What a piece of shit. And this guy was running US foreign policy? Wow. Saudis must be regretting paying this man $40m a year to manage their billions.
Mr Bone Saw doesn’t care, his father did.
LoL as if the Saudis care about anything.
Well, they care about one thing only.
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Didn’t they give him a 99 year lease on a Manhattan building? I remember reading something about a $2 billion dollar value between nepo baby and the Saudis…
Literally the same shit Russians say about Ukrainian land. Shitheads of the same stripe.
it’s almost like real estate developers have become a major force for evil in the world…
have become
Implying this is a new trend. Wait until they start hording land where the new coast lines will be. Shit straight out of Superman.
Eh, they do? I’ve never met such IRL (I live in Moscow, if something). On the Web it’s hard to tell how many are trolls or have nothing to do to fill the void inside except to write aggressive bullshit.
Literally used in official government recruitment ads.
Literally used in official government recruitment ads.
I have bad news if you can talk to ads
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His dad should have never busted him.
Can we pass a law allowing 172nd trimester abortions?
Isnt that just murder with extra steps?
At 172nd trimester… uhm, I think so, yeah. 🤣
Boy has conservative media done a number on you.
Wait, what? 172nd trimester is a 43 year old dude… I was making a joke. I hope you are too, otherwise there’s a serious disconnect here.
Lemme buy you a beer buddy. Or 1 weed, idgaf
I would like to do 1 marijuana please.
But JoE BiDeN GeNoSiDe!!?!1
Yeah, while we can criticize Biden for going along with Israel’s attacks on Palestinians, it’s pure fantasy to imagine Trump and his associates would be any less enthusiastic. All the signs are that they’d be even more enthusiastic, plus they have the support of the crazy evangelicals who want to bring about the Rapture.
If you accept bribes to look the other way, you do that always.
I mean, it’s just that for a few decades the poorer side of most conflicts was both usually plain worse and usually unable to negotiate (say, DPRK vs South Korea …).
It was very convenient to hide the mechanism where Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey are on the “good” side.
Thanks for typing it for me.
Biden is actually doing the genocide. Kushner is just flapping his lips. If we were talking about Americans starving instead of Palestinians, no one would be making excuses for Biden. But it’s brown people overseas, so it’s just an unpleasant fact we need to make peace with.
I so thought this was The Onion. I saw that headline and thought “that perfectly captures a sentiment of the settlers, but it may be too antisemitic for humor”.
Then I saw The Guardian. I guess you really can’t make this up.
Anything Trump family related if it sounds normal it’s not true, and if it sounds insane it’s probably true.
What a fucking ghoul.
Grind him into protein paste.
Torgo’s executive powder.
Oh, my cats would love this !
then you’ll be scooping Jared Kushner out of your cat’s litter box
Oh, my dogs would love this !
He doesn’t meat the standards for Soylent Green.
Hey Jared, go stick your head in a wood chipper.
Feet first please. That way he’ll feel it.
fucking ghoul
Good GOD, man. I literally said “EWWWWWWW!!!” when I read this. This is like the genocidal version of Gene Hackman’s plans in the Superman film.
Those people probably root for Luthor when watching the movie. Remember, fellow sociopath Steve Bannon has said publicly that he’s a fan of Satan and Darth Vader.
I wonder which bombed playground would be Otisberg?
So could his properties in NYC. I wonder how he’d feel about Netanyahu bombing his penthouse and seizing his own real estate.
And if he doesn’t like that, we just need to remind him of the great value inherent to those properties.
I wonder if he sleeps during the day?
Yeah, probably in his coffin. The lot are fucking vampires
I always giggle when the word “fucking” could be interpreted as an adjective or a verb
Oh yeah, and he’s Jewish too isn’t he, so he’ll get in on redeveloping it.
Nothing suspicious to see here folks
found the antisemite! /s
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That actually is anti-semitism, dipshit.
Anti-semitism is when you dislike someone because they are Jewish, not when you dislike someone because they want to ethnically cleanse Palestine and create vALuaBlE WAterFrONt PrOPerTiEs on the stolen land, especially when that person literally runs a real estate development company and could possibly have access to that specific market (because he’s Jewish and that’s important to Israel).
Saying that a Jewish person is Jewish is not anti-semitism.
Edit: Maybe you don’t know about how Kushner has served Israel in the past:
Sure bro, whatever lets you pretend you’re not being a racist. That would make you bad, and that’s impossible.
Wait which part of what I said was racist?
Or are you living in a fantasy world where the people who will reap the material rewards of the destruction and appropriation of land in Gaza are other than Jewish? There is plenty of racism in this situation but it’s not coming from those who are calling it out. Please educate yourself on Jewish settlements in the Occupied Territories of Palestine if you care about truth.
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Skill Issue
Feel free to keep jerking off about the Jewish real estate conspiracy tho
Jared Kushner should be in prison for espionage.
…" but from Israel’s perspective I would do my best to move the people out and then clean it up,” Kushner said. “But I don’t think that Israel has stated that they don’t want the people to move back there afterwards.”
Masoud replied that there was “a lot to talk about there”.>
Yea, no shit.