A false dichotomy created by pop culture to divide teenagers into cliques.
Yeah, I mean I did plenty of both.
And have felt super cool and like a total loser doing both.
Hell yeah.
Imagine not cracking a beer while playing Vidya Games.
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Is this divisive jock/preppy/nerd/skater/gangsta shit still going on 23 years after I left high school? I thought y’all zoomers were better than that.
Actually not. You can be a massive nerd these days and still go get fucked up and party.
There will always be popular extroverts and unpopular introverts.
Can we stop this “Introvert” BS? An “introvert” is someone who will tend to keep their thoughts to themselves. Nothing more. This “the extroverts are the sports guys and the introverts are the intellectuals” is completely made up and people will not like you more or less depending on wether you wear your heart on your tongue or not.
An “introvert” is someone who will tend to keep their thoughts to themselves.
That’s not correct at all, and it’s funny because you’re so confident about it
Extraversion tends to be manifested in outgoing, talkative, energetic behavior, whereas introversion is manifested in more reflective and reserved behavior.
That’s not how they’re defined, just typical manifestations of the underlying personalities.
Introverts emotionally recharge from alone time, extroverts emotionally recharge from time with others.
This is exactly the kind of made up division I’m talking about. There is no such thing as “someone who ‘emotionally recharges X or Y way’”.
First of all: Why exactly would Wikipedia - edited by thousands - be wrong if the way you put is “what they are defined as”? Wouldn’t people have written Wikipedia that way then?
Next, there is no such thing as “emotionally recharge”. Our “emotions” aren’t a battery. Also, there is “recharging process” or anything. Generally speaking: Activities that make us happy in that very moment “recharge” our batteries. Parents of young children will confirm that this not neccessarily a task that gives you respite, but can be the most exhausting thing ever, still you’ll come out of it with more energy than before.
And we all - everyone! Yes, you too! - have varying ways of doing that. Sometimes, we’ll want to be around others and it’ll do us good, sometimes we want to be alone and it’ll do us good. While all people will have tendencies towards one way or another, no one has a defined “recharging mode”. No one.
And lastly: The main issue with this division into “introverts” and “extroverts” is not that it’s impossible to divide people by that line. You can, as you can with many, many other lines one could draw. The issue is that people offhandedly attribute all kinds of stuff to this division. All of a sudden, extroverts are “loud” and “confident” and “energetic” and “sports guys”. Even IF we applied your definition… how would the way someone wants to take a break in lead to them being even one of those things? It’s just not logical.
Is that…the Chewbacca defense?
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This would have been maybe edgy or interesting 20 years ago
Having been a teenager approximately 20 years ago, no this wouldn’t. We partied and went out, and played video games and surfed the net back then too.
Eh. I grew up in a football town. There was definitely a dichotomy between the popular kids and the “nerds” back when the term was only used as an insult. I think people have to remember their local experiences are only indicative of their locale, not the world at large. The same likely applies here. Won’t be true for everyone, so the post is at least wrong in that regard, but the person who made it probably just didn’t consider their experience is the same as everyone else’s either.
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Based on just browsing social media, this would be more accurate if it were stated as a spectrum and the two extremes hate each other. That would explain the posts in the recent past of people complaining about “normies” (unironically) joining Lemmy.
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Yeah, except I’ve observed that theme. So it does happen. I’m confused. If you claim to admit it happens, why then state you don’t believe it happens? I don’t even follow what you’re saying anymore.
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It’s worth paying attention to if it happens to you personally though. Sure it might not be across the country, but most teenagers don’t get to venture outside the town they grow up in, so if it’s like that, it makes up most of their world. So yeah, that it happens is enough for some people as that would constitute their entire teenage life. I don’t understand why this is difficult to grasp. I literally opened and said it’s a spectrum and the people do exist at either end and that obviously implies it’s not everywhere. So half of what you said isn’t even treading new ground or refuting anything.
It’s not major if it doesn’t happen to you. It is major if it does. This is super simple even a child should understand it.
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When I’ve seen complaints about “normies” using Lemmy, it has more to do with people who are enlightened centrists / freeze peach warriors bringing their diseased takes here from reddit
I don’t think it has anything to do with which specific hobbies people enjoy, especially since we can’t even see that through the screen. I don’t know anyone who really cares if you enjoy clubs, gaming, or both.
Fair point
Gamers truly are the most oppressed ✊😪
Gamers rise up!
I was the Internet/Gamer kid raised by television who got drunk at 17 and fell off a roof. Why was I drunk on a roof? Fuckin’ 2001.
Not sure which category I fall under.
I lived in terraced housing and I used to walk across the steep rooftop of my house down to the neighbors. At the time I thought I was being cool, like my hero, Daredevil. Looking back on it now, it was ridiculously dangerous.
I lament the loss of quite a few of my parallel selves.
Yeah lol. I was an internet troll through and through, and somehow found my way into a pretty diverse group in uni.
I don’t even want to start on the drunk shenanigans we got up to.
I really don’t care about party-goers.
How about internet party goers
And how about lan-party goers?
Drunken LAN parties. Ahh, those were the days
Oh no, I was in the first group (for 3/4 of high school) and I definitely thought that I was a loser.
I’m about to blaze up and jump into this Tarkov wipe with the boys. The fuck is this.
Alcohol gives you cancer, gaming does not.
You haven’t played LoL, have you?
I think I tried it out but discovered that I find MOBAs boring as hell.
That’s good. Otherwise, you’d probably have cancer.
Wouldn’t know if I did: I’m American, can’t afford a doctor.
I was both of these as a teen and basically still am. I’m also a confirmed loser so this meme checks out!
Same except for the still am part.
Spoiler alert…
They both suck
Bruh this meme is so stale could clobber someone to death with it
This is Bando erasure.
I’m part of the two, am I special? 🙊