What’s this?
LimeWire was a great way to get music for free back in the days. The Firehawk52 guide is a modern way of getting music for free.
One of those services is still alive and kicking and perhaps even better than it was during the p2p audio hayday and I’m seeking within my soul for the bravery to tell others what it is.
Just get a YouTube music front end
I too entered the twilight zone when I noticed something in my discord servers. I’m not in many servers, but I had subscribed in an AI image creation server called BlueWillow. So one day the icon was different, resembling a lime… It took me a while to understand what’s happening.
ai art bad anyone?
AI generated images are not art.
Idk man if I saw the exact same pixels from an “AI Art” in 2010s, I would frame some of them.
The only thing that makes them feel less artsy is knowing there’s no intent of meaning behind the image.
But that’s also true for some human made art, sometimes the artist’s intention is to make the image have meaning only through the viewers.
I’m pretty sure I would have an AI Art printed and framed in my home when they become not so somehow obviously “AI”.