Hi! For the ones of you that use Trello, I made a simple to use and host alternative in PHP. It’s not a complete alternative like other projects, and I mainly made it to be able to host it on free PHP web servers while having control over data/attachments. It also support a basic importer for Trello JSON exports.
I’m hosting a test instance here, you can make an account to try it out (no email required):
And the repository with other instructions is here:
Wow code with actual comments!!! Amazing!
…and I didn’t even minimize them on the test instance, so that people will feel their weight while the page load :D
Is there a docker version or a chance of one in the future?
I know it’s kinda expected in these project… Let’s say that if no one contributes it, I’ll have to look up how to set it up, since I’m not really a web dev. But yeah it’s gonna be there.
A basic image is really easy. It’s basically just
FROM debian # start with a minimal Linux system. There are probably better options than debian. Some images are made especially for docker (i.e. very minimal and light weight). RUN apt install dependencies # do what ever you need to get your app running. RUN echo "options and stuff" >> /etc/a/config/file # you can also edit system files COPY . /app # copy your project into the docker container. EXPOSE 8080 # doesn't actually do anything, but documents where the app will be listening CMD server-binary run /app/main.php # I have actually no idea how php server stuff works
(Docs https://docs.docker.com/reference/dockerfile/)
Then people can run your project with docker.
Edit: checking the readme some small changes would be required. Config.php should read in environment variables and the DB init SQL should be run automatically somehow.
Edit: checking the readme some small changes would be required. Config.php should read in environment variables and the DB init SQL should be run automatically somehow.
I’ll probably start with making these changes to make it compatible, thanks!
I was looking for something like this a little while ago but couldn’t find anything and this looks perfect. My server is mostly docker only so I might try to figure it out.
The screenshots look nice !
I love you’re stack! PHP and vanilla JS 🤩 It’s so KISS!
I like that I can install it on my o2switch server.
It is, but also it’s worrisome since it means support is harder, which means risk of abandonment is higher and community contributions lower. Which means “buying in” is riskier for the time investment.
Not really criticizing, 10/10 points on making something and then putting it out there, nothing wrong with that. Just being a user who’s seen too many projects become stale or abandoned, and have noticed that the trend has some correlation to the technology choices those projects made.
I spent just a few minutes with it and I like it a lot. I swear it’s more responsive than actual trello! :D
Actually a pretty cool project. Its smooth and works exactly how i would expect. Hopefully some companies use it and contribute money or code so you can keep improving it.
This looks great, I don’t suppose you plan on a pre-made docker container?
Hey! I see lot of people here hating on PHP, but I totally get what is you goal here and I love it!
I don’t really like PHP myself, but I absolutely love that I can litteraly spin up a LAMP stack OSS in like 15 minutes on a shared hosting if it’s mostly “copy files, edit config.php, init db, done”.
Some modern setup which are required to run on VPS that are supposedly easier since they run in docker are just so cumbersome to install… Like you need 6 api keys for 3 different cloud services and 12 containers configured in a docker-compose.yml just to try a local instance…
Ive been looking for something like this for a while. Ill need to try it out
This was a missed opportunity of calling it in honor of Lino Banfi: Tarello
It’s Time for activity pub integration :)
The app seems great. @matteinim@feddit.it I’m getting an error when trying to create the DB tables: Reason:
SQL Error [1273] [HY000]: (conn=517001) Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci'
Does it support MariaDB 10.6.17?
That is the character set and collation that should be used, and your DB probably don’t support it. You can try by leaving the default by removing “CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci” inside init_db.sql, anywhere you find it.
To make it work, I had to remove some things from the script, which didn’t work for me:
SET time_zone = "+00:00";
/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8mb4 */;
CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci
(like you suggested)COMMIT;
(In Alter Tables, since as far as I remember, DDL commands don’t need to commit, only the DML ones. So I did the commit manually)
If I need to remove the registration, do I have to update the Value column on tarallo_settings table or are there any settings’ menu which I’m not seeing?
No there aren’t just disable it from tarallo_settings!
I created a DB with utf8mb4 with the general_ci collection, but the issue remains. I’ll try to change the SQL script
I like it but UI/UX could be better
Imagine starting project in PHP in 2024
I write PHP on the daily and don’t understand the hate it gets :/
At least I can work on Linux at home while my co-workers are stuck on Windows with their C#
It’s been nearly 10 years since you needed to develop with C# on Windows.
New versions of .NET have been cross platform with a free IDE since 2016.
Legacy software still requires maintenance.
Legacy dependencies still require to be used in new projects.
Dual booting multiple times a day is not feasible.For those reasons none of my co-workers can fully switch to Linux.
in PHP