Oh dang, that’s good. You could be a professional ska band namer.
Everytime I hear the word “Ska,” Goldfinger’s Superman starts playing and suddenly I’m playing THPS.
For anyone that loved that game back in the day the 1+2 remake is awesome.
🎵 So here I am
Doing everything I can
Holding on to what I am
Pretending I’m a super man 🎵
I wasn’t allowed that song at my wedding
You may, if I can counter with Kryptonite (Reloaded) by Jeris Johnson for when you really want the inlaws to question their precious little girl’s decision making.
I’m just glad there are still bands out there making silly and fun 3rd wave music
For those who havent heard of the Mad Caddies, everyone ive ever played the song Backyard for has liked it. Theyve got a bunch of great tunes. Check em out you wont be dissapointed.
The real mvp
I just listened to it. Don’t get me wrong, at an open air concert in summer with a beer in my hand, I’d sway to it and have a good time. But in general, it’s a bit too boring and lukewarm for me.
I like it a bit dirtier: just listened to that on a pair of Bose Quietcomfort after a bottle of Plan de Dieu and it was one of the best things I’ve ever heard
That’s the impression that I get…
You better knock on wood
I haven’t yet, because I’m sure it isn’t good
But I know someone who has, which makes me wonder if I could
Streetlight Manifesto is by far my favourite ska punk band, closely followed by The Arrogant Sons of Bitches. I’m a sucker for brass, heh.
If you don’t mind lyrics in French, give a listen to the older albums from “la ruda salska” , since renamed to just “la ruda” I think.
Sorry, you just reminded me of one of my favorite jokes:
What has 9 arms and sucks?
Def Leppard
Actual Jamaican ska doesn’t have to be super fast and often isn’t.
Here’s Demond Dekker with his biggest hit, The Israelites. He was actually known as the ‘King of Ska.’
Because of this movie I believed it was actually called “Jamaica Ska” for a number of years.
reminder that ska is back and trans, stream JER
let goooooo these mozz stick obsessions
Is “I saw a meme” a meme now?
Sorry, my nutritionist brain needs to interrupt this conversation to let everyone know that as delightfully delicious as fried mozzarella sticks are, the human body feels significantly unwell after eating them, and you don’t even notice how unwell you feel, because all you remember is how good the things tasted.
Please eat nutritiously because every healthy human makes a significant difference in improvement to the planet, and to society as a whole, And if every human was nutritionally educated and conscious, this planet would be a fuckin Utopia.
No offense, but IIRC ‘nutritionist’ isn’t a protected term - anyone can call themself a nutritionist. I believe ‘dietitian’ is the one that actually requires education/certification.
Also, yeah, mozzarella sticks aren’t healthy, but once in a while won’t kill ya. Everything in moderation.
Everything in moderation, including moderation.
I like your username
Thanx :)
Do you really think people don’t know deep-fried food is bad for them? You sound like born agains who believe there are people who haven’t heard of Jesus.
Not OP but I don’t think it’s obvious that people know how bad deep fried food is for them. Health effects of food are complicated and people are bad at nuance! We do a lot of cultural false equivalency about “all bad food is the same bad”, so I find reminders like OP’s helpful.
Best back the fuck up off my cheesesticks motherfucker.
harsh but fair
You sound like you’d be really fun at parties.
You sound like you eat junk food and you don’t realize how unwell you feel.
Not only do you sound fun at parties but also like one of those cult/health guru nuts that actually cause harm to people with their “all air diet”
Sounds like you’ve never heard the phrase “Everything in moderation”.
I’m telling you, I accidentally had a job at a restaurant last year and I am a stickler for nutritious food so I promised myself I would never eat anything from that restaurant but a weak moment I ate a delicious mozzarella stick and within 30 minutes I felt markedly unwell. I suddenly felt gross and lazy and slow and apathetic just like everyone else around me, But they go their entire lives living this way because they eat food like this all the time and they don’t realize what it’s doing to them because they think it’s normal. This happened to me a few times over that year and there is no doubt in my mind that fried foods make people feel unwell. And I wouldn’t have noticed it if I weren’t always normally an extremely strict healthy eater.
I thought you were a nutritionist, not a bus boy?
I’m a retired woman, not a boy, and I was traveling and got stranded in a one-restaurant-town for a minute. They hired me as bartender because they declared I was attractive and good for drawing in customers 🤷🏻♀️
How did you become a nutritionist?
I feel terrible constantly to be fair, but at least the food is yummy.
(In all seriousness I am trying to eat healthier and generally be kinder to my body and my health but I also have terrible impulse control and really like some really unhealthy food)
sad ska trombone noise
have you considered instead that fried cheese actually makes me feel great though because i’m simply built like an inhuman machine
Fried cheese makes you feel good because It’s delicious and it hits all the dopamine receptors.
But does fried cheese make you feel energetic and alert and clear-thinking, vivacious, and feel sexy and strong and athletic in your body?
Real food is fuel, nutrients. It makes people feel energetic, alert, vivacious, clear-thinking, sexy, strong, and athletic.
But does fried cheese make you feel energetic and alert and clear-thinking, vivacious, and feel sexy and strong and athletic in your body?
Yes. I don’t know what to tell you
Everybody got a vice. If a very occasional indulgence in fried cheese will cause the collapse of civilization as we know it then we are doing something wrong. I get that for a worm in horseradish the world is horseradish and this IS your horseradish but please relax.
If we as a species made it past the 1800’s craze of adulterating everything with sawdust ,opiates, lead and alum we can account for a decent margin of error for things that are still actually food without the moral panic.
what does nutrition science say about ska, though
Yeah the joke definitely doesn’t work as well with steamed broccoli.
ska good. carry on.
if every human was nutritionally educated and conscious, this planet would be a fuckin Utopia
Well, I’m not going to say that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard, but it’s certainly got a shot at the title.
There’s also nothing worse than a bad mozzarella stick. A good one cooked in a fryer is amazing, but those grocery store ones baked in an oven are pure trash