I don’t know about y’all… But, I am really looking forward to CS:II
Same, one of my favourite games of all time!
Its looking really good except for the price. I don’t want to pay full triple A price for a game that’s going to lock key features behind dlc down the road.
To give credit to CS, Its been out for 7 years at this point, and they have maintained updates for the core game. In addition, they have not locked any “critical” functionality behind a DLC, but rather, the DLCs just gave the game a different experience.
As many hours as I have dumped into the original, I’d feel MUCH better paying 60$ for it, as opposed to half of the AAA crap out there, where I might be lucky to get 40 hours of gameplay.
Eh, it’s $50 on Steam. I dropped something like 300 hours into CS1 before any DLC. Even if I got half that out of CS2, I’m fine paying roughly 33¢ an hour for a great experience.
Wait for a sale if price is an issue. From my perspective CS:2 looks like CS:1 with a bunch of mods and substantial DLC baked right in.
I don’t mind supporting this company because they show time and time again that they love the game and the community.
Unless there’s some kind of permanent DLC pass bundle available at launch, I’ll try* to wait for it to go on sale for ~$40 before buying the base game. Do Paradox games ever even offer these kinds of options? I know they offer bundles like this for older games, but what about new ones?
*the amount of playtime I’ve gotten out of the original, even before DLC was available, means there is a very good chance I’ll crack.
Where I live it’s not “full” price. You can get it for 40€ and most new AAA releases are 60-80 €
Yes I realize 80€ is insane but I’ve seen games for that price
What kind of games have you seen doing 80€? Only I can imagine ever getting away with it are games that are super specific and specialized so they know they won’t have much buisness and need to charge that just to break even (such as some simulators), and games like FIFA where the people who play it have brand loyalty such that it’s kind of like they have a form of retard strength.
You’re right, I can’t find any right now. I guess what I thought I remembered was console games as they are generally more expensive
The Deluxe Edition doesn’t add much value for me but as Cities:Skylines was amazingly fun, CitiesSkylines 2 is worth every penny to me.
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idk what gamepass is
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Buy the base game and use dlc unlocker afterwards.
This was a great feature video, I really liked that they are making utilities more than just something you have to do but potentially something interesting.
Not to mention the automatic placement of water pipes when you lay down roads. That’ll save a lot of time and allow you to focus on the more engaging aspects of the game more
Totally! No more laying pipes under the road just right to make it look perty.
This was a great feature video, I really liked that they are making utilities more than just something you have to do but potentially something interesting.
I agree. As someone who enjoys playing factory and logistics games- (factorio, satisfactory, creeper world, ftb minecraft, etc…), I fully welcome the additional control over utilities, and the additional challenges and elements of gameplay.
Oh, my poor, poor wallet. I loved C:S and this just looks better in every way. Well, except Linux support, but hopefully Steam Play will be able to mitigate that.