How is it?

  • Pope-King Joe
    272 years ago

    Oh yeah the game is great. Get both of em so you can transfer your save from the first to the second.

    I never played the DS game so I have no comment on it, but the GBA games are really good classics.

    • Roundcat
      82 years ago

      I’ve heard mixed things about it, but my sister who the GS fan in my family swears by it.

      22 years ago

      I liked Dark Dawn (DS one) but it didnt quite have the charm of the originals. Still worth playing though in my opinion.

    102 years ago

    Great game, 10/10. I don’t see many people talking about the ds games, but they are also very good.

      12 years ago

      I’m excited for you! If you like it, that is. There’s a lot of game to enjoy, and if you do dig it you can carry over the save to the sequel. If you don’t like it though, no pressure. There are so many other games out there to try. :)

    62 years ago

    I remember playing the first Golden Sun very close to its release thanks to emulation. But my rom was bugged so the game crashed when the final boss used his ultimate attack. At the time I didn’t know I could transfer my .sav file from one rom to another, and that it would probably work if the roms are from the same game/region. I was just a teenager. 😅

    The second game I played on cartridge and the wait was very painful because, contrary to what’s costumary nowadays, Golden Sun The Lost Age released on the west a few months after its japanese release date. The japanese rom was floating around the web, with some very preliminary stopgap fan-translations, but it was not a good experience and most people chose to wait.

    62 years ago

    Hell yeah! It’s one of my favorite games. It’s in my desk drawer next to me. Not sure where the 2nd game is right now tho. I’m a big fan of how you get to play the story line from two different perspectives. I also like the whole djinn system that lets you change how your characters are spec’d and they’re attack styles.

    Golden Sun game for Gameboy Advanced

      22 years ago

      I lost my cart years ago and I’m still to this day upset by that, easily my favourite gba game by a mile. The djinn system was super cool, I remember when I starting figuring out how assigning to different characters and having them set or unset would change skills and the like, now I really want to go play it again

  • raktheundead
    62 years ago

    Actually used to be a member of a forum focusing on the Golden Sun games. I was very impressed with them back in the day; they felt like a prime SNES-era JRPG designed for the GBA. I especially liked how the Psynergy system was used for puzzles outside of combat; non-combat uses of magic is something I’ve considered to be lacking in JRPGs generally, so it was a nice curiosity.

  • stephfinitely
    52 years ago

    It my favorite GBA game and I’m still waiting for it to come to Nintendo switch, like we where promised.

    52 years ago

    I’m playing it right now, it’s pretty fun! Playing on the Miyoo Mini+, having turbo and fast forward is a huge plus for battles.

  • Muddobbers
    52 years ago

    I’ve played all of them and I really enjoyed 1 and 2! I have played and beaten 3 but I can’t possibly tell you anything about the plot because I literally don’t remember it. I just remember farming levels on the last map at the end of the game because it was amazing experience. Definitely give 1 and 2 a chance and just forget about 3.

    42 years ago

    My childhood. Played golden sun and the second one. Never played the third. I probably played those games 3 or 4 times through. I’m pretty sure I have one and an SP around my place somewhere.

  • missingno
    42 years ago

    Golden Sun holds a place in my heart as the first JRPG I played that had me do more than just click Attack for the majority of turns. A lot of older titles suffered in that regard, but Golden Sun addresses it with regenerating PP and free Djinn actions to encourage you to explore your toolkit. Puzzles were also fantastic.

    Skip the DS game though, it’s bad.

    42 years ago

    I’d also recommend Lufia 2, Chrono Trigger, and even Secret of Mana and Shadowrun (SNES version especially) in the same vein.