Local-only octoprint is feeling better and better.
Friends don’t let friends buy proprietary cloud locked printers.
Makes me very glad that my printer has a power supply with a big clicky hard-cutoff switch that only gets turned on when I intend to use it.
These printers come with that too. Just most didn’t have it turned off overnight when this happened.
They should have it turned off because the Bambu lab printed have been tested and shown to draw much more power when idle compared to other printers. It’s not much but overtime it adds up.
X1 Carbon owner here. I’ve had absolutely zero issues with my printer and was not affected by the their recent fumble. I’ve had mine for over 6 months but under a year, & print most days out of the week. I love open source shit, but honestly, in my experience, if you want a set it and forget it, fantastic build quality & speed printer I’d recommend the X1 Carbon in a heartbeat. I’ve heard their slicer is a rip of Cura, I don’t know much about that though, but it’s worked very well for me. All’s I’m saying is that not everyone is having a bad experience with them, but I also can’t see the future. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Nothing a Wi-Fi controlled power outlet can’t fix. If the printer is turned off it can’t suddenly start printing.
OK, but the fact that this is a thing that can happen should be making everyone think twice about buying from this manufacturer.
Really? “nightmare fuel”?
Some people have a really low bar for considering something a nightmare.
There may have been a nonzero chance of it starting a fire, since the article describes some printers as “tearing themselves apart”, which could conceivably have included wiring damage or hot things landing outside the printer on flammable material.
Also, since it seems to have been printing copies of previous prints, um, well . . . some people do print sex toys. I can see how explaining that one to your eight-year-old or your mother-in-law, if they find it first, could be considered a nightmare.
I really want a X1-C. A colleague has one and loves it. But I can’t deal with closed source and mandatory network.
I want a p1. but the nature of proprietary hardware in general and now stories like this have me rethinking it. I’m tired of having to constantly fuck with my ender 5 pro.
Could you consider a prusa mk 4? It’s set and forget, not as fast as Bambu but no slouch. Support is excellent, open source and parts readily available.
Another vote for the Mk4. I’m very happy with mine, and I think that some people who lash out against it need to consider that not everybody wants a speed demon. Some people want good support and high uptime.
From what I read the Bambu’s have excellent support and uptime as well