all of the comments are assuming this is how evolution works… and most dont even seem to be sarcastic
do people really think this is how it works or am i going crazy?
They got their evolution knowledge from digimon. Bacteria turns into dinosaur turns into refrigerator turns into skeleton.
then it turns into car
Yeah, obviously they won’t evolve into dinosaurs, they’ll evolve into crabs
try { lifeform.Evolve(); } catch(…) { lifeform.Crab(); }
People really think this. Most peoples knowledge stops at “evolution is when thing become better”. And people that do realize don’t talk about evolutionary pressure in the gut microbiome in the comic community.
If they live forever, they’re not evolving. They’re mutating.
the person lives forever, its the bacteria inside them that evolves
That’s just more friends to outlive :(
Fredric Brown wrote a fun very short story (he was known for page-long short stories) about a scientist who discovered immortality and took the serum, but he had a cold at the time, so the bacteria also became immortal, took over his body, became pneumonia and put him in a coma. Eventually, his colleagues buried him.
Edit: Found the story. Got the details slightly wrong, but the gist was the same-
the origin story of life on earth
Luckily, the body naturally purges out unwelcome living inhabitants in the GI tract.
As in your diarrhea them out before they could burst out through your abs.
But… what if they evolve the ability to survive purges and then put the skill points into bursting out via abs?
Jokes on them, I don’t have abs
No the best part is getting to find out firsthand:-).