I know this can be easily searched over internet, but I want to know your experience. I don’t want a medium article listing algorithm courses.
I found Algorithms from Princeton University in coursera, but course is too old and many resources they have provided are not working right now. I would apprentice it if you could share more of an video type resources because I am not good with programming books, I can not focus them.
Thanks in advance…
I’m almost done reading “A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms: Level Up Your Core Programming Skills”. I think it’s a pretty great beginner resource and as a self taught dev, it’s helped me fill some gaps in my knowledge.
This course really helped it click for me. Available for free and taught by the Primeagen.
I’ll give a +1 for this course. Prime is a great teacher. I’ve been a dev for a decade at this point and it really helped fill in the gaps for me that I’ve been missing all these years.
My answer is going to be a bit different but this is what worked for me. I tried many courses, reading books, trying to code etc but never quite understood data structures. I used to get bored halfway.
What worked for me is literally solving problems. I would pickup a data structure. Implement it in Java on my own with help from internet. Then i would solve 10 problems on it. Then move to next data structure. Once you have familiarity with most used data structures like stack, queue, maps, linked lists, arrays, trees, etc. then it’s time to move to algorithms like graphs, better sorting techniques, etc.
SICP. Structure and interpretation of computer programs
The book is online for free. From the author. Highly recommended
Hands down the best programming book. It has a great section on abstraction through data structures.