“Reddit is publicly extending an olive branch to the moderator community that it largely enraged over recent weeks…But as you might expect, mods remain skeptical.”
Burn it down.
For real. I got on Reddit in 2009, I was a mod for awhile blah blah blah. It’s been going downhill for almost a decade. It was slow.
Last comment I made there I got a 3 day suspension on my account. A video of a guy standing in the street and knocking down a guy in his motorcycle, stealing his keys and refusing to give them back.
I said he should have punched the dude out or choked him. I mean this dude could have killed the guy on the bike. He was unhinged. So I got a ban for “inciting or promoting violence” or some bullshit.
But here’s the thing lol. You can post about punching Nazis all day long. Fuck Nazis. Punch every one you see. But the double standard is outrageous. This is the same reason I permanently deleted Facebook. Getting a ban for saying the word “bitch”. And I was quoting Jesse pinkman! We don’t need to be babysat on the fucking internet. It’s absolutely insane what these companies do.
Got banned for for calling someone a bitch on Facebook also- referring to a guy that was suggesting rape as a way to deal with left wing protestors.
That was when I left and never looked back.
Got banned on Reddit for calling people who dragged a person out of their car to rob them, steal their car- and left them for dead- animals.
That was when I left and never looked back.
Bigots, rapists, and criminals of all sorts are a protected species on social media.
I’ve been going on that site once every couple weeks to catch up on some videos and saw the one you just mentioned the other day. I kept thinking the same thing. Dude is taking your keys and causing you to be stranded. Hit him.
But the guy showed restraint, which is better for cops to take action when they arrive. But getting restricted for that comment is bs.
I once got banned from Reddit for saying that I wished someone would punch the colossal asshole Indiana attorney general in the nose as a sort of punny response to something he said himself. (I can’t remember what he said.) It was really clearly a joke. A bunch of people came to my defense and I was unbanned. I should have taken the hint then.
You been referred to the reddit suicide hotline yet? I have a few times.
Not the person you asked but yeah I’ve been referred to that many times.
Oh yes.
Same, but 2011 join date. Modded a bit and was very active. I got banned for warning someone that their phrasing could be a call to action.
I lost two accounts with a combined just-under-one-million karma for calling out a bot scam. Permanently banned, appeal refused. I can’t even create a new account. I’m shadowbanned no matter what I do.
We’re the product these companies are selling. Nothing of actual value was lost for you, but immense value was lost to them. Feels good.
(double posted)
It’ll burn itself when if we all just ignore them and don’t use them while simultaneously spreading word of Lemmy when in conversation with others online.
“So, we’ve all had a… time on Reddit lately,” Go_JasonWaterfalls wrote. “And I’m here to recognize it, acknowledge that our relationship has been tested, and begin the ‘now what?’ conversation.”
If I was part of the organization responsible for making unilateral changes that only benefitted itself, I’d be embarrassed to start a message this way.
“Now that I’ve slapped you around a little, let’s talk about what YOU can do to repair our relationship” is what it sounds like to me.
It’s saying a whole lot about the so called leadership team at reddit. This language is infuriating.
They are so full of themselves. They are absolutely not demonstrating leadership capabilities either. This is just some guy trying to push his own agenda instead of listening and understanding. I don’t think they are capable of understanding, or they can’t hide their contempt for the people doing all the work moderating their site for them for free.
That’s corporate talk. That’s the kind of talk you’d expect to hear from any higher up executive of any company you can think of, that’s knowingly fucking anyone underneath their feet over. Whether they’re for profit or non-profit, private or public.
This demeaning, narcissistic, unaccountable and preemptively assuming kind of language that is shitting out from their mouths and through their fingers. And they wonder why we’ll hate them for the rest of their lives.
It’s possible this particular admin is not an asshole, but yeah, this whole move is a big pile of hypocritical garbage.
Right? That’s who I wanted to post this article here. Everything Reddit is saying is just PR spin. I get that it’s their platform, but damn…they rely on the major contributors there to make them valuable.
It’s gross that they are putting the blame on those that cared and trying to backhandedly repair what they lost.
The way I read it they aren’t even trying to repair anything. Just manipulate their landed gentry into being their corporate slaves again. With nothing of value offered to bring them back.
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“If you’re done kicking and screaming, we can go get an ice cream. Would you like that, little guy?”
They’re not even offering ice cream. Not only does nothing they’re offering address complaints, they’re not even offering any unrelated things to entice/mollify the mods. Having a conversation isn’t a reward.
True. Maybe a better representation is:
Hey, I know I broke your favorite toy and yelled at you. But if you’re done acting up, we can go for a nice walk. That sound good, champ?
Advance Publications, which owns Ars Technica parent Condé Nast, is the largest shareholder in Reddit.
Strange way of spelling buyer’s remorse.
Wait, there’s a company that owns the company that owns Ars?
Consolidation is a curse.
Yep. My favourite is Hulu who is owned by NBC who in turn is owned by NBCUniversal who in turn is owned by Comcast Corporation. It’s enough to make your head spin.
Good point!
For the sake of accuracy, Hulu is owned by Disney which also owns ABC, as well as ESPN, Marvel, and Fox Entertainment (but not Fox “News”).
Meanwhile, a couple years ago, CBS and Viacom merged to become “Paramount Global” which owns both CBS and the Paramount (streaming) Network (obviously) as well as a slew of cable channels including Showtime, MTV, Nickelodeon, BET, Comedy Central….
And as noted, Comcast owns Universal which owns NBC. Their streaming service is “Peacock,” which has yet to demonstrate that it can compete against Disney’s Hulu (or CBS’s Paramount).
This may soon change, however, as licensing agreements expire and corporations begin to run their own content exclusively on their own networks. Disney-owned content will stream on Hulu, Universal-owned content will stream on Peacock, and Paramount-owned content will stream on Paramount. Same goes for all their respective cable TV channel subsidiaries.
This consolidation in media ownership gives more power to the corporations to compete against one another in the emerging streaming-service market, but it also takes power away from the people who create the content. This is a big reason why the screenwriters and SAG are on strike.
I’ve been trying to do my part by watching reruns of The Nanny in demonstration of my support.
Fox brand in entertainment is so tainted that Disney replace and rebrand almost all of acquired Fox-branded TFCF assets with other brands (such as 20th Century Studio, Disney Studio, and Star).
The merger agreement with TFCF stated that Disney is entitled to a perpetual licence of “20th Century Fox” (only for movies) from the current Fox Corporation but Disney decided to replace the brand anyway. As for Fox-branded channel outside North America (and Australia, because Fox Australia is owned by News Corp Australia and never in any way affected by Disney merger), Disney obtained a temporary licence and must end all usage of Fox brand by 2024.
Star, originally Satellite Television for Asian Region, now became worldwide brand and replaced most of Fox-branded channel outside North America.
I remember there was a situation a while back where two game studios were in court with each other. That ended abruptly when Tencent, who owned shares in both companies, found out.
Tried to find my source for this but couldn’t ☹️
To be fair, I doubt the journalists get any choice about how the company that owns their publication decides to waste money.
NPR frequently does negative stories about corporate contributors while acknowledging the corporation gives them money.
Yes they do! It’s so damned nice to hear when they do that. It’s just full disclosure, and they don’t pull punches.
And in the long run, it still serves the company’s interest as they are still known as an NPR contributors. They’re okay with the arrangement and we’re all better for it.
NPR does have some absolutely bad takes sometimes though. But I love that you know they have ethics.
Nah, fuck that.
Until reddit releases their IPO, all attempts at “peace” are secretly just trying to keep the boat floating
Hopefully those that have moved over here to Lemmy are the ones that provided the most value and whatever is left will slowly make Reddit a terrible place to be and thus kill it.
Bringing back r/place (which has been an April fools thing up until now) is just such a hollow grab for traffic it is pretty sad. To me, the state of the canvas itself (less the FUCK SPEZ everywhere and more how tiny the LGBTQ+ sections are compared to previous iterations) is a reflection of how badly they have poisoned many of the communities that made the site great in the first place.According to one of my discord servers, the available pallet this year is eight whole colors, including black and white. Possible that in addition to the exodus of LGBT members, there aren’t as many presentations because you simply can’t even make a lot of the flags with what they’ve been given. They’ve made bisexuality and lesbianism impossible to depict.
It’s starting to look like a pattern. An ugly, one I might add. Slowly making everything less inclusive, less accessible… Until it’s some radical right-wing brown swamp.
I mean, it’s “only” social media platforms, but pretty much the playbook - “oh that… that’s an accidental side effect… don’t worry!” until key institutions are undermined and then switch to full on fascist regime.
All not because of beliefs this would be best for humanity as a whole, but being in love with the idea of being the one who calls the shots. King of the hill made of feces.
The lack of vision for an enlightened role of humanity in the universe disgusts me.
Sorry for the rant, I might have gone from 0 to 100 pretty quick there, lol. Just pissed at a lot of these kinds of regressive developments lately.
Alas. this is the standard playbook for the whole society at the moment. Just see how fanatic (usual religious) minorities try to take over the countries, Israel, US, Africa, middle east and alas now they’re getting more active in Europe as well with Poland an Hungary as biggest issue at the moment. (no clue how it is in South America)
It is really bad. Look at Florida.
Somehow I’m not surprised with the mess the Trump period brought. (but it was already a mess before that)
As long as there are groups that can get into power and think they know best and forces a lifestyle instead of being liberal and let the people decide by themselves, we’ll keep this mess.
Well, I’m surprised by that reaction. I didn’t expect that someone agreed with me on the fact that Florida was part of South America, between Argentina and Chile.
??? Even we in Europe know it’s the p***s of the US. (so no wonder that that state’s government f**k the people over there)
I know that.
I just meant about my first reply to you. Because I was (and I am) a bit tired of people referring to the US as America, when America is the whole continent and not a country, and I saw you spoke about South America, I was just thinking “well, if this dude wonders about the situation in South America, and some people refers to America as a country, I’ll just put Florida as part of South America so the illogical logic reverses to them”.
Look at California.
The 5th largest economy in the world? That California?
Yes the #1 city of homeless in the world.
The city of California, hey?
Are you American?
Videlock is reconsidering being a Reddit mod these days but said Reddit’s outreach is an appreciated step in the right direction.
In what fucking world??? How is it a step in the right direction? This “outreach” is no more than damage control. It’s a company realizing they fucked up, and wanting to mitigate PR damage without actually fixing their shitty practices.
A sucker’s born every minute.
“I’m sorry I hit you baby. I won’t do it again. And this is a chance for us to reflect on why you deserved it.”
Nah, they just want the mod teams back until they can recruit a team of sycophants to replace them.
This is no different than your old job calling you a week after you quit offering you more money to come back.
Yeah, I do wonder if that’s what they want - bring back the old moss while having the new moss help out under the guise of “they are providing additional support to make your life easier!”
That gives the new mods free training and then Reddit can axe the old mods again. or maybe I am giving them too much credit.
If I had a penny for every time a corporate figurehead says they’ll be more transparent and will engage with the users more but then they just don’t or do the opposite, I could buy reddit from Huffman
“we look forward to a long and fruitful relationship with all our mods as we march forward into the new regime of our corporate overlords.”
What a fucking joke lol
Steve Huffman has proven that he doesn’t give two shits about anything other than selling off Reddit to the highest bidder, and he couldn’t even muster a simple “sorry we ruined your favorite online community”…
I’m amazed that anyone is still using it
I’m starting to give credence to the idea that spez is a scapegoat for the change (but he a worthless piece of shit regardless).
I wonder if Ellen Pao would let us make a meme of her eating popcorn?
The discomboulator is that the changes could have been had without need of a scapegoat.
It took a shocking amount of arrogance and contempt for the builders of that playground (the ‘little people’ who made this all possible) to so badly foul such a simple thing.
And opening the mouth only to change feet.
Extraordinary failure. One for the history books.
Spez made Spez the scapegoat by making a public spectacle of himself as the new face of corporate greed.
If he hadn’t doubled and tripled down on the idea that he could do whatever he wants and people would just take it because they can’t live without Reddit then no one would probably be talking about him right now.
I’m sure seeing “fuck spez” plastered everywhere on r/place right now has him weeping all over the giant pile of money he sleeps on
I left, deleted my account and any comments of value. The place is dead to me. It’s incomprehensible why people are still there being butthurt about it. They haven’t been kidnapped. There’s no guy at the door with a gun who’s suggesting they not leave.
There’s nothing new, no surprises. Abusive people, who treat others poorly (spoiler!), will abuse and treat people poorly. Why hang with that?
It’s like they’re addicted to the free buffet. But the only thing being served lately is shit sandwiches.
Well… bon apetit ya diehards.
I mod a couple of communities I missed from Reddit. I’ve been stealing content from there to get the communities going (using the dystopia app so no ads and I don’t interact with Reddit at all). It’s honestly a bit jarring to read the nastiness/aggression in the comments after 5 weeks on lemmy. It’s so much nicer here, I hope we don’t lose that vibe completely as lemmy grows.
I have an ethical conundrum. There were a couple subs I liked. I didn’t like spaz’ off-putting move. But when I learned of deddit’s treatment of a mod, I’d seen enough.
I moved here and setup a landing place for the members of one sub to land. It was not ‘my’ sub. I didn’t start or mod it. But I wanted it to continue. Not much has happened with it. And the founder, whom I DMed, hasn’t come over afaik.
Another sub I liked was still dark when I left, and can’t find any indication of it restarting elsewhere.
I don’t want to step on toes or steal anybody’s sub or the credit due. I also don’t want those groups to die.
What’s The Right Thing to DO?
Start them if they aren’t here yet. You can always hand them off if you want.
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I messaged the mods of two subreddits saying “hey, I’ve left this shithole and moved to lemmy. I’ve opened this community there and if you’d like to mod it I’m happy to add you. Just let me know.” No response. I don’t think you can be much fairer than that.
There’s two communities I opened that had existing but inactive communities on lemmy. Again I messaged them saying “do you plan on adding content to get this sub going? If not I’m happy take over for you. Meanwhile I’ve started an alternative. I’d prefer to combine the two communities than have competing ones, let me know what you’d prefer.” Again no response, so I created my own.
I don’t particularly want to be a mod, but the stubborn part of me doesn’t want to put all the legwork into building up a community that has an inactive/uninterested mod.
I volunteer admin my own public service gig elsewhere, >10 years x 365 days. It requires some diligence to try and prevent scammers and fraud - there’s a bit more at stake than just memes. It don’t pay much, but it’s honest work.jpg
I appreciate that people keep up the groups I follow just for amusement. And I’m definitely not looking to put those mods out of a job. I know it’s work, and I appreciate those who do it.
I’ve wondered since the grumbling started why people weren’t establishing their subs elsewhere, even if just a place holder.
You’ve done everything ethically by contacting OG mods/founders. Go ahead and start a new thing, you’re covered. 10/10 interbutt citizenship
I legitimately don’t understand why there aren’t more reddit-scraping Lemmy bots and entire instances dedicated to just reproducing reddit’s link aggregation functionality, with local discussion. That shit would really piss of spez, and potentially harm reddit, and would make Lemmy an easier transition for a lot of people.
Mods of major subreddits should wise up and realize they should be compensated for the ads shown on their subreddits. They are 100% the reason ads are even possible (no mods, content would be awful, advertisers would run).
They should all just exit stage left. Release their moderator status and force Reddit to select new mods.
When Reddit does start selecting, there’s going to be bad actors pretending to be good that will cause major disruption.
That’s how you punish their admins for taking away the free API.
By the way, has Microsoft, Google or ChatGPT ponied up the cash for access? I doubt it.
Lemmy is way more fun for me. I am done with Reddit.
Reddit can’t do this, because reddit can’t operate with positive cash flow even with volunteer moderators.
Half is putting it charitably. More like 1/10th heartedly.
Here comes reddit swinging the olive branch of peace
Using the twin guns of grace and tact reddit blasted its worthless moderators into compliance
Or you know just replaced them
I left reddit. At some point, it is too much. Deleted my piles of Karma, AKA fake internet points.
I dont think “knowing it’s bullshit” counts as skeptical.
One thing this article made me think about, and hasn’t been part of the conversation. Is that Reddit’s path of enshittification means that what’s next on the chopping block are admins.
If Spez (fuck him) is really on the path of emulating Musk’s style of decision making and ideologically confused fascism. Then that means that not only is this thing meant to be just to keep the boat afloat until IPO. But it also means that a lot more changes will come that will start hurting employees as well.
This is why admins are probably hesitant to speak up about what is actually happening inside the company. The early mail about the protest was leaked, which I think showcases that there’s at least some discontent with the managerial decisions among employees and admins.
Make no mistake, they are next, massive layoffs will probably
followcontinue and be more and more frequent now that revenue is down. I don’t really think that most employees are too hype with the crypto garbage pivot either. Everyone’s livelihood in that company is in jeopardy now that we know the CEO is willing to destroy everything and everyone just to ensure his paycheck at the end of his own Ponzi scheme.Reddit already fired 5% of their staff before this. Though you’re right that there is probably more on the way.
“Please do our jobs for free. In return you’ll get a tiny bit of power over the unwashed masses.”