This goes out to all the homies that don’t have the time/energy to moderate, and to the ones that do that would like ideas (If there’s been posts about this already then I’m srry)
Personally I don’t care at all, but I’ve got a few friends hoping for a good gun group similar to liberalgunowners.
I would like a video group like r/unexpected and r/kidsarefuckingstupid for funny vids to share with my wife at bedtime.
Right now I feel like a new interesting and active community is appearing every hour or two so I’m not in a rush, I’m enjoying watching the whole lemmiverse taking its first big steps has a similar idea as r/kidsarefuckingstupid as per the sidebar.
There’s also an unexpected on but it’s dead so maybe someone with a bunch of good videos/gifs can start to populate it or make a new one here.
Personally I’m just going to miss the oddly specific meme subreddits like r/breadstapledtotrees and r/suspiciousquotes
Very niche, but I would love to see a (bullet) journaling community on here. it was one of my favourite places to go on reddit. Also miss the fantasy community, but as I understand it, there are a lot of new communities in beta related to favourite authors and such.
I’d like to find a good archery community. I think I want to pick it up as a hobby, but don’t know where to start.
My list
Funsies & Weird brainstorming
- /r/competitiveoverwatch aka /r/cow (I don’t play the game but I sure enjoy the juice)
- /r/hobbydrama (very diverse type of juicy dramas, miam!)
- /r/overwatchTMZ (/r/cow but extended)
- /r/valorantcompetitive (same reasoning for the OW one)
- /r/livestreamfail (don’t post there; but is fun to occasionally lurk and see funny stuffs and be up to date with the latest online juicers)
- /r/anarchychess
- /r/singularity
- /r/BestofRedditorUpdates
- and 20 more cute animal pictures/videos subreddits like /r/partyparrots, /r/happycowgifs, etc.
Stuffs I use for er… productivity! yeah yeah productivity, that’s right!
- /r/obsidianmd I enjoy seeing other people’s workflow and new tools being developed
- /r/chatgpt (Recently the main sub went to shit with the influx of new users so /r/chatgptcoding or /r/chatgptpro might be better lol)
Subreddits that I often get led by Google search engine and it would be sad if they were to go down perpetually since I would have a very hard time without them…
- /r/homelab
- /r/automation
- /r/selfhosted
- /r/datahoarder
- /r/android
- /r/sysadmin
- /r/kitchenconfidential
- /r/appliancerepair/
I’m also very interested in how some different jobs work so I subbed out to these to check on them occasionally… and they sometimes would provide interesting workflows/insights that I can a-hem, take inspiration from…
- /r/ExperiencedDevs/
- /r/accounting
- /r/uxdesign
There’s way more but I visit those a bit less, the problem is, I’m not sure if Lemmy can fill the void in my heart but if it does for those main ones (all above) then I think that I can permanently migrate from Reddit.
Don’t know about any of the others, but I saw Best of Lemmy Updates pop up yesterday.
As others have said, anarchy chess is here already as is chatgpt
I’ve seen a bunch of those! You should be able to find them via
Here are the subreddits I would miss the most:
- Am I the Asshole
- LegalAdvice
- Parenting / Daddit
- thingsmykidsaid
- whatisthisthing
…and all of the local/regional subreddits for cities / metro areas around the world.
I need to see my “Imaginary” art again. There were so many subs with so much variety.
Aw yeah! I loved those! My favorite was r/imaginarycyberpunk!
What I’m missing the most:
AmateurRoomPorn, FemaleLivingSpace, MaleLivingSpace and similars. Plenty of ideas on how to decorate my home, suggestions,…
OneOrangeBraincell, Flonkers, MurderMittens, ToeFeathers, PouchCatatoes and other ‘niche’ cat subreddits. I can survive with the already existing IllegallySmolCats and Cats, I guess.
GifRecipes, ShittyGifRecipes, ShittyFoodPorn. Ones for learning new stuff to cook, others… for learning what NOT to cook thankyouverymuch.
! is one I saw pop up recently.
! also.
Thank you!!!
I found pretty much everything by now. But I’m still missing:
- DebateReligion
- AskScience
And of course some activity in niche communities, but that will come.
I still need to dig around and see what all is here, but Nosleep was my fave sub and I’m really going to miss some of my fave writers I found on there.
Also, some of the funny cat subs, state/city/specific location subs and things to do in those areas, antiwork, eh…my list isn’t too long.
I’d love these:
- /c/WoTshow
- /c/nanocurrency
- /c/cryptocurrency
- /c/banano
- /c/cryptomonkeys
Personally, not a fan of the crypto stuff, but if you’re into it, have you looked at
I’d like to see something similar to r/bigbangedmemes or r/blackholedmemes, these subs are about editing heavily a meme screenshot/image at the point to turn it into an un-understandable trippy image, at a point where it’s almost a form of art. They are still public on reddit right now so I don’t know if it’s a good idea to create an alternative here already.
I miss fantasy writers and magic building. I would even be willing to moderate them. But I lack any skills to contribute to them. Not to mention I’m worried that most people are not interested in move as writing subreddits struggle to get off ground.
I would so be game for that, am leaving for a trip, will be back at the end of the month, but after that, I’d love to help set it up.
r/gainit and r/gtaonline (I don’t play gta anymore, I just stayed for the big community)
deleted by creator
I just created one for the upcoming DCU films. I really love DC and I hope to see you there, mate!
Just subscribed!
Welcome! Glad to have you!