For those who don’t know: It’s a subreddit where Europeans shit-talk other European countries and could be considered racist.
If not on specifically, it’ll be allowed somewhere (even if you had to create a new instance to host it)
The wonderful thing about federation is that everything is allowed, it’s just a matter of how much your neighbors want to tolerate you.
I’d definitely subscribe, sounds like good fun.
It’s a great sub on the old place, very funny - it’s joking, banter, only really racist in so far as making fun of national stereotypes (I am a Brit so would expect to get mocked about inability to cook, what a good move Brexit was, our tourists being the most drunk and sunburnt etc)
I don’t see why anyone would object to it being made but it would definitely need good moderation because there are going to be people who take it too far especially with Nazi/neo Nazi/other political shit (basically it does have the potential to be racist if idiots who don’t get the joke join)
A community like that has to be heavily moderated. Most user will get the joke and will shit on each other in good faith.
But it will always attract those who can’t understand sarcastic humor or those who will use the community to post outright racist shit. That’s what happened to the sub when I left and afaik the same happened to the Balkan version which had to be banned?
Just sort out the trolls and bad actors and you will be fine I think.
My experience with that sub on Reddit was that they were more serious than not. So basically it was garbage.
I don’t think I can manage that alone and guarantee that it doesn’t get out of hand. So I will refrain from creating a similar community.
Allowed? Sure.
But that whole sub was super fucking cringe and I’m pretty sure not all the racism was in jest, so…
@Lizardking27 @nebulaone Half of the posts were overt racism, not even hiding it.
I personally have not made that experience on there. The sub seems very pro-Europe. Then again I didn’t check by new, so my feed may have been filtered already.
No, it’s not like I checked it obsessively but whenever I did check in I definitely did not see anything that upset anyone, or that would be likely to upset anyone. I’d agree it’s a pretty pro-Europe sub.
However my previous point stands that any bad stuff had probably been modded out because you would need a pretty dedicated mod team for a sub like this.
It’s not racist because [insert ethnicity] aren’t people
Angry or silly?
Silly banter type stuff. Pretty funny
It’s all done in good spirit, although you occasionally have some borderline racists, which are usually banned.
I remember a Finnish user posted a racist meme showing brown immigrants as savages.
The rest of the week was the subreddit shitting on Finnish people lol
Silly in theory, angry in practice.
there’s also !
Do we really need a special subreddit to shit on the French?
It is not racism. It is just we are superior to other Europeans.
Especially Swedes
ALL Europeans are superior to all Europeans.
Somebody please create c/yurop somewhere.
There’s no central authority here who can allow or prohibit anything.
The highest authorities are the owners of the individual instances, so if any of them choose to allow it (which I’m sure some would) then they will.
@nebulaone is a Lemmy.World user & asked the question on a Lemmy.World community, I assume the question was directly asking if they’d be allowed to create the community on Lemmy.World.
In the .World code of conduct, the only things that I can see that might be problematic are:
Bullies, trolls and disruptors are not welcome in We will moderate accordingly.
Do not engage in name calling, ad hominem attacks, or any other uncivil behaviour. Criticize ideas, never people.
Since the concept of the sub as a whole seems like the above is kind of the entire point point, I think the rules bear mentioning, but as long as it’s not directly talking about specific people in the Fediverse, I think they’d be ok based on the written spirit of the rules, as long as proper moderating is done within the community.
Worst case, OP would just need to find a new instance [as thread OP indicated] or spin up their own server.
ETA: Sorry that you deleted your comment! I don’t think it really applied in this situation, but the info in there was still good!
Only sub i miss from reddit… also the sub i got my perma ban from… You can make fun of everyone… except greeks… because then you are racist and needs a ban… Humorless fktards…
I’ve actually saved the name for a restart but without the racists. The sub was amazing until it turned to shit. I think it can easily work with the simple limitation of keeping the bickering directly Western European. No making fun of others allowed. Sucks, but it will remove racism.
with the simple limitation of keeping the bickering directly Western European
In my opinion that’s even worse. It implies that others need some kind of special protection. Either everyone is fair game, or no one is. Of course it often is a thin line between friendly banter and actual racism.
Differing opinions. Having to remove non-western european targets is bad, being infested with racists is worse. I’ll glady limit myself to get rid of racists. I understand that others have different priorities.
Just create coontown already.
Allowed, sure, but is such community a good idea? I don’t think so.