Gunners loading 40mm and 105mm aboard an AC-130
For those occasions when someone orders the top shelf ammo.
Also there’s actually 3 ladders there. One pair of steps and two small standard ladders.
I suspect the standard ladders are shite. So they carry some battered steps to avoid having to use them.
Gotta go for the Don Sabot
As you can see, it is strapped to the shelf with the shells, so its obviously a load bearing support beam to prevent the shelf from falling.
Ah lads it’s obviously for the high explosive rounds
For when Jackie Chan has to fight them.
Love it. Such a niche scene too
And somehow the best bit is when he just slides it forward and the dude’s staff stops dead. All this frenetic action, and then one block conveys, this prop is solid.
Clearly that’s for gaining the high ground 🙄
That’s for when they get close to a WWF match.
The government signed a lucrative deal to a friend to buy 10 million ladders at at 1000 dollars a piece, so now each everyone gets a least one ladder to lug around. We gotta spend thoughs trillions some how. At least their friends and family to reap the benefits.
To much credibility Sir
Indeed, my first thought was “wrong answers only buddy”
For going down to pick up dropped ammunition.
Judging based on how badly it’s bent it’s used as a persuasion device (hammer) when you don’t want to be within arms reach, like when dealing with explosive shells.
Where is it bent?
Along the length of the ladder. That style of ladder, when it’s folded up, like in the photo, should have the feet perpendicular to each other and touching, not offset like they are here.
They found it on the road, and Dan wanted to keep it, so they pulled over and he was like free ladder. Highway loot is the best.
Junking day!
Getting out of the plane and setting up the targets again.
For appeasing the green tentacled LOX monster that lives on the ceiling
You never know when you’ll have to lay siege to a medieval castle.
I think I have that ladder… if it’s for the same thing I use it for, it’s for sitting around being useless until I need to change a lightbulb in the kitchen.
The need that to clean the ceiling fans.