Shouldn’t UK or at least England be “arse” and not “ass”?
Yeah it’s a total fuck up.
English is just an American dialect lel
England? Most of the soft southerners pronounce it “Aahse” anyway
At least in Scotland they pronounce the ‘r’
How do the hard southerners pronounce it, then? The coarse ones? The non-newtonian ones?
Did I stutter?
“Aahse”. They all stopped pronouncing R’s after Bexit
Got any evidence for that? It’s not changed at all here since Brexit.
Sounds like you’re talking out of your arse mate.
Of course I am you fackin numpty 😂
Did you miss the ‘bexit’ bit?
Only if you’re Micky Flanagan…
Asal in Ireland means the donkey sort of ass not the ass sort of ass!
Like the Dutch “ezel” (which is the same word used in Dutch for painting-supporters which in English are called “easel”).
That’s funny, in art school we used a bench with a back that we called ‘donkeys’
That sounded silly until I remembered English has “sawhorse.”
At least the sawhorse resembles a horse :)
Should be “tón” or something
Tóin is arse. Tón is tone.
You’re right and I can’t spell, is tusa an fíorshaoi de na dtóinenna.
It’s arse, not ass.
Maybe it’s the name of the animal?
Le cul d’un âne.
No, it’s for arse.
It’s this meant to be ass as in your rear end? Or like a donkey? If it’s the former the UK is actually arse. Ass is north American
This is not a 100% accurate. I guess it is based on some translation tool. Arabic word used is standard Arabic which is very polite. Dialects use other words depending on the degree of vulgarity. Many countries have the same different words to describe the same. Think of it like ass, rear and bottom.
What I’m getting at is though that no-one I know in the UK (unless they “terminally” consume North American content) says “ass” unironically. They say “arse”.
Which means the chart is not accurate.
Oh right, I think I misread your reply as in saying my comment was not 100% accurate.
Isnt arabic actually a bunch of different langauges? It would make sense the universal one would be polite.
Arabic is same language. But there are different dialects. Like Liverpool english, highpoch, RP, amrican English, southern English, and maybe even Irish and Scottish.
I would not say the universal one but the standard one which could be considered as an equivalent of text book English or RP.
All the translations are for rear end so
So it should be “Arse”
Ahem ahemmmm hexcuse me, we speak English in the UK, not Murikan.
It’s Arse, not Ass.
Portugal uses “rabo” or “cu”. “Bunda” is more a Portuguese Brazilian thing.
It has some differences like UK English and US English.
And “ass” is American.
Exatamente. “Traseiro” é uma alternativa adequada
Is that where bunda in the uk as slang for ass comes from?
Yeah. Same word. More a Brazilian thing I believe - unless there’s some Portuguese who know better and can correct me.
In Hungarian it says “segglyuk”, but that means “asshole”. It should be “segg” to match “ass”.
Segg like in rendőrségg ?
Hm, I wonder if that’s related to German “Loch,” with the same meaning?
Of course the only one they fuck up is hungarian… they got swedish, italian and spanish right from what i know.
They fucked up the UK too
It would be arse right?
Isn’t Hungarian lpszArse?
Austrian here:
It is refereed to as “oasch” almost everywhere in Austria instead of “arsch”
Kont in Dutch - English’s closest major relative - is very interesting.
Presumably it’s cognate with cunt, which reminds me of the different meanings of fanny in UK/US English.
Also Finnish and Estonian both with perse - cool, they’re both Uralic so that makes sense. And just below them dirsa seems so similar, despite Latvian being Indo-European. But then along comes their Uralic buddy Hungarian with the utterly dissimilar segglyuk.
Would be gat in flemish dutch tbh. Not kont
Ah, thank you.
Kont is also not the most used, nicest way of saying it. “Billen” is a better match.
I do blame the “why is it so different from English” on “Het Nederlands taalgenootschap”, that was an organization that decided that a lot of Dutchified English would be changed to more Dutch terms. So is “Math” changed into “Wiskunde/Rekenen”.
Kont is also not the most used, nicest way of saying it. “Billen” is a better match.
“Billen” is “buttocks”, it’s less vulgar than “kont” but it doesn’t mean exactly the same thing. I think kont is also more socially acceptable with Flemish Dutch speakers than with Dutch speakers from the Netherlands.
Should also note that the word “aars” exists too. Given that they went with Arsch in German and Ass in English, it’s a bit strange that they chose the word “kont” to represent Dutch.
organization that decided that a lot of Dutchified English would be changed to more Dutch terms. So is “Math” changed into “Wiskunde/Rekenen”.
Why shouldn’t we use our own words to refer to things?
Also the word “wiskunde” wasn’t made up by the organization you mention. It came from Simon Stevin, a Flemish 16th century mathematician.
Zoomers: GYAT
Prochi (პროჭი) in Georgian means asshole specifically, it should say traki (ტრაკი) for ass
Is this the famous κωλος of Rhodes ?
In Norwegian depending on context and where you’re from you might say other words like Rumpe, Rass, Rauv, etc. The most polite and normally written one of them is Rumpe.
The Arabic “muakhirah” means something like “the behind”. Funny enough, it shares some roots with the word “muta’akhir” which means “being late” and “akhir” which means “the latest”. It’s polite and used even in some dialects to just refer politely to it. Every dialect though has other specific words that are more vulgar. Some are different in every country. Egyptians would use “Tiz” to refer to it and Moroccans would use the more vulgar “Zok”. Middle Eastern countries also often use “Tiz”.
wtf Malta
They apparently like to spend a lot of time saying ass 🤷
I thought that was some tag or something 💀