I don’t understand how people think that toilet seats are so dangerous that they can’t possibly touch them, but also somehow a thin layer of toilet paper is sufficient protection.
tch tch tch, that’s why you do two layers.
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People pee on the seats, some by accident, some just don’t give a fuck who comes afterwards
So you’d rather sit on wet toilet paper than a wet seat?
Step one: remove the piss // Step two: build a throne on the now dry seat//
But if you succeed at step one, what’s the point of step two?
They like the texture it leaves behind
Ew you sit on piss?
If there is piss all over the seat laying down toilet paper isn’t going to protect you from piss. Now you’re just sitting on piss soaked toilet paper.
Step one: remove the piss // Step two: build a throne on the now dry seat//
Given the amount of actual feces I’ve seen on toilets some obviously smeered from thr back of a thigh, the triangle left by morons that can’t wipe their ass right, and other unidentifiable causes, I’m going to put a fat layer of tp down in a public restroom. Also, don’t forget the nasty ass people that “clean” the toilet by putting a bunch of chemical in the bowl and then using a brush over all surfaces with the concoction in the bowl. Additionally, I maintain good hygiene, many don’t. Motherfuckers are nasty out there.
I do it ninja warrior spider climb style and just hold my body above the toilet by planting my hands and feet against the walls of the stall. Saves time and builds strength.
Someone Photoshop in the poop
? It’s already there
As someone who has to clean public restrooms, if you don’t flush your little toilet paper fort, I will find you. I will make sure you never shit peacefully again.
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Hello, OED? Got a new word for y’all
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I just hover 5cm above the seat, good upper leg training
Nah, take the lid off the tank, your feet on the seat, and leave an upper decker.
After drying it with towels if it’s wet, you can place the end of your jeans on the rim of a toilet seat and not touch it at all. Many public places skrew out seats completely, sometimes lack paper, so it’s the only way.
place the end of your jeans on the rim of a toilet seat and not touch it at all.
Oh crap. This is the Jean meme again isn’t it. FuuuUuuuuuuuuuuuuUUUUU
I’m gonna need a picture
You are welcome.
Yeah so that only covers part of the legs. The upper thighs and ass are still in contact on the sides.
Maybe our asses are built different? My is thin and doesn’t touch sides plus I don’t sit too deep - just enough to drop some bombs, so the jeans belt on Pic.1 is on my balls. There’s also an additional breathing room - you can sit not at a perfect parallel to the floor and bring your ass a little higher by bending knees more and leaning forward.
Yeah but what about when you shot and pee at the same time? That won’t work. Also my ass is thin but maybe our toilets are just a bit narrower. I would not know.
shot and pee
Now I’m intrigued how narrow the texan toilets are!
I may get the ruler the next time to contribute to our research.
I usually don’t do it at the same time, but being a man let’s me put my dick down the way it’s pushed behind by the belt zone and looks at 5-4 hours to what the picture shows, so no touching the surface with the most sensitive area too. Women are screwed tho, they need way more space.
Well everything is bigger in Texas as they say
Yeah the best I can imagine is like making a nest around the rim of the toilet seat with the legs of the jeans as opposed to toilet paper so they aren’t touching it. And that doesn’t seem all that sanitary to do to a pair of jeans.
Either that or AI is making stupid comments about things again.
We didn’t need AI for doing these kinds of comments in the past…
Internet is ruined. We’re not even good at that anymore.
I was an idiot . Now I’m enlightened.