As an effect of the recent Reddit blackout, the company is now surrounded by disappointed investors and community. I predict that Reddit may end up facing the same fate as Tumblr: being sold to another company. Only time will tell what the future holds for Reddit, but one thing is for sure - the protest will leave a lasting impact on the platform and its users.

  • keeb420
    02 years ago

    to me the future of reddit is bleak because they are not profitable yet in trying to become profitable they are chasing off the very community that made it this big in the first place. protests ends tomorrow or not, thats gonna be what investors see and what they are gonna base the decision off of to invest in something else.

  • Semmelstulle
    02 years ago

    I just hope many still stay offline for a longer time to protest. I don’t think 2 days will be enough. A but if damage is done but if there will be no 3rd party apps I’m out. I’d pay for Reddit Premium if that would give me a personal API or something

    • genesisOP
      02 years ago

      Agreed. But it seems likely that the blackout will soon be extended since alot of people on YouTube advocated it.