I know i can use adblock in safari but the problem is with safari you can only watch 720p
It has sponsorblock too. This is the simplest solution.
Vinegar is a safari extension that gives you premium’s features. I’m almost certain it can do at least 1080 if not higher.
vinegar is a great option for safari. for a YouTube app experience uyou+ and side loading is the way to go.
Try sideloading uYou+
on iOS?
Install Vinegar: https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/vinegar-tube-cleaner/id1591303229
Pulls the actual video file from YT, stripping ads, overlays, and anything else YT shoves into them. Literally a game changer on Apple devices.
use sideloadly https://sideloadly.io/ and download the ipa from here: https://github.com/arichorn/uYouPlusExtra once you set it up all you need is to literally open sideloadly once a week on your pc/mac and hit refresh while the iphone/ipad is connected to the same wifi. apple doesnt let you add apps for longer than week unless you pay to be a developer so a 30second job to refresh the app and ur done.
Drive-by thanks for this, though I did kill some time getting it to work. Any fav IPAs?
Delta is an impressive Game Emulator not normally allowed in the App Store and Enmity is a nice Discord client modification
no worries. i use infuse (suffuse on github) and then this repo has alot of ipas https://github.com/swaggyP36000/TrollStore-IPAs the retroarch or delta game emulator dolphini is a dolphin emulator apollo reddit sideloaded being brought back fromt eh dead for reddit https://balackburn.github.io/Apollo/ but i always have suffuse youtube apollo and i rotate in and out the myfitnesspal app thats cracked. take a look at the trollstore ipe link it has alot. also the sideloaded subreddit has many
If you’re willing to go through the pain of sideloading on iOS and you’re ok with giving a random app your Google account, uYou+ is pretty good.
*And if you’re okay with having a Google account, because you need one in the app, but not on the website
Add https://r.yattee.stream/manifest-invidious-piped.json to your locations manifest.
pin any invidious instance as a webapp in home
some instances allow to register and follow channels
Sideload or jailbreak depending on device
I use Safari on IPadOS with many Plug ins Sponsorblock and AdBlock
Been using VideoLite a lot, there’s a single ad that plays as you open it, and then you’re set. Optionally you can pay £1.59 every three months and skip that initial ad.
Firefox with uBlock Origin - works and always has been working on every device that allows you to install 3rd party browsers.
Not on iOS unfortunately
Not available on iOS
Please don’t guess answers
Newpipe x sponsorBlock
Ditch iOS if you want more control over your phone.
I was actually highlighting all the popular options for ad free YouTube on Android.
I know.
You can pay for the adfree service and use the normal YouTube app.
Walk the plank
Youtube: Pay me to have an AD free experience. User: Ok Youtube: But I’ll still collect data and sell it to have profit. User: WHAT A DEAL!
Son doesn’t have to see ads while watching his cartoons. Worth.