Personally i’d say XY and gen 6 in general, mega evolutions are excellent and they made an actual effort putting lore into the games (plus i’m french so i may be biased because kalos), ORAS were imo the best remakes ever and are exactly what a remake should aim to be.

    2 years ago

    og gen 2 is my favorite so far, but I need to replay gen 5 to see if that stays true.

    So far for me its like:

    Gen 2 > Gen 4 > Gen 1 > Gen 3

    No hate towards gen 3, I just enjoyed it the least lol

    Funny part is that I played gen 3 the most.

  • Semperverus
    12 years ago

    OG gen 2 or 3 are tied for first, but if I had to pick one, it’d be 3. The remakes were decent but felt off.

    2 years ago

    I probably need to go back and replay to make a more objective opinion, but I remember the feeling of Gen 2 with the day/night cycle, breeding and baby Pokémon, and then when Pokémon Crystal came out with animated sprites during battle. Definitely my favorite.

  • ChildYeeter
    12 years ago

    Gen 5 is my absolute favorite out of them all . I love the plot of this game and also like how it forces you to play with unova’s own pokemons until you have the national dex , which is fun since I won’t be using the same pokemons I always use and will try something new . Also I really have a soft spot for gen 4 , imo it has the best soundtrack of them all .( I personally love the nighttime pokecenter theme and distorted world theme ) Johto was also really good , I like the region’s history . Wished Gen2 had a bigger plot (or a plot at all lol).