More than half the world will be at a “high or very high risk” of measles outbreaks by the end of 2024, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Earlier this week, the global group warned that the viral infection — which is also known as rubeola — has been increasing across the globe due to a high amount of vaccinations missed amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

“What we are worried about is this year, 2024, we’ve got these big gaps in our immunization programs, and if we don’t fill them really quickly with the vaccine, measles will just jump into that gap,” Natasha Crowcroft, a Senior Technical Adviser on Measles and Rubella with the WHO, said during a press briefing in Geneva.

“We can see, from data that’s produced with WHO data by the CDC, that more than half of all the countries in the world are going to be at high or very high risk of outbreaks by the end of this year,” she added.

        1 year ago

        They don’t care.

        If they cared about the truth, we wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place.

        Fuck them. They are literally killing people with their fucking stupidity. I didn’t mind if they killed themselves by not reading labels and drinking bleach or whatever, but now they are putting everyone at risk from their willfull ignorance and stupidity.

        Again, from the bottom of my heart: fuck these knuckle dragging truth denying idiots who don’t deserve any time, effort, patience or sympathy. Fuck. Them.

        411 year ago

        “Bullshit. Lies! That guy’s sister heard from her hair stylist’s cousin that he read an article on Facebook that they implant Alien Neonazi microchips with every vaccine that make you gay and dumb!”

        Those people are lost to science, let’s face it.

        • Infiltrated_ad8271
          1 year ago

          If you manage to argue long and hard with those crazy extremists (not with the ignorant ones) and not lose your temper, you should be sanctified 😅

        381 year ago

        This only works if they are rational actors. They are not. The issue is they have forgotten the pain of the silent generation, where of families of 8 kids, only 3 would survive to become adults.

        What they need is trauma, lots of it. Until then, ridicule and humor is the best we can do.

          31 year ago

          I can’t think of cases where people aren’t convinced until somebody in their family dies horribly and they realize how much they fucked up for not getting their family vaccinated

          01 year ago

          Unfortunately acting in the manner you suggested will only serve to make things worse. Ridiculing a non rational actor only drives them further into their belief structure. This is literally cult deprogramming and every thing I have heard and read on cult deprogramming says the very worst thing you can do is ridicule the person.

            41 year ago

            On an individual basis, you are correct.

            Collectively , ridicule and humor has its function in mitigating the spread of a cult. Humor and ridicule of the Catholic church has played a significant role in preventing generational transfer of the mental illness.

            We need to make sure they understand that they are the abnormal ones, shunned by society, so that they are less socially engaged about it. Most of them are probably beyond deprogramming until they get betrayed by their movement in some catastrophic way.

              21 year ago

              They need a bit of the ol’ Good Cop/Bad Cop (misnomer ofc because ACAB). Us bad cops shun them, make fun of them, curse their existence, tell 'em to go fuck themselves. The good cops do the deprogramming work, let them know “Hey…I get it…you’re scared” arm-around-the-shoulder thing.

              I wish I could be the good cop…I really, really do. But as a polyamorous, autistic, non-binary academic who lives in a world where bigoted, anti-science cunts make life absolutely fucking unbearable on the daily for me and mine, well…I’m just fresh out of the feel-goods, nothing but vitriol and middle fingers left in stock 'til the end of the century.

        • Infiltrated_ad8271
          -21 year ago

          Yep, I guess the covid made it a visceral, identitarian issue. They’re not good allies, but hey, if they have to be alienated, it’s a reassurance that they’re on the right side.

        1 year ago

        “Responding with the same actions is detrimental and only accelerates the ever increasing division that drives all this. It’s best to respond with logic and a calmness to try close that division, at least on one side.”

        Everyone here, “FUCK YOU!!! They don’t listen so fucking pound it into them, that always works!!!”

          61 year ago

          Read Daniel Kahneman’s “Thinking Fast & Slow”, & understand that there are 2 different “thinking” systems, one limbic, the imprint->reaction system, Kahneman System-1, … and the other is the human considered-reason system.

          Ideology/prejudice ( they are 2 sides of the same “coin” ) is Kahneman System-1, not considered-reasoning: they are separate brain/mind systems.

          Leninism’s “‘educating’-the-masses into proletariat-dictatorship” and Murdoch’s “TV-ing-the-masses into populist-dictatorship” are 2 variants of the same thing, … and their identical goal is to render globally-irrelevant any considered-reasoning system of humankind.

          All the different political-factions that are pushing to displace considered-reasoning with automatic-ideology, all the different religious-factions that are pushing to displace considered-reasoning with automatic-ideology, its the same thing with different “makeup” on it.

          Humankind is, fundamentally, fighting to reject moral-anxiety, through rejecting considered-reasoning, and displacing it, globally, with imprinted-reaction of ideology/prejudice, whichever ideology/prejudice that particular faction is identifying-with.

          The eradication of quality education by communists & republicans, the systematic-sabotage of entire-population’s ability to parent their children properly by moneyarchy’s sadistic obstruction of living-wage law … the over-600 mass-shootings last-year in the US is a symptom of the shredding-of-the-world-for-ideology’s-mechanism, the cause of last-year’s effects … was attachment-disorder manufactured decades ago.

          Some still have potential considered-reasoning in them, but many no-longer do, due to having been brought-up in ideology/prejudice’s automatic-reaction, until considered-reasoning is only vestigal-potential, in their life.

          Ignoring/denying the actual-condition of humankind will only cost much more lives, for comforting-belief’s sake.

          I don’t expect more than 1.5% of humankind to survive this century ( from a peak of about 9B people, within 1 decade ), if any do.

          Appeasing rabies is a corpse’s game: rabies doesn’t appease: the appease-mechanism can’t work on it, as it is a social-manipulation-technique which presumes that the “other” is sufficiently-identical-to-one’s-own-mind, and that is baseless/false presumption ( can be baseless due to cultural-differences, can also be baseless due to System-1 vs System-2 balance difference being too huge, can also be baseless due to sociopathy or psychopathy or cPTSD or other fundamental mind-differences ).

          White-supremacism “christianity” is as committed to genociding as Russia & Israel are, and “reasoning” just accommodates more butchery-escalation.

          Either appease/accommodate & sacrifice population’s lives for it … or draw the line & back it up with absolute-force, but … within our country, that isn’t permitted, is it?

          Only appeasing/accommodating is permitted … so, therefore, the progression continues tilting until the totalitarian-butchery wins…

          Same as in Nazi Europe in WW2.

          No point in pretending otherwise.

          I expect at least 200,000,000 to die in North America in the next decade, due to US Civil War Part2, as it shreds everything, including proactively-managing-natural-disasters ( imagine hurricane Katrina if NO warning or help had happened, & multiply that by however-many hurricanes do that to the US while it’s having its Civil War Part2, and then consider how much nihilist-anarchism that’ll produce, multiplying-again the violent-nihilism in the system… it’s a spiraling positive-feedback-loop, see? ).

          The gutting of NATO, & active backing of Russia that Trump’s going to do, once crowned GEOTUS, … obviously the Russia/China/Saudi alliance is going to take advantage of the dictator’s gift to their global-supremacism…

          Exactly as that paper on behavioral-risk with climate change pointed-out:

          • humanity only reacts to already completely-manifest problems, & never acts proactively, &
          • humanity fights-against accepting the facts as long as possible, until it’s too-late

          That has consequences.

          Sometimes you need to use violent-force to break a drunk-driver from driving & smashing others’-lives.

          Refusal to do-so may make one more “acceptable” among the left’s coddling-belonging-culture, but it does produce more butchery-of-lives.

          Consequences are real.

          Nobody’s allowed to break corruption from authority: convention prohibits that.

          All this is simply setting-up our own species getting a Darwin Award.

          Stupidity at the galactic-epitaph scale.

          BREAK drunk-driving, the instant you encounter it, instead of leftist-style hoping it’ll go away, so I don’t have to intervene, individually … XOR … allow the consequences of non-intervening to be written-into-Eternity with one’s own blood’s-inaction adding to it.

          I’m saying that as a guy whose cowardice contributed to the continued-career of a serial-murderer.

          My cowardice prevented me from doing more than calling 911, whereas if I had violently intervened … then it is entirely possible that 20+ women wouldn’t have been snuffed by him, in the years since.

          I heard him murdering, & was quaking-with-fear, when I should have been butchering him while his hands were still on her neck.

          Her corpse was found in the parking-lot the next morning ( I hadn’t known precisely where this was, only the general-direction, due to my hesitation ).

          Then, later, I found-out he murdered a woman every year.

          And I didn’t stop him, when I could have.

          Their murders are partly my responsibility, through my inaction.

          Objectivity breaks “rose glasses”.

          I was there-enough to hear, I could have got-closer & struck.

          And ended his serial-murdering, even by wounding him distinctively, so that his sudden-marking made identifying him easier, for the police.

          All those women murdered since then, were murdered partly by my cowardice.

          Humankind’s doing exactly the same thing, now, with its own viability.

          Except that it is going to be oceans-of-lives lost in the consequences.

    1 year ago

    Vaccines are like IT departments. When it works and everything is fine, “they do nothing and cost a lot to run”, but when they’re let go, things might still works for a while until it doesn’t anymore and now everything is on fire.

    Not vaccinating your kids works only if other kids are vaccinated. The moment a large number of kids not vaccinated anymore, that’s when hell break loose.

      151 year ago

      The phrase is “What do we pay you for?” And they’ll say when everything works, and when everything breaks. We’re always justifying our jobs. It’s why we need a union 💪.

    1 year ago

    Worst part is that for some of these people, watching their children die is not a wake up call. They form very tight groups who comfort each other as their children die, saying:

    It’s not your fault, you did all you can do.

    This world needs a serious dosage of accountability.

    161 year ago

    Good episode in season 7 of ER about selfish, antivax parents watching as their helpless kid dies from measles.

      41 year ago

      ER is such a great show, it made me want to become a doctor. Of course, I didn’t end up becoming one because I thought the schooling for it was more expensive than it actually was in my country, which means I probably wasn’t smart enough to become one in the first place.

    91 year ago

    More than half the world? We talking population or countries?

    Seems like an awful lot, but I have no idea about vaccines in other countries. Also do you only need 1 vaccine against measles once in your life or does it require a 2nd one later in life?

      111 year ago

      A second one later in life, IIRC.

      And sometimes the second one doesn’t stick. It didn’t for me, and I’ve been seeing enough other people saying that was also the case for them that I’ve been suggesting my loved ones go get tested for measles immunity even if they’re up-to-date on their vaccines.

        51 year ago

        Yes the second one only makes you 97% chance of not passing it on. I will need to find a good source for that, but the idea of vaccination requires mass support. Survival of the fittest isn’t about the strongest. It is about those that can figure out a way to reproduce. Viruses reproduce over and over and over in a single body. A vaccine is a poster in the break room that says “known terrorist”. By the time the body gets the Senate and House to declare a war or the President to start without gives reproduce processes for the virus plenty of time. 97% of the time they step up in this case, clearly not human governments. 3% of the time that virus still gets spread. If we don’t isolate it enough it goes peanut butter all over our jelly. Everyone knows what it is like to clean up peanut butter. It’s just nasty