This is a great game. It had good gameplay and progression with skills unlocking. The story and characters were quirky and cute. What I remember most fondly is the amazing soundtrack that I play once in a while. The other thing I remember is the the dance or die rave. I am terrible at Simon says mini games. Lol
As part of the game you rescue these people hidden throughout the map that are encased in crystal. Some of them are part of a band. As you find more of them, their respective instruments get added to the soundtrack of the main city.
It all culminates into this beautiful orchestral ensemble that genuinely hits hard. Lol I’m thinking about replaying this again now for probably the 5th time.
when I was kid and buy new game, if the cover are samurai like character, I will buy it.
This was back when everything square made was gold
Then right around square became square enix and finished ffx it all just went downhill
Had nothing to do with the merger, hironobu sakaguchi was a major driving force at the company, the man knows how to create magic but not by himself by finding the best people for a project and throwing a concept and letting them imagine the most fantastical music/settings/stories, he made a crap extremely expensive movie called spirits within that flopped hard and got booted for nearly bankrupting the company, after that merger/money became more important to keep square from dying and the creative teams afloat and the rest is history
Given the recent string of new remakes being announced, and how Square has been re-releasing updated versions of their old games for modern platforms, I wonder if this will get at least the latter soon.
Oh fuck yeah! This game was my childhood. Legitimately the music in it is all bangers, and the story is incredible. Hidden jem of the century. Thanks for posting 😄
I remember my friends being super into this game when it was new and I couldn’t understand why. I should give it a try now.
Played and replayed this game for so many times during my childhood. The sequel was much less memorable tho.
This is such a great game. The gameplay holds up but you also get a good story and some humor to go along with it. It was just a high quality game all around.
I bought this in Japan (because it came with the ffviii demo, and looked pretty good). Really liked the game, not even sure it got released in the uk?
Never played this game but I love the idea that when someone asks him to get wood for them, Musashi’s response is “do I look like a carpenter to you?”