Non-fiction and Bible don’t really go hand in hand. Even if they did, it would be a really graphic book and not really one for pleasure. Maybe you would like history around that time period?
I don’t care about the Bible, it’s just an expression. I think.
Ah, so do you mean like some kind of Encyclopedia?
Sort of. It’s a real expression (at least in England :P) meaning a “must-have” book, usually related to some subject/profession. For example, I’d consider Everyday Cryptography by Keith Martin the cryptographer’s Bible. Even after going through it all, it’s helpful for reference.
Demon-Haunted World by Carl Sagan. Amazing and still completely relevant.
Man I loved that book. Critical thinking should be taught in school.
check some facts
Nope can’t say that I have.
Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky
Politics Is for Power by Eitan Hersh
An Underground Education by Richard Zacks. Especially since all the controversies are getting combed out of Wikipedia.
7 habits for highly effective people Simplify your life
Both have saved me countless times. :)
The 48 laws of power.
Master Handbook of Acoustics—lives up to its name.
Behave by Sapolsky. I have not finished it yet. I did see his lectures though. But this is my bible. I love Sapolsky.
The Art of War, Tao Te Ching, and the Art of Learning. They’re heavy reads, except Art of Learning is more of a biography of a really competitive guy.
To have or to be? By Erich Fromm
Great and relevant book
Pocket Ref & pocket US Constitution.