I’m shocked! Who could’ve seen this coming?? /s
But seriously, the world is fucking boiling right now and these people can’t agree to some standards?
The old men who run the world don’t care because they’ll be dead soon anyway.
Normal old people still care, because they care about the world and the people they love, whether or not they’re still around. Sociopathic corporate and political leaders, however, don’t care. The issue is not so much the age as the pathological selfishness that got them into those positions in the first place.
Plus they understand that they will be safe while the peasants go through the polycrisis’ genocide .
People who think they’ll be safe while everyone else suffers are just as deluded as those who think there is no climate crisis.
I read an article a while back about tech bros talking about surviving after “the big event” and they couldn’t figure out how to stop their security forces from rebelling and not kowtowing to some wimpy tech bro after society collapses. They came up with ideas like restricting food access and, I’m not joking, exploding collars. These people are idiots.
Yep, age doesn’t matter here. Just look at Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos. They’re young-ish and have no problem with watching the world burn.
Much more than watching.
Pff, this has to do with people caring more about their polling numbers than the environment.
Actually saving the environment requires some hard sacrifices and it’s hard to be the elected leader who tells their voters that they’re going to pay more and get less.
But in non-democratic countries you’re right of course.
People that would lose a tiny margin of their profits would absolutely let the world burn instead, along with all biodiversity.
So, water & food related
mass migrationswar, here we come!
I’m starting to think these people don’t have our best interests in mind.
Some paragraphs for tl;dr:
The discussions with China, Saudi Arabia, and on climate issues with Russia had been “complicated”, he added.
Major oil producers fear the impact of drastic mitigation on their economies, and Russia and Saudi Arabia were blamed for the lack of progress in Goa.
Reports of Saudi and Chinese resistance, he added, “fly in the face of their claims of defending the interests of developing countries”.
Why are we even consulting with oil barons on the Environment in 2023?
Won’t someone please think of the poor poor billionaires?
Guillotine time
At this point the best thing that summit can do for the environment is stop occurring
Yeah, because combating climate change doesn’t make money
Let’s fix that with carbon pricing: tax & dividend, applies to emissions but also captured atmospheric carbon, stored underground.
So every participant in the carbon marked pays for what they emit.
The revenue can be split among:
- Funding removal
- Distribute per capita to make the tax progressive
- Fund things like renewables
This could
- make it profitable to run efficient carbon removal
- net pay people who manage to live a low-footprint life
It always would
- create incentives for everyone involved (private people, investors, corporations, research) to make decisions which reduce emissions, if only to save / earn money.
Price point: Take the current average price for removing one unit of greenhouse gas. Emitting one unit costs that much, increased by a factor (to fund more than just removal, or to achieve negative emissions).
If only these poor oil producers had some sort of half century or more lead to reap the benefits of their export advantage and diversify their interests. Won’t someone think of how unfair it is to ask them to change? /s
There’s no plan like no plan. : )
All cowards.
alright, John Kerry was part of this failure, and with his failure, also his appointer, Biden. He cant be allowed to continue to throw us further into a blazing hellscape
I’m sure there will be accountability aaaaaaaaany minute now. For any of the people that got us here. Aaaany minute. Yep.
the proof that the planet is fucked, and it’s doomed to end us.