Hello beehaw, what you think about creating a logo at lemmy’s r/place?
I generated this template and am using it at 533, 76. Lionir Helped clean the template up as well!
everyone hurry up and join, she’s coming together but there’s not much time left. come help!! :p
Hope this link and adjusted colors might help.
the guys on the matrix server (lionir and chloyster particularly) have been using this link, i swapped over to the same one as them so we’re not competing with eachother.
good work adjusted mine as well
Ah this is cool, it’s r/place but without the guilt of giving reddit more engagement and with (hopefully) less botting.
I did some more cleanup of the template
just to get some of the colors a little more consistent with what’s available on Canvas, it’s still not 100% but it’s a little better.
Also, I realized a little bit ago that you can upload an image to the site and use it as a template.
I didn’t know something like that was going on. Logo would be cool.
That would be cool! Just need a model and a place :)