I mean, in the US governments eyes, that’s already what they’re doing…
Canada really should step in. Shouldnt be allowing this behavior so close to their border.
Annex the USA you say?
It will always be hilarious that Emil decided to “reveal” that Nate was one of the fascist troops on the ground executing unarmed Canadian rebels we see in Fallout 1’s opening scene
Not just one of the troops, he was the one laughing his ass off lol
“Woulda been easier if he just handed over the maple syrup, amirite Jim?” laugh track
I want to live in the Canada-annexes-US timeline
Not that Klanada is better.
After 20 years in Canada I can tell you the shit I dislike the most was imported from the USA… The shit I like the most came from Europe
Yes the USA loots its own citizens as a matter of constant policy. Even though USA produces so much oil it would have no problem looting a few buckets if the rich who own the politicians would benefit from it. Perhaps an example is in order.
A certain ice cream plant produces ice cream in upstate New York.
The ice cream is shipped to Phoenix, Arizona. They load 44,000 lbs. of the ice cream on a freezer truck. The freezer truck drives 2,200 miles from Jamestown, NY to Phoenix, AZ and delivers the ice cream, which is then distributed to supermarkets in the Phoenix area.
The same freezer truck then drives about 5 miles across Phoenix, to an ice cream plant. The ice cream plant loads the truck with 44,000 lbs. of ice cream. Then the semi hauls the ice cream 2150 miles to Erie, PA, just 50 miles away from Jamestown, NY, where it started.
So over 4000 miles worth of diesel fuel was burned, to move ice cream 50 miles en toto.
Because the ultra rich aristocrats own all the companies. They own the ice cream plants, and they own the trucking company, and they own the oil company that produces the diesel to run the truck and refrigerated trailer.
Since they are all in cahoots, they rig the prices of everything. They also rig the tax rates since they own the politicians, in such a way that the tax system crushes the smaller competitors and keeps them in control of markets and production. This is the real purpose of the progressive income tax on wages and small businesses, to crush them and funnel their capital into the hands of the fat cats on Wall Street and the corporate sector. Such taxes have virtually no effect on these giant conglomerates, who pass the cost of tax off onto the investor, taxpayer, and small businesses that can manage to hang on in such a market.
And this is why USA would invade another country over oil or any other resource. To crush and control competition so that prices for everything may be kept artificially inflated for maximum profit, and so that the means of production remains under their control.
In order to stay on top, they move endless hordes of trucks 4000+ miles in order to have a net movement of ice cream 50 miles. This only makes economic sense when the scheme is devised to cut out all potential non-aristocratic competition.
This is what socialism is really about. And this is why the rich fund socialist revolution at every turn. And this is why the rich pay their parrots to squawk about capitalism, when we don’t even have capitalism. We have a centrally-managed, socialist economy–capitalism for the poor, who have no capital, and socialism for the rich, who have all the capital.
Thus the capital of the poor continues to flow one direction, to the rich, and if the rich get into trouble, the government takes more capital from the poor to bail out the rich. That is socialism, not capitalism.
Real capitalism doesn’t have bailouts and central management and endless regulatory red tape that favors the rich corporate bosses. Real capitialism is everyone fighting like cats and dogs to provide the best product at the lowest prices, which has not been happening in America since the days before Rockefeller and Standard Oil. So when political weenies gripe about ‘capitalism’ they don’t realize what they are saying, because we live under a hardline socialist regime in the USA. People are decieved by word games into not even understanding their own reality.
So when another country’s resource exports would threaten the aristocracy’s control of prices and supply in the international market, the US regime sends them democracy bombs.
This is what socialism is really about. And this is why the rich fund socialist revolution at every turn. And this is why the rich pay their parrots to squawk about capitalism, when we don’t even have capitalism. We have a centrally-managed, socialist economy–capitalism for the poor, who have no capital, and socialism for the rich, who have all the capital.
the capital of the poor
the government takes more capital from the poor to bail out the rich. That is socialism, not capitalism.
Real capitalism doesn’t have bailouts and central management and endless regulatory red tape that favors the rich corporate bosses. Real capitialism is everyone fighting like cats and dogs to provide the best product at the lowest prices
we live under a hardline socialist regime in the USA
I won’t even ask “are you unwell” because the answer is obvious
Ad Homimem attack:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominemThat’s all you got … because … that’s all you got .
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Real capitalism doesn’t have bailouts and central management and endless regulatory red tape that favors the rich corporate bosses.
That’s still just capitalism. The state has been captured by the bourgeoisie since its birth in the 1776 bourgeois revolution. The Founding Fathers formed a bourgeois democracy, otherwise known as a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. The state has never represented the proletariat, and it was never supposed to.
Real capitialism is everyone fighting like cats and dogs to provide the best product at the lowest prices, which has not been happening in America since the days before Rockefeller and Standard Oil.
Firstly that is also just capitalism, and secondly, by the time Rockefeller became a robber baron it was already no longer that type of capitalism, but monopoly capitalism, which we still have today. This type of capitalism had been predicted by Marx and described in great detail by Lenin in Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism.
we live under a hardline socialist regime in the USA
So you don’t have even a basic understanding of capitalism or of socialism. Even Wikipedia isn’t this wrong.
Thus the capital of the poor continues to flow one direction, to the rich, and if the rich get into trouble, the government takes more capital from the poor to bail out the rich. That is socialism, not capitalism.
As long as the state serves the bourgeoisie, it is a capitalist state. A socialist state is when the state serves the proletariat. Communism is when it is a classless society. And sovereign fiat money doesn’t work that way. The government doesn’t get its money from the poor or from anyone else: it just creates it out of thin air. Why The Government Has Infinite Money
“So you don’t have even a basic understanding of capitalism or of socialism. Even Wikipedia isn’t this wrong.”
You are wrongly defining capitalism according to Marxist word play games.
Capitalism was the revolt against feudalism during the Crisis of the High Middle Ages. What you define as, ‘monopoly capitalism’ is in fact, ‘soviet socialism’. It is what it is, not what ideologues say it is.
Capitalism is the idea of private property as opposed to the feudalist idea of aristocratic-owned property, or legalized theft and peonage slavery. In feudalism (and socialism) the state owns all the property and determines its disposition. In capitalism the person who creates the property owns it, and determines its disposition in a competitive free market. Tyrants, grifters, thieves, slavers and other kinds of socialists or feudalists hate competition and private property. They want to use the deadly force of the state to take other people’s property and do what they themselves like with the property. They are thieves and robbers, liars and swindlers, all of them. Socialism is a criminal racket and armed robbery sanctioned by state armies and deadly force. If you are a socialist you are threatening to imprison or kill your neighbor if he doesn’t hand over his wealth or property for your benefit. Just because you get someone else (the police) to do the cutting for you, doesn’t make you any less the robber.
Robber barons were not capitalist. They were socialist robbers using state power to protect their rackets and squeeze out competition, the very opposite of the idea of capitalism. Marxists have muddied the water by introducing new, flexible, essentially meaningless terms like, ‘monopoly capitalism’ to distract from the monopoly nature of socialism.
America is not, ‘monopoly capitalist’. Monopoly is what feudalism maintained. Original capitalism was a revolt against the monopoly power of the state. Socialism is a return to feudalism, disguised as liberation theology by the use of clever word games and propaganda. Instead of the king granting the letters patent to secure monopolies, a cabal of legislators serve the same purpose through legislation and regulation. It is much more difficult to take down 535 sockpuppet dictators than it is one monarch. But it is still the same system owned by the same aristocratic families.
Socialism mass murdered dozens of millions of people in the last century. Socialism was patterned on the USA model of Bellamy federalism, which is feudalism. A rose by any other name is a rose just the same. The appearance of the whole scam is ‘democracy’ when the substance is the same as it ever was–a racist aristocracy that considers itself descended from a divine bloodline, ruling over the mass of people that they consider racially inferior to themselves. Or did you forget the doctrine of the ‘divine right of kings’ was a racial doctrine?
Your rulers consider themselves racially superior to you and me. They are descended from the royal and aristocratic bloodlines of the ancient world. They are taught from childhood that they are blessed with ‘divine lineage’ and by ‘divine right’ have the right to rule over the rabble by any means and deception necessary. This is their occult religion and that is why you see their occult symbols everywhere in their government logos and flags.
The US flag is one example. The red and white stripes are from the ancient Egyptian and Babylonian aristocracy and royalty. They wore capes with red and white stripes. The blue field with stars was an ancient Egyptian banner of the nobility of Egypt. The fake pablum meaning of the flag is the deceptive explanation that they give to the ‘profane’.
The US seal is another example. The eye of Horus atop the pyramid is from the same Pharonic nobility. It signifies their control over the people through a network of spies, symbolized by the pyriamid. Their spies consist of numerous intelligence agencies, government departments, police, courts, secret societies and even hidden societies, all which report ‘upward’ in the pyramid structure. To the uninitiated they all seem disconnected. To those who understand they can see that all of these organs serve one head honcho, whether wittingly or unwittingly. In order to confuse and divide people, the spies promote ridiculous conspiracy theories so that people don’t realize much of the spying is done by the government, and instead focus their onus on one group, such as freemasons. In reality, most government agents are generating data that is collected by the hidden rulers through various channels and many government agents don’t even realize what they are participating in.
The world is ruled by racist religious zealots and such has been the case for many centuries. These zealots are descended from ancient Mesopotamian nobility in Babylon and Egypt. They consider their noble bloodlines of ‘superior stock’ and ‘noble breeding.’
They give you ‘anti-racist’ action as a go-nowhere ‘rebellion’ that will never overthrow them. This is why they use Jew-baiting to use the Jews as a scapegoat to distract from the real racism regime. This is why right now there is a war in Gaza–to distract from the joint Putin and Zelinski regime killing and oppressing Christians in Ukraine. Both Putin and Zelinski are part of the same aristocracy, and they are working together, while pretending to be enemies. In the same way Churchill, Hitler, Stalin, and FDR were working together to scapegoat Jews and Christians in Germany. This is the false feud scam. And the aristocracy have employed this brainwashing tactic for centuries to keep their serfs loyal by colluding in false conflict with other rulers. This exploits the self-preservation instinct of the serfs on both sides, to galvanize their loyalty to the rulers that are exploiting them.
The Republican vs Democrat dog and pony show is a long-running false feud scam. Other false feud scams include Catholic vs Protestant, Left vs Right. There is no real conflict between these groups because they all promote the same systemic structure with mere cosmetic differences that bedazzle and captivate the victims of the scam. No matter which side ‘wins’ in the struggle, the chieftains who created the sides remain in hidden control over them.
Until people learn that their neighbor is their neighbor and should always come first before any loyalty to an identity or party, this will never change. The rulers exploit this weakness of the human psyche to, ‘divide and rule’ by creating the identities and parties to divide the people against each other.
“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” ~ Vladimir Lenin
In the end it all boils down to religion and religious war. The rulers are a religious cult that believes they are descended from ancient ‘gods’ with ‘superior blood’ or ‘better breeding’. The rulers believe that the rest of us are racially inferior and by this eugenics mentality that we should be subject to their capricious and arbitrary will. So they construct numerous adverse parties, ideologies, religions, sects, schools, and systems to keep the rest of us fighting with each other while they exploit our labor. Original capitalism was a rebellion against this economic religion of the aristocracy. Socialism is a return to this racialist religion of deception and hate. The rulers have declared racial holy war against the rest of us, and by means of deception and brainwashing they have waged their holy war upon us for centuries.
Because this post is already three days old, nobody is going to notice—never mind read—your wall of text, so why did you take the time to write it? To convince me personally?
You are wrongly defining capitalism according to Marxist word play games.
Marx didn’t write thick volumes on capital—building on Smith’s & Ricardo’s & etc’s works (while discarding their errors)—just to play word games, nor did/do the Marxian economists who have continued its development.
Both Putin and Zelinski are part of the same aristocracy, and they are working together, while pretending to be enemies.
Both Zelensky & Putin are the figureheads of capitalist states, but your gross oversimplifications bring you to utterly absurd, fact-free flights of fancy like this.
The Republican vs Democrat dog and pony show is a long-running false feud scam.
As any Marxist would tell you.
Original capitalism was a rebellion against this economic religion of the aristocracy.
Yes, it was a long bourgeois revolution against aristocracies. And liberalism is its ideology, replacing the divine rights of kings and to some extent religion itself. But it was very much not a proletarian revolution. The Founding Fathers intentionally formed a state that represents the capitalist class at the expense of the working class, and they succeeded spectacularly.
- “Bourgeois Democracy”: What Do Marxists Mean By This Term?
- Study: US is an oligarchy, not a democracy
In the end it all boils down to religion and religious war. […] Socialism is a return to this racialist religion of deception and hate.
It sounds like you’ve got libertarian and/or anarcho-capitalist brain worms, where every person should just be their own individual petit bourgeois sovereign citizen shopkeeper.
You are trying to make it about me, and assassinate my character with baseless insult and non-sequitur twaddle. In doing so you put your own character on display.
You actually haven’t even understood a word I wrote. The truth is not in you. It is your nature to use words to lie and obfuscate and conceal your true intentions. That is the dark heart of socialism.
🚨 Everyone, please see my true, dark-hearted intentions on display, as revealed by firefly ☝ My mask of lies, obfuscations, and concealments has been peeled away 🚨
Unfortunately virtually no one is going to see this. Feel free to @ people to bring this revelation to their attention.
This is starting to sound like persecutory delusion.
“Unfortunately virtually no one is going to see this.”
That’s what you think. But others are reading, and taking note, and amusing themselves.
Pray tell, what does your clairvoyant knowledge of the readership have to do with the facts at hand or subject of discussion?
And this is yet another bully tactic of trying to convince the target that he is ‘alone and isolated’ in his view. Your tactics are transparent. You just ‘intuit’ what you want to be true and then declare it to be so. Your socialist forefathers did the same, and they managed to murder millions of victims in the process of their incompetence and arrogance. You’re on the wrong side of history.
“This is starting to sound like persecutory delusion.”
This is more evidence of your tendency to ad hominem bile.
Since you are such an eminent psychologist, should I shudder before your most highly supernatural powers of psychoanalysis? Pray tell, where did you get your license to practice remote psychiatry? I sure would like to know the rocket scientry behind how that works!
Isn’t that sort of an absurd claim? The USA, the largest crude oil producer, steals paltry amounts of oil from Syria, one oil tanker at a time? Same for wheat. The U.S. exports 50% of its wheat, but loots Syrian wheat?
It all has to do with the economics of import/export. Somehow in some stupid way, if American oil fetches a higher price than Syrian oil with shipping factored, US companies will absolutely export our crude while importing foreign crude because it makes sense on a spreadsheet.
The United States military is stealing 60 trucks worth of oil because it’ll save money? The US produces 13 million barrels of crude a day, but it’s worth their time to steal 60 tanker trucks worth?
You don’t think it’s a bit silly to suggest that 60 tanker trucks is going to be worth time? What’s that even worth, have you checked?
The stated goal is harming people of Syria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFsFOS5Odno&t=903s
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I don’t know why you’re fixated on “60 tanker trucks.”
According to witnesses, the looting caravan consisted of 69 tankers loaded with oil and another 45 with wheat stolen from the silos in the city.
Do you believe that this one eyewitness report represents the entirety of what the US has done in Syria over the past decade?
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Seems rather excessive, doesn’t it? The genocide we’re currently supporting also seems a bit much.
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Are you suggesting the US is stealing oil for the sake of being cruel? This is some sort of strategic effort at the highest levels to take 60 tanker trucks of oil?
This is literally what a US official openly explained https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFsFOS5Odno&t=903s
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No, this is a US official saying that they’re plundering Syria in order to make people there suffer. Do you have comprehension problems that prevent you from understanding what’s being said in the clip?
You understand who runs this empire, right? It isn’t Antony Blinken or Lloyd Austin
Okay, so it’s not for cruelty but for commerce? 60 trucks worth of oil? C’mon.
60 trucks 60 trucks 60 trucks is convincing to one user, anyway 🙄
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Good for the USA helping the USA like that
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If the USA invaded the USA they’d probably just lose again. I’m not sure that’s even technically possible but their past track record shows it’s inevitable 😂
Technically, they already did that once, back in 1861…
Well the war in the USA would be so unpopular with the USA they’d be pressured to withdraw from the USA…but they’d stick around for another decade because defense contractors’ stonks were still doing great.
Only so it could destroy all your critical infrastructure and then charge you to rebuild it all using US contractors.
The USA doesn’t do what the USA does for the USA, the USA does what the USA does because the USA is the USA.
The USA would, however, also see that the USA is thoroughly anti-communist and corrupt as hell, so the USA would just the buy out the politcal leadership of the USA to turn the USA a disposable puppet state
Pacience. History always repeats itself, if you don’t learn from it, and imperialism always has its days numbered.
America! Fuck yeah.
Touch grass
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Stop being a circlejerk with this stuff.
True but without the US, western Europe would belong to Russia or China… That arguably a lot worse.
It’s the lesser of all evils.
Why would China “own” Western Europe. This sounds like a very vibes based analysis
The vibes:
Sure I work all my life to pay rent and the cops can murder me at any time for no reason and get away with it, but have you considered China worse somehow?
Yeah China seems worse to me.
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Based on what? Your hypothetical yellow peril bullshit where they would be worse if they could
You should go there. It would change your mind in an instant.
I would just be a tourist. I would of course like the people. People all over the world are quite nice. It’s the governments that are not…
China has a democratic government with far more oversight and participation from their citizens than the US
How many countries has China invaded?
This will probably devolve into the usual tropes. It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this.
Do you want current regime or it’s history? Because… Lol if you think that number is 0 for either.
Please, do tell. Current government. If you say Tibet I will die of laughter and then link you a very well-sourced and easy to read academic paper.
Would you mind linking that paper so that i can read it?
Happy to, it’s a banger if you’re not familiar
I would like to hear your true facts about the current regime
[this space reserved for unfalsifiable anti communist orthodoxy]
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How can China be of its current size without invading anyone? When it started, it was just a small patch in central Henan area.
This pedantry is ridiculous, wrong, and annoying. The Han ethnic group that was in a relatively small patch of land ~4,000 years ago is hardly the same thing as the contemporary Westphalian sovereign state known as People’s Republic of China, which formed less than a hundred years ago and comprises many ethnicities.
The people of China would not agree with your assertion that China is less than one hundred years old.
I think they would find your pedantry annoying as well.
I’m okay with that.
They would if they could. Imagine China having a powerful air force like the US have. They would dominate every country in the world just like the US is doing. The US puts almost all their money into high tech weaponry as well.
The US is going after the middle east to get oil and to establish military bases for future domination. Has nothing to do with liberation or democracy.
“imagine if China invaded the whole world. China doesn’t sound so good now, does it?”
Do you have any actual arguments? So far you are not really contributing to the discussion at all.
Argument: your US chauvinism is unjustified and you should probably justify it. Otherwise, you’re wasting everyone’s time with an undeserved smug attitude
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- List of Atrocities committed by US authorities
- A Detailed Chronological List of US Interventions, Invasions, Destabilzations, and Assistance to Oppressive Regimes (ending in 2002)
- The U.S. Did Not Defeat Fascism in WWII, It Discretely Internationalized It
- Shock therapy (economics)
- Are We The Baddies?
- The blueprint of regime change operations How regime change happens in the 21st century with your consent
- Michael Parenti: Africa is Rich
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Michael Parenti: Africa is Rich
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username checks out. The US is not the lesser evil. Its the greatest evil in the world. If Satan were at war with the US, i would support Satan because the US is the Greater Satan.
Disagree on that they are the most evil, but yes they are also evil. China, Russia, US… They are all evil. But the US seems like the lesser evil to me.
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Fucking hell. This isn’t an opinion, it’s a fact that the US is the enemy of the world. The US funds coups, destabilize, install military dictatorships, invades and bombs countries and it’s the only country in the world to drop a nuclear bomb on people, and THEY DID IT TWICE.
Stop making “wHaT iFs” in your head and actually look at the reality of what China does. It’s not even comparable.
You are not wrong. I agree they do all these things. And I don’t know what China does. I live outside of a China naturally, and I don’t know anything about what’s going on inside. We hear scary stories of course, and the leader of the country seems insane by western standards at least. I don’t think China cares about human rights very much. And I would not be surprised if people gets killed and made to disappear if they are inconvenient.
But honestly, I don’t know anything. I’m not there. I haven’t seen with my own eyes anything.
That’s the thing, you identified an issue, we constantly hear bad and scary stuff about China all the time, that’s western propaganda trying to turn China into the enemy so whatever the west, mainly the US, wants to do, becomes justifiable.
You don’t need to live there to know, at least partiatly, the reality of what goes on in the country nor it’s international relations. I’m not from the US, but I do know all those things I just cited in my last comment. All you need are good sources. You can start by studying how China handles its international relations. You’ll quickly realize that China doesn’t threat, embargo or invade other countries.
If you are genuinely interested you can learn a lot by visiting Lemmygrad and Hexbear, there are communities there to ask for information, and as long as you’re wanting to learn, you will be welcomed.
Also, Xi Jinping is not insane at all like the media likes to portray him. The statement is too broad for me to tackle any specific thing, tho.
I don’t think China cares about human rights very much. And I would not be surprised if people gets killed and made to disappear if they are inconvenient.
Again, very broad statement, what human rights and what you mean by this? This probably comes from more propaganda led disinformation.
Also, China is a massive country with 1.4 billion people. Do you really think we wouldn’t have proof of people being repressed, killed and disappearing? The people there aren’t isolated from the internet, they can access beyond the restrictions easily with VPNs which are common, it would be easy to show this stuff to the rest of the world.
Protests happen all the time in China and people critique the government, just like basically any other country.
If you want the perspective of a foreigner living there, I recommend the youtube channel Felipe Durante, he speaks Portuguese but the auto translate on youtube should be good enough, at least for english.
Thanks for the long post. I realize there is a lot of propaganda to try and decipher. We live in a world of public appearances and PR. :)
I don’t know what China does
Admitting that is good. If all you’ve heard about China is the kind of propaganda you hear in the West, then you’re going to have a distorted view and think the kind of things you do. But that’s not an informed opinion, that’s just repeating the anti-China messaging from Western countries.
I’m the lesser evil!
just get in the pit
👆 how to say you’re a racist without saying you’re a racist
What part of shining city on a hill do no not get, Canuck?
one of the most successful propaganda campaigns in history
shining city on a hill
I’m a racist because I don’t want China to control the western world the way the US is controlling it? :)
Thinking the US controlling things is good actually is fuckin cringe lol
What’s cringe is your comments here… You just contribute nothing to the discussion.
Why isn’t it good that the US is controlling things? And why do you think it’s better if China would?
That’s how you have a real discussion.
I don’t owe you a discussion
I’m not some debate pervert
Make your discussion worth my time
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Skin color is completely irrelevant. Now I think you are just wasting my time and trolling. :) I’ve been called a racist like 3 times now. Is that what you guys do, just play the racist card in every discussion? Certainly seems like it so far.
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Lol ok. :)
You should read what wrote again. It’s impossible to not see how racist it is, unless you’re a rascist.
Assuming China wants to control the western world or any world at all shows how you have no idea what you’re talking about.
It might suprise you, but not everyone is the USA.
Nah it would be better.
Of course you are operating under the childish assumption that either of them would act like the USA, which is nonsense. Neither ever did so in their history. Russia was always happy to stay to itself and be secure, that meant you had a great neighbour and trade partner if you did not fuck with it. China could have conquered most of its neighbours multiple times it its history, but rarely ventured out of what are now the chinese borders, historically extremely defensive and trade oriented.
meanwhile the USA has been at peace for less than 15 years during its entire history. Of all those wars, almost all were ones of aggression.
You compare two sane people to a frothing berserker yelling “MAIM! KILL! BURN! LOOT!” ad infinitum.