For me it’s been communities like /r/buildapc, /r/buildapcforme, /r/buildapcsales, /r/gamedeals, and /r/consoledeals have been useful throughout the years.
Hmmm …
Archery Motorcycles Old Photos in Real Life Spanish as a Second Language
I’m missing a lot of more specialised things, but these are pretty broad I think
I miss r/actuallesbians, r/MTF, and some obscure gaming communties like r/titanfall, r/Metroid and r/Earthbound.
Oh and the brainrot known as r/okbuddychicanery and r/anarchychess.
Videos/mealtimevideos was a big thing for me. They kept me entertained while I ate lunch, lol.
local geographic area. ought to be easy to create and find users. useful too!
I saw it sort of mentioned, but I think niche shitposting communities like the various okbuddy subs.
Eldritch horror Garfield is essential to any online community.
You’re joking but currently a discord I’m in has a cult over a specific Garfield Minus Garfield comic, a cult that got genuinely rowdy when the comic stopped being posted.
All I’m saying, Garfield is probably an elder god
I’m probably only half joking. I love when people just do weird shit for the hell of it, it reminds me of the early internet. People doodling horrific Garfield content is weirdly wholesome and just makes me happy.