The age old question. Coke? Pepsi? Store brand? Any other?
I’m personally a Dr Pepper guy myself.
Do yourself a favor and trick yourself into liking the Zero or Diet versions of your chosen soda. Notably, the Zero formulations have less and less aftertaste. I have found Zero versions of Dr. Pepper, Sprite, Pepsi, Coke, etc. I even found Cherry Dr.Pepper Zero, which if you know what that means is just nonsensical. I go back to the regular sugar sometimes and it doesn’t taste any better. I enjoy my acidic spiced cherry lemon Dr.Pepper without the diabeetus.
Calorie rant: Why? 1.5 cans of soda is 250 kcal. That is equivalent to 30 MINUTES OF EXERCISE. PER DRINK. 3500 kcals (or calories) is equal to 1-0.5 pounds of fat gained or lost. Stop drinking or substitute soda for 2 weeks and lose a pound/0.4kg. Stop for a year and lose 25 pounds/12 kg FOR NO EXERCISE. Do you know how disheartening to know that all of my exercise is wasted by just chugging a large soda? Do the inverse and save an hour of jogging with a large DIET/ZERO soda.
My wife introduced me (53M) to Coke Zero on our honeymoon 18 years ago.
I dropped 10 pounds just from that one change. It didn’t take me any time to “get used” to drinking it, like Diet Coke, which to this day still tastes metallic.
Adults really should minimized any and all calorie intake from drinking. So that means water, or zero calorie sodas and drinks.
Another important note about diet soda is that they can often increase appetite, so try to avoid drinking them before or during a meal. Of course water is better but we all know damn well nobody is perfect lol. With thoughtful timing and good moderation you can enjoy diet drinks without worry (water still better though).
Well as long as you’re doing yourself favors, try to go with water, and cut out soda for most of your diet.
But of course this isn’t really an answer to the question at hand.
Cream soda or Dr. Pepper. Or just check all the boxes with Dr. Pepper Cream Soda
Water! You can even carbonate it yourself!
That’s exactly my answer to “Which carbonated soft drink is the worst?”
I know I’m going to be in the minority here, but I’ve been on a carbonated flavored water kick for a few years after I realized sugar was killing me. It was a two fold realization that I just really enjoy the fizz and not the sugar.
That said, Polar seltzer-ade with lemon or lime juice is just 🤌 if you’re into carbonated waters
yaaaas queen
Bundaberg ginger beer! It’s the only answer
When I was a kid, we had a drink called “suicide punch”. You mix equal parts of every drink in the fountain.
It is definitely not that.
Fevertree ginger beer. Strong ginger flavor, not overly sweet like many other ginger beers I’ve tried.
Add some lime 👍
100% Kofola best taste imo and Pepsi or Coca-Cola are just disgustingly sweet in comparison.
Faygo pineapple or cotton candy flavour. Yes, that exists.
Late to the party, but chinotto. I don’t have a favorite brand yet but everything I’ve tried, I like. The blend of spice and bitter is fantastic.
Wild Cherry Pepsi all day.
Irn Bru or dandelion & burdock.
Green River… unless it’s the Sprecher Red Apple but that’s seasonal which makes me angry lol
Baja blast zero by a mile
Yes! It’s so good. I always pick up a few 12 packs when I see it because it only comes around every once in a while
Its finally back for good!
Is it really? Oh, finally!
I never see it, though. I’ll have to look around.