A few of my favorite poets that come to mind:
Charles Baudelaire
Arthur Rimbaud
Paul Verlaine
Ezra Pound
Gregory Corso
Sylvia Plath
Li Bai
I don’t really consider myself a great poetic connoisseur and I’m not versed in the classics, I just pick a collection now and then let it sit with me for a bit.
With that context on my reading habits: I picked up and enjoyed the collection “Pine”, by Julia Koets.
Margaret Atwood’s Dearly helped me through a time of grief.
Danez Smith’s Don’t Call Us Dead is a collection that deals with police violence against black people, and about AIDS in the queer community. One poem in it made me instantly cry.
These are some of my favorites poems/poets:
“Having It Out with Melancholy” by Jane Kenyon
I like Kahlil Gibran
Recently been listening to Daniella Sinder and enjoying her works as well
Not really someone who reads poetry, but I loved most of Robert Frost’s works that I read. You probably have read ‘The Road Not Taken’.
“The World Doesn’t End” by Charles Simic
“Deaf Republic” by Ilya Kaminsky
“Catalogue of Unabashed Gratitude” by Ross Gay
“Words for Empty and Words for Full” by Bob Hicok
“Life on Mars” by Tracy K. Smith
Those are books that have personally influenced me deeply. Other poets I like but haven’t read deeply are Rainer Maria Rilke, T.S. Elliot, Wendel Berry, W.H. Auden.
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