If at all. I know some folks just let it sit and go low and slow.
Just curious to see what you folks prefer.
Twice a year I’d say. I have a series of piles maturing and this allows them to age for a full year+ before I use them. Really cuts down on the effort. Turning is for rapid results.
Every couple of weeks during the summer, once a month over the winter. Used to do it weekly, but decided I should probably let it heat up more between turns.
I do it by getting a fork and properly turning and mixing it. Very physically demanding!
I only really have the one 800 litre bin though. I think the let it sit strategy works better when you have 2 or more, just layer well and let nature do the mixing!
It’s a really good workout. This sounds like a really fast pace to me but if you’re getting good exercise, there’s nothing wrong with that!
I live in Phoenix and just started to water and turn my compost daily during the summer. It looks a heck of a lot better. However, I always regard my “summer” compost to be nothing more than topsoil by the end of the season. At least it’s good for something.
I’d like to say I do it more often than this, but in practice 2-4 times in spring and 2-4 times in fall. Mostly because that’s when I’m adding a lot of additional material.